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Football Season 2012/2013


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Although it's impossible to know for sure, the title race would have been much closer at least. If Man City had managed