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No charger? Quite possibly one of the most stupid decisions I've ever seen from a company.


This is going to backfire so bad, the amount of returns is going to be crazy.


Agreed. Seems to me like they're banking on the pre-existing 3DS fans to pick one up rather than new customers, I'm not buying the whole "no charger included to keep the price low" bollocks.

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Considering how Game etc. try and force you to buy everything from insurance to screen wipes when you buy a new console I'm sure there won't be many people that leave the store without a charger. Personally I'm happy to just have the unit, I have four chargers already no need for another one.

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Looks nice I'll give it that, happy that they didn't add a 2nd circle pad so that no games end up being made that requires it.


Though my 3DS just barely fits into some of my jacket/pants pockets so I doubt the XL would fit in any at all.


Plus I strapped for cash and want to try save for a WiiU, I'm happy with my 3DS :D

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Agreed. Seems to me like they're banking on the pre-existing 3DS fans to pick one up rather than new customers, I'm not buying the whole "no charger included to keep the price low" bollocks.


No other reason to not include it...


This will be my home bound 3DS, while my regular model is used on the go (did the same thing with my DSi/DSiXL), so I guess the charger/battery business wont bother me too much. No way am I carrying this great big hulking thing around with me!


Problem is that my DD games will have to remain solely on my 3DS, as I'd want to be able to play them while out and about. Bit of a shame that I can't have them on both devices like you can with PSN :(

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Doesn't anyone carry a man-bag anymore? ;)


I've been hoping for a bigger screened version since day 1, but assumed it would be more of a 'pro' version with increased resolution and the extra circle pad (not that I'm bothered about the latter). Will the jaggies look horrendous at this size? The screen could certainly use more brightness and 'pop'. Might wait for hands-on accounts.

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I'm 99.9% getting one, yeah. :hehe:

I use the 3DS a lot (and will blatantly use it a lot more in the future), so want to be playing on the best possible version of the system.


I think you'll be fine with the current version then. A screen that size with that resolution is going to be pretty nasty. Its a nice size, but really needed a bump in resolution.


And no one really complained about the battery capacity; we were complaining about the length of use between charges which has barely improved. The lack of dual sticks is said to be putting western developers off the system - so why not put them in.


Its a pretty shoddy update in my opinion.


I've said this a thousand times. You can't have the 2nd circle pad because there's no way to incorporate the additional 2 shoulder buttons on a handheld device.


Yeah, a bit like how you can't have wings on a car because there's no room to incorporate a giraffe?


You can add a second stick without the addition of two more shoulder buttons. I don't think there is a law about it. There's plenty of real estate on this device, easily enough to include a second circle pad and slight adjustment to the face buttons.

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Agreed. Seems to me like they're banking on the pre-existing 3DS fans to pick one up rather than new customers


As well as anyone with a DSi or DSi XL.


Yeah, a bit like how you can't have wings on a car because there's no room to incorporate a giraffe?


You can add a second stick without the addition of two more shoulder buttons. I don't think there is a law about it. There's plenty of real estate on this device, easily enough to include a second circle pad and slight adjustment to the face buttons.


The Circle Pad Pro has two extra shoulder buttons, so without them you would still need an attachment.


Still, I'm sure there could have been some way to implement them.

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Very exciting, I think, although I do have some reservations:


* No charger. Not that I mind buying one, but I will have to do so as I plan to trade in my DSi XL and 3DS (it is good that we'll finally have a machine that is the best of both worlds though).


* No big games. No really big games, I mean. No "system sellers" like a Zelda or Dragon Quest (the former is what I bought a DS Lite for; the latter inspired me to buy a DSi XL). I'm looking forward to what's been announced, but hopefully there's something even better on the way.


* Lack of dual analogue. The biggest issue, in my opinion. There is no doubt in my mind that dual analogue is a very good thing indeed and greatly enhanced the enjoyment I got from the PS2 and GameCube. However, I had resigned myself to the fact that there would probably never be any Nintendo games on the 3DS that used it... The problem is, how can Nintendo expect Capcom to make and localise games like Resident Evil and Monster Hunter if dual analogue remains just a one-off novelty that happened briefly with the Circle Pad Pro?


Like I said though, I am excited about this. I know from the DSi XL that it will be worth buying, even if it's just for Luigi's Mansion 2, Paper Mario, Animal Crossing and my old games. Excellent news!

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It's the same resolution, surely? You'd think that would be a bad thing when enlarged, but from my experience that's really not the case. The increased screen size of the DSi XL made me enjoy it 10x as much as the DS Lite, if not more.

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My bad, I meant same resolution stretched out over more space. Basically the games will look blown up (90% larger area is pretty extreme).


Yep, but it's not like stretching something over more pixels than it was designed for (like playing Game Boy or DS game on the 3DS). It's more like how you can get 1080p TVs in 32", 50" and all sorts of other sizes. Either way, I see your point.


Believe me, Sheikah, I look forward to the day when people realise resolution has an effect on gameplay. I always wanted the 3DS to be a higher resolution - look at how it struggles to run SD ports, let alone HD ones. Let's hope the next handheld is at least SD equivalent.

