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Is it quiet in here? Or is it just me?


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Has anybody noticed a drop off in the amount of new posts or replies in the past couple of weeks or so? I know it's summer and people are outside and all, but some boards go untouched for days and there's only been about 4 or 5 new replies in the General board since last night.


What gives?

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When I joined these boards I was about 14, now I'm 25. I have a 9-5 job, a fiancée and a mortgage isn't far off. Life is busy, and we've all grown up a bit. We probably scare off potential newbies because on the outset, our threads don't look that much fun. We hide all our games and creative stuff in a separate, quieter board and delete or quickly sink threads that seem childish or pointless.


Also no matter how hard we tried to stop it, everyone insisted on having a these mega threads. You don't make a new thread when you hear a new artist, you add to the "what's the last song..." thread. You see the greatest revolution on the internet? Add it to the "Awesome Stuff Thread". Found out you're moving to one of the greatest cities in the world, all expenses paid? "Good Stuff thread". Not only does this hide all our content from our users, it hides it from search engines too, reducing new members.


The only other contributing factor I can think if is probably sites like Facebook, which prompt us to sit in our own bubble and interact those we've deemed "friends" rather than trying to make new ones. Ironically social media seems to make us less sociable in many ways.

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Hmm, i just tend to go to the forum games thread much of this month. I'm usually busy all day, and tired when i get home and can't be bothered to post elsewhere. I'm not saying negative about N-E, still love visiting. I think i need to post more though.


We do have to understand that peoples lives are moving on, many of us are a lot older and have different lives than we did years ago.

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Not having Internet at home doesn't help my cause much at all, iPhone on 3g connection just doesn't cut it, And i've found myself more busy at work since this new position & training have come into play.


Dunno, I guess threads should be created when someone reads something they think could be interesting on another site, but people don't tend to. Or it'll be related to an existing thread so people just post it there.

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Well, the Olympics, at least those threads get a little activity. Still, I've gotten into the bad habit of not publishing. I might write a reply, and after I'm done...I just go nah, who cares, and close the tab. It's weird o_O

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When I joined these boards I was about 14, now I'm 25. I have a 9-5 job, a fiancée and a mortgage isn't far off. Life is busy, and we've all grown up a bit. We probably scare off potential newbies because on the outset, our threads don't look that much fun. We hide all our games and creative stuff in a separate, quieter board and delete or quickly sink threads that seem childish or pointless.


Also no matter how hard we tried to stop it, everyone insisted on having a these mega threads. You don't make a new thread when you hear a new artist, you add to the "what's the last song..." thread. You see the greatest revolution on the internet? Add it to the "Awesome Stuff Thread". Found out you're moving to one of the greatest cities in the world, all expenses paid? "Good Stuff thread". Not only does this hide all our content from our users, it hides it from search engines too, reducing new members.


The only other contributing factor I can think if is probably sites like Facebook, which prompt us to sit in our own bubble and interact those we've deemed "friends" rather than trying to make new ones. Ironically social media seems to make us less sociable in many ways.


You're right. The closing of the big threads back then unfortunately didn't help matters much; people were still set in their ways, so few new threads were actually made, and the overall activity dropped.


It also seem there's been a general decline in activity over the last couple of years. I'm sure there was much, much more activity when I first joined. Maybe we were just all younger and had more free time then.


Though currently I think we're just in the dead of summer.

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The sad truth is Shorty's correct, you all moaned when the admins wanted to get rid of the larger threads and now your (one of youe) moaning because the boards are quiet, choices choices guys.

Edited by James
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The sad truth is Shorty's correct, you all moaned when the admins wanted to get rid of the larger threads and now your (one of youe) moaning because the boards are quiet, choices choices guys.


The closing of the big threads didn't do much for activity, though. Obviously we're all to blame for lack of activity, but some of the criticism voiced when the threads were closed turned out to be valid enough.

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People are kidding themselves if they think that having large threads is even close to a major factor (or even a factor) for why the forums gets less activity these days. It's like one of those lies that people have repeated so many times that they have started to believe it. Plenty of forums have these sorts of topics and have more activity. Plus it does not explain at all how there is less activity now when we have these threads, versus years ago when we had these threads and more activity.


Times they be a changing. Shorty is right about existing members growing up an moving on/posting less, there's no doubt about that. Nintendo is also the drawing factor for people to a Nintendo forum, even if people eventually settle mostly in general. And we have to admit, Nintendo isn't the same and therefore doesn't draw the same sorts of people any more.


Edit: apologies @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane I see the confusion now, I meant to say having large threads not closing them. :p

Edited by Sheikah
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People are kidding themselves if they think that closing large threads is even close to a major factor (or even a factor) for why the forums gets less activity these days. It's like one of those lies that people have repeated so many times that they have started to believe it. Plenty of forums have these sorts of topics and have more activity. Plus it does not explain at all how there is less activity now when we have these threads, versus years ago when we had these threads and more activity.


Just to be clear, this is not at all what I'm saying. In fact I don't think the overall decline in activity has had much, if anything to do with the big threads or their closing.

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