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Tomodachi Life


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Oh and just for the record, I'm fully supporting of anyone who is LGBTQA. Nothing against anyone who is (hell some people in my own family are openly bi!) and apologies to anyone who I may have upset the other day, that wasn't my intention at all.


Definitely think we're on the same page here, Dcubed. Maybe I can get a bit carried away with my "principles" (which were about authorship, not sexuality) and sound a bit of an ass. Hope I haven't upset anyone either.


Whilst I defend the "game" as it is (do you even "play" it?), it's no bad thing that Nintendo has been sent a message about this. Tomodachi Life is obviously highly experimental, and presumably any sequel would be more sophisticated. I would strongly support the inclusion of same-sex relationships in the sequel, and be against that being taken out for the European version (I can't speak for Americans, obviously).

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It's just a bloody game. Play it or don't. Gays weren't excluded due to malicious intent, it was just an "oopsie-daisy" moment. Is religion included? What next, you didn't recognise my religion? My mix marriage baby came out the wrong colour? (There are babies right?) There's always going to be someone excluded. I can't believe such a fun looking game has been reduced to "Nintendo are homophobic, wah wah", likely from people who didn't even have an intention of buying the game, and it didn't matter to them that their Mii could be gay until "someone told them it should matter". Nintendo realised their ACCIDENTAL mistake and will release a more thorough sequel, which is the best any one can expect, since a "simple code flick" is not on the cards no matter what people seem to think. I had more intelligent things to say, but just deleted my post as reading some of the posts about this game across the internet has made me realise some people are beyond having a adult logical conversation.


OF COURSE...I'm sure Nintendo are not stressing this. Free PR for the game is free PR after all.

Edited by Mr_Master_X2
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It's just a bloody game. Play it or don't. Gays weren't excluded due to malicious intent, it was just an "oopsie-daisy" moment. Is religion included? What next, you didn't recognise my religion? My mix marriage baby came out the wrong colour? (There are babies right?) There's always going to be someone excluded. I can't believe such a fun looking game has been reduced to "Nintendo are homophobic, wah wah", likely from people who didn't even have an intention of buying the game, and it didn't matter to them that their Mii could be gay until "someone told them it should matter". Nintendo realised their ACCIDENTAL mistake and will release a more thorough sequel, which is the best any one can expect, since a "simple code flick" is not on the cards no matter what people seem to think. I had more intelligent things to say, but just deleted my post as reading some of the posts about this game across the internet has made me realise some people are beyond having a adult logical conversation.


OF COURSE...I'm sure Nintendo are not stressing this. Free PR for the game is free PR after all.


I'm stepping into a minefield here, but I'll give this a go. :p


An "oopsy daisy" moment? An "accidental" mistake? This game probably spent many months in production. Are you telling me that at no point during this game's inception, the research phase, testing, etc that nobody pointed out that such an option wasn't available? Somewhere along the line, this would have been raised. It's naive to think it hasn't. If that's the case and it's truly an "innocent mistake", then the company are even more naive and oblivious than we think.


This is a life-sim and should reflect many aspects of real life. You say it's "just a game". Well, games are right up there now with films, music and books as an art form and a popular mode of entertainment. Is Star Wars just a film, given that it's influenced many industries, lifestyles, forms of media, or is it much more than that? An important point to think about.


Nintendo SHOULD be stressing about this in some way because they have potentially upset some of their audience. These are people, not just consumers. I don't know how homosexuality is perceived in the East, but this game is being marketed and sold in the West, too. Not knowing your audience and some of the social issues that they encounter on a daily basis is unforgivable. If you want to sell the game to the West, you need to know the audience. In this case, Nintendo has neglected what I would say is decent proportion of their audience.


Finally, Nintendo are often being cited as saying that they produce games for everyone. They are a family company, a company that makes games for everybody from the age of 3 to 303. If they truly are as inclusive as they say they are, then they should be the ones setting an example and leading the way for others. You can't on the one hand say that you make games for everyone, whilst simultaneously excluding people; accidental or not.