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Yep, but it's not like stretching something over more pixels than it was designed for (like playing Game Boy or DS game on the 3DS). It's more like how you can get 1080p TVs in 32", 50" and all sorts of other sizes. Either way, I see your point.


Believe me, Sheikah, I look forward to the day when people realise resolution has an effect on gameplay. I always wanted the 3DS to be a higher resolution - look at how it struggles to run SD ports, let alone HD ones. Let's hope the next handheld is at least SD equivalent.



Just had a look, the pixel density of the 3DS LL upper/lower screens is similar to 1080p output on a reasonably sized HDTV screen. But the major difference is you hold the 3DS in front of your face, so the difference will be really noticeable.

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This WILL come with a charger, im sure of it now. Nintendo won't be that idiotic.


Annoyingly I bought a new 3DS case yest ready which fits the device in perfectly... Now what do I do? Keep the 3DS? Really wished Nintendo sorted the account feature out before this was released so we could make run two devices with all the content ton, maybe even with transferable game saves!

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The only reason why I think they could get away with not including a charger would be if they planned that you could charge it via a USB cable instead. But they didn't seem to make that claim so it's pretty baffling. The Vita was given a lot of stick as you had to have an SD card to do game saves, this situation is just as bad if not worse.

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This WILL come with a charger, im sure of it now. Nintendo won't be that idiotic.



Why so sure? It was confirmed it wouldnt during the Euro Nintendo Direct they even gave specific reasons why there wouldnt be one.


The Vita was given a lot of stick as you had to have an SD card to do game saves, this situation is just as bad if not worse.


There about the same, you needed a memory card to just play the Vita games never mind save your place.

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Why so sure? It was confirmed it wouldnt during the Euro Nintendo Direct they even gave specific reasons why there wouldnt be one.


I'm pretty sure they will changed their mind too.


They're banking on old customers buying one, but I imagine new customers will feel pretty mislead. It's just not standard practice.


New customer looks at new 3DS "Oh, good thing I waited, price point looks good too".

"Would you like to buy a charger with that? It's not included"



It's a completely ridiculous idea. If they were so concerned about the price point, why aren't there two SKU's? I know you can argue that "oh, but they'll be selling the charger separately so it's all good", but it isn't. It's a stupid idea that's very misleading and is highly likely to catch some people out who aren't in the know about video gaming. The reasons are complete bullshit.

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I think the no charger is a Japanese trend. I read a lot of their stuff like new mobiles, don't come with chargers. With the disgusting taxes we have to pay over here, they might be trying to cut costs.


The lack of dual sticks is said to be putting western developers off the system - so why not put them in.


This is why it was never going to happen in the first place. You split 3DS owners and basically have two different consoles on market: the 3DS and the 3D Nipple S. Those western devs you mention would still only develop if they had total reliance on the 2nd stick and the option of totally freezing out 1 stick 3DS no marks.


Just because of the size of this thing, I agree they might have incorporated the 2nd stick here, because if they do make a CPP for this thing it will be nasty. No way is this thing meant to be portable either, so might as well jam the shoulder buttons on it and a Gaviscon vending machine too.


The 3DS is the only true portable out there as I see it. The Vita isn't a true portable, and making room for another stick and shoulder buttons on the 3DS will just turn it into a Vita style brick.

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There's a luminous yellow rectangle on the box of the 3DS XL to warn consumers about the charger situation. So anyone that gets "a nasty surprise" needs to get their vision sorted before playing video games. :heh:

Or perhaps wait for an even bigger version:





It's a stupid idea that's very misleading and is highly likely to catch some people out who aren't in the know about video gaming.
And this potential problem bothers you because?... ::shrug:


I'd get the concerns over this a bit more if the current 3DS was being replaced by the XL, but seeing as it's just an optional upgrade (and one that appears to be mainly targeted at the existing 3DS user base) I really don't see what all the fuss is about. :blank:

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And this potential problem bothers you because?... ::shrug:

"It doesn't affect me so it's not my problem"? Great mentality!


It bothers me and I don't even want the console. It bothers me because it's a poor, cheap and selfish decision which worries me about the direction Nintendo is moving in.


Will the Wii U need AV cables buying separately? Will the next Zelda require yet another console add-on?


Maybe I'll never need a 3DS XL charger, but if it is indicative of Nintendo's practice, it's a bit disheartening.

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This WILL come with a charger, im sure of it now. Nintendo won't be that idiotic.


Annoyingly I bought a new 3DS case yest ready which fits the device in perfectly... Now what do I do? Keep the 3DS? Really wished Nintendo sorted the account feature out before this was released so we could make run two devices with all the content ton, maybe even with transferable game saves!


I doubt they're going to go back on it when it's out next month. I wouldn't be surprised if the reason they're not including one is because they wanted to push it out the door and having to wait for the different plugs we use would have taken more time.


I'm also annoyed at having to find a new case for the 3DS XL. I'm using the one which looks like Mario's clothes. It was made for the DSi/Lite but it fits the 3DS really well and I like it!


The Vita was given a lot of stick as you had to have an SD card to do game saves, this situation is just as bad if not worse.


The Vita doesn't use an SD card and that was the problem. If they'd have used a standard memory card format you'd have heard no complaints at all about the storage.

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