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I've been thinking about this and I still can't decide whether the excitement outweighs the disappointment, or vice versa. But I'll get to that later...


In regards to the second circle pad - is it really a "must-have'?


I don't think it was the for the original 3DS (although it would have been nice), but it was for the remake. As some people have said, Nintendo fixed the issue (with the Circle Pad Pro), but the redesign doesn't include the "fix". I honestly find that staggering.


Dual analogue is important and useful in almost every genre I can think of, not just FPSes, but platformers, RPGs... anything. Being able to swing the camera around and line it up with Mario, Link etc gave so much more control over the game, made everything more enjoyable and actually allowed for more intricately-designed game worlds. I wasn't too disappointed the 3DS didn't have dual analogue because at least it was a step in the right direction (after the DS; the Wii, on the other hand, was actually a backwards step), but like I say it's all about not including the "fix".


Can anyone help me here?


I haven't the foggiest as to why this 'redesign' was conceived.


Who likes BIGGER handhelds?


Me. And I genuinely think there was a lot of demand for this. Maybe the under-30s don't understand this as much but people become much more prone to eyestrain after 30. The DS Lite was just to small for me, but the DSi XL was a revelation. It solved all the discomfort in a stroke.


Also, I checked my DSi XL box and it says the screens are 93% bigger, so the 3DS XL should be fine as well (ie. not look too pixelated).


And this is why I'm still excited for the handheld. The decision not to include dual analogue despite the Circle Pad Pro really is one of those classic "Bad Nintendo Decisions"! But it makes me shake my head more than it disappoints me. I'm more thinking "Oh, so they decided to totally forget about it this gen?" Unbelievable, but at least people can still play their Circle Pad Pros (not that any more games will be released for it, I should think).


So if it seems like I'm on the fence, it's just because I believe the dual analogue situation is a very bad decision, and yet I know the 3DS XL will, nonetheless, improve every 3DS game I play from now on. :hmm:

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This really isn't as big a deal as it has become. It's another option. Apple have iPods and iPod Nanos. It gives the customer more choice. It's as big a difference as having different colours available to you. Nintendo also do different sizes. It's a lovely idea.


Why are some people so angry about there being more choice? I think there would be twice as much uproar if they'd made more changes and actually made the original obsolete.

Edited by Hamishmash
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This really isn't as big a deal as it has become. It's another option. Apple have iPods and iPod Nanos. It gives the customer more choice. It's as big a difference as having different colours available to you. Nintendo also do different sizes. It's a lovely idea.


Why are some people so angry about there being more choice? I think there would be twice as much uproar if they'd made more changes and actually made the original obsolete.


But Apple wouldn't miss something so glaring, fix it, then ignore it in their next model...


Look, you can see it as another option to the 3DS, in that regard. Fine. But that's not how I'm looking at it. I'm looking at it from 2 perspectives 1. I have a 3DS and I wouldn't mind a new version, big screens is a big plus, but is it enough? Probably but I'm like that. But at the same time I wish it offered more. 2. They are bringing out a new 3DS, that's a simple fact. SO WHY NOT IMPROVE IT!!!!???? They realise people want 2 sticks and released an add on, why not build that into the device?! They want us to take photos and videos, so why not improve the cameras which would be incredibly cheap?! They know people are going to want to play it, so why not include a charger :P


It's so lazy. The hardware is becoming profitable again and they want to make more money, another insensitive for people to buy, and there stupid fans buying the latest model.


It feels cheap and the easiest thing to do, rather than releasing a model that's needed in the market. I don't care if they released a new version every year if was an improved model with no missing features; which s what apple do!

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I think the fact that Nintendo are releasing this 'redesign' so soon is a sign that the 3ds is not going to have the lifespan of its previous handhelds.


Lets face it - no one is really bothered about 3d. The system doesn't sell for its 3d capabilities and I don't think it ever has.


I don't see there ever being a 3DS with a second analogue stick / slider. If there was going to be one, I don't think Nintendo would bother with the XL.


I personally think this will be the only redesign we see of the 3DS and we will have a new handheld in the next couple of years.


Will I be buying the 3DS XL? Yes, yes I will. And why? Coz it is a better alternative to the current one (for me). It's bigger - win. Bigger screens - win. More comfort - win. Removal of glossy top screen means no bottom screen / slider marks left when closed - win.


So bring it on. :yay:

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I think the fact that Nintendo are releasing this 'redesign' so soon is a sign that the 3ds is not going to have the lifespan of its previous handhelds.


Lets face it - no one is really bothered about 3d. The system doesn't sell for its 3d capabilities and I don't think it ever has.


I don't see there ever being a 3DS with a second analogue stick / slider. If there was going to be one, I don't think Nintendo would bother with the XL.


I personally think this will be the only redesign we see of the 3DS and we will have a new handheld in the next couple of years.


Will I be buying the 3DS XL? Yes, yes I will. And why? Coz it is a better alternative to the current one (for me). It's bigger - win. Bigger screens - win. More comfort - win. Removal of glossy top screen means no bottom screen / slider marks left when closed - win.


So bring it on. :yay:


Time from Nintendo DS launch (JPN) to DS Lite (JPN): 16 months


Time from Nintendo 3DS launch (JPN) to 3DS XL (JPN): 17 months


Try again.

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Time from Nintendo DS launch (JPN) to DS Lite (JPN): 16 months


Time from Nintendo 3DS launch (JPN) to 3DS XL (JPN): 17 months


Try again.


Yes but the DS Lite was a significant upgrade. This isn't - as was the point in my post.


Read again. Then try again.

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Yes but the DS Lite was a significant upgrade. This isn't - as was the point in my post.


Read again. Then try again.


No it wasn't, it was smaller and more stylish. the same clamshell design the 3DS is, it wasn't anything really significant. now Phat DS to DSI is a significant improvement, DS>Lite>dsi is in stages with small jumps between stages. the improvements were so good they carried onto the 3DS


such a leap in size & design cannot be made with the 3DS, the only option is to increase size and keep it stylish.

A second circle pad is not supported on current or even most upcoming 3DS games, so to include one on a redesigned 3DS (at this stage) would only hurt it! the Xl would be larger & require more depth or altering of the flat panel to be like the wiiu pad to incorporate the extra shoulder buttons - All for a feature that is currently barely supported


now if in 18 months time about 40% of the games support it then maybe another redesign will come and have the extra hardware, but at this stage its a needless alteration to the design and cost for a little used feature

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No it wasn't, it was smaller and more stylish. the same clamshell design the 3DS is, it wasn't anything really significant.


Yes, smaller, more stylish - and you're forgetting the screen was made much brighter, with a setting for how bright you wanted it, which was an obvious improvement over the first DS.


The fact they made it smaller and more stylish was so it would appeal to more people. Making the 3ds bigger is not an appeal to get new customers on board - hence my post about this possibly being the last 'redesign' we see.


The new 3ds XL is not stylish.


And as I've said I don't see there ever being a 3ds with a second stick. It will be on their next handheld. My opinion.

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I can't wait to see a 3DS XL for real. Judging by online images of the system, the screens now have a matte finish too. icon14.gif


It's difficult to tell for sure, but if that is the case then I'm seriously happy about it. :)

The super glossy surface on the 3DS screens was one of my biggest gripes with the system. :shakehead

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The super glossy surface on the 3DS screens was one of my biggest gripes with the system. :shakehead


I loved it!...when it was clean & smudge free...meaning you have to wipe it before and after use, every time, which I do but it's annoying.

So yeah I'm with you!

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