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I can see this from both sides, ultimately it might be 'just a game' but all titles have a reasonable amount of development time where everything has to bed coded in so at some point when it came to the relationship aspect of the title it would seem that only the variable 'M/F' was coded in without giving a thought on if 'M/M' or 'F/F' relationships should even be included. But I don't think that Nintendo would have done this to intentionally annoy anyone or to exclude even if they have in some way which seems to be the case, it certainly does go to show how very insular they can be in some respects, though at least their response to the situation shows that they are willing to consider being more 'open-minded' in their potential sequels which of course might be viewed as right/wrong or good/bad; at least it's something though. ::shrug:


Personally I don't think it would have done any 'harm' at all to have included all kinds of relationships, indeed the word 'harm' shouldn't even come into it in this day and age because as it has been said before yes Nintendo are a family company but the modern definition of the term 'family' has changed a lot over the past few years, even decades but particularly in this modern age we live in most of the world accepts that the term 'family' doesn't just mean 'Mum/Dad/Kids' but instead there are many families who have same sex parents or children/siblings who are of various sexual orientations; this isn't a 'new' thing at all though it seems as if it is to Nintendo. :blank:


Now I understand that Nintendo are a somewhat traditional company but this doesn't mean that they shouldn't be open to change in some way, it's not even as if the 'relationship' scenes in Tomadachi Life or even properly detailed are they? The style of the game is very whimsical so I don't think it would even have much of an effect on the games rating so I can't see it being an issue there or even at all... yet somehow it just is? :wtf:


All I know is that I will be looking forward to playing the game as I've had it preordered long before any of this 'uproar' took place, though it does sadden me to know that some Nintendo fans will feel excluded in some way because of an omission which should have been more carefully considered before the decision was made just to simply not code it in to the game. :(


I truly hope that Nintendo will make good on including everything and everyone in the next instalment of what is sure to becomes a successful franchise but for now surely there is still a huge amount of fun to be had from this title? : peace:

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Yeah I pretty much agree with SGC entirely. It's certainly not a trifling matter that should be ignored because "it's just a game" and I would've liked to see it implemented into Tomodachi Life, but not retroactively patched into the game after it has already launched and certainly not in response to any sort of protest.


Include it in the next game? sure, no reason not to. But nobody should ever be able to bully an artist (of any sort) to change their work after they have already deemed it "finished" and have released it, no matter the subject matter IMO.

Edited by Dcubed
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I'm stepping into a minefield here, but I'll give this a go. :p


An "oopsy daisy" moment? An "accidental" mistake? This game probably spent many months in production. Are you telling me that at no point during this game's inception, the research phase, testing, etc that nobody pointed out that such an option wasn't available? Somewhere along the line, this would have been raised. It's naive to think it hasn't. If that's the case and it's truly an "innocent mistake", then the company are even more naive and oblivious than we think.


This is a life-sim and should reflect many aspects of real life. You say it's "just a game". Well, games are right up there now with films, music and books as an art form and a popular mode of entertainment. Is Star Wars just a film, given that it's influenced many industries, lifestyles, forms of media, or is it much more than that? An important point to think about.


Nintendo SHOULD be stressing about this in some way because they have potentially upset some of their audience. These are people, not just consumers. I don't know how homosexuality is perceived in the East, but this game is being marketed and sold in the West, too. Not knowing your audience and some of the social issues that they encounter on a daily basis is unforgivable. If you want to sell the game to the West, you need to know the audience. In this case, Nintendo has neglected what I would say is decent proportion of their audience.


Finally, Nintendo are often being cited as saying that they produce games for everyone. They are a family company, a company that makes games for everybody from the age of 3 to 303. If they truly are as inclusive as they say they are, then they should be the ones setting an example and leading the way for others. You can't on the one hand say that you make games for everyone, whilst simultaneously excluding people; accidental or not.


I think it's more that gay marriage isn't really a thing (or big thing) in Japan, and this is basically just a translation job and nothing more.

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I've purposely avoided the controversy around this game as I don't think my opinion would add anything.


So, I'm more curious about who's actually getting it. I was really hyped for this, but all this hysteria has kind of took the focus off the actual game. After watching a few trailers again though, I can't wait for this! But there's still a lot I don't know - Such as...


I've seen that Mii's in the game are ones you know - Can you choose to import these from StreetPass and (gasp) online? Or is it a simple Mii Maker affair?


Has anyone played the Japanese version? I'm curious as to if this leans more in the Animal Crossing levels of customisation and gameplay or a more 'just see what happens' type thing like on My Pokémon Ranch (great game btw :P)


Either way, June can't come soon enough! Crazily, I think I'm looking forward to this more than Mario Kart :p

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I've purposely avoided the controversy around this game as I don't think my opinion would add anything.


So, I'm more curious about who's actually getting it. I was really hyped for this, but all this hysteria has kind of took the focus off the actual game. After watching a few trailers again though, I can't wait for this! But there's still a lot I don't know - Such as...


I've seen that Mii's in the game are ones you know - Can you choose to import these from StreetPass and (gasp) online? Or is it a simple Mii Maker affair?


Has anyone played the Japanese version? I'm curious as to if this leans more in the Animal Crossing levels of customisation and gameplay or a more 'just see what happens' type thing like on My Pokémon Ranch (great game btw :P)


Either way, June can't come soon enough! Crazily, I think I'm looking forward to this more than Mario Kart :p


I can't ignore this. I hate "My Pokemon Ranch" with a passion. Mostly because it doesn't even look good.


Those Pokemon toy models are disgusting!

Plus, the "game" loses all it's appeal after about 2 minutes.


Ahem... Anyway, I'll be getting this as soon as I can. It looks too hilarious to not do so.

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@Glen\-i That's the main reason I liked it so much, I loved the art-style, if you can call it that, in making pokemon with as few polygons as possible. Maybe I'm just weird but I thought it made them all very charming :p Especially the way Golem would waddle around

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@Glen\-i That's the main reason I liked it so much, I loved the art-style, if you can call it that, in making pokemon with as few polygons as possible. Maybe I'm just weird but I thought it made them all very charming :p Especially the way Golem would waddle around


If you really want to rile him up, mention how much you adore the look of Pokemon Rumble U ;)

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My gay best friend heard about it. He said, and I quote, "How fucking stupid. Someone will ALWAYS get excluded in games, movies, shows, music, whatever" and I think he has a point. I can get why people are a bit upset but to say Nintendo are homophobic is just stupid.

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Tell him that unlike music, shows, movies, this is a game that is based entirely on SOCIETY, and has managed to exclude a sizable part of said society. Relationships are part of Nintendo society, as long as they're opposite sex relationships.

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As far as I can see, Tomodachi Life as a 'life simulator' is a very vague term, it's clearly not very realistic and more about bizarre situations and crazy interactions than trying to simulate normal every day lives in any way.


It's also clearly a mistake on Nintendos part for not including gay relationships, either because of the cultural thing that everyone has banged on about, because of merely overlooking it or because this is such a small part of a game that is so far removed from reality in the first place they simply didn't think to include it. Do they allow you to save a prince instead of a princess in Mario? You may say that's an absurd comparison, but honestly, can anyone take this as a serious life sim?


If you're gonna look at miis worshipping a Virtual Boy and claim this is a LIFE SIM so it should allow gay people to marry one another (Or date, or run across the beach, or whatever it is) then pretty much anything should have that option. Obviously, it would be great if it was an option, but it's so clearly obvious how it can be overlooked in such an unrealistic game that's aimed towards a young demographic that it's absurd to think this is some sort of message from Nintendo or some homophobic jab.


Honestly, if this was something like the sims I could understand but given the game at hand, you may as well say Nintendo are homophobic for not allowing you to breed two male Mr Mimes.



(And this is why I wasn't going to comment on it as I know this will be an unpopular opinion but... It's late and I can't sleep so whatever)

Edited by Josh64
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Honestly, if this was something like the sims I could understand but given the game at hand, you may as well say Nintendo are homophobic for not allowing you to breed two male Mr Mimes.


Funny you should say that... considering that you can't breed a Nidoking and a Nidoqueen together in Pokemon, but you can breed a Nidoking and a Ditto together... Just saying ;)

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From ONM.


In what appears to a unique twist on the demo, every copy of Tomodachi Life will ship with two download codes for Tomodachi Life: Welcome Version, a short sampler of the full game. Those who finish this mini slice of Nintendo's bobble-headed life sim will then be able to import their Miis into the full game and will receive a bonus panda costume in the process. Hooray!


Welcome Version offers the full Mii creation kit, allowing you to magic up a digital avatar, give it one of the game's bizarre synthesised voices and assign personality traits. You'll then be able to enjoy the opening segment of the game, creating up to three Miis and watching them interact and go about their oddball lives.


You'll also be able to feed them, which is more exciting than it sounds considering that the first time we shoveled bread into Ice Cube's gob he liked the taste so much that he turned into a rocket and flew into space. If that doesn't pique your interest, we don't know what will.


Completing the Welcome Version and buying the full game - either on eShop or at retail - will unlock a panda costume. While that may not sound like a big deal, if you imagine Ice Cube eating bread and turning into a rocket WHILE being dressed as a panda, the appeal is instantly understandable. Those who skip the Welcome Version and buy the game will have the chance to unlock the panda suit in the normal course of play.


The game, and its Welcome Version, both arrive on 6 June. Will you be getting it, or will you wait to sample this digital taster first?


Interesting way to get people on board.

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Bit of a weird way to do a demo... (though I suppose that in of itself is befitting of this game :p)


I get that they're trying to encourage viral messaging here through this referral system, but I don't get why they don't just put it up for everyone AND include these download codes (maybe make the panda costume exclusive to this referral version?)

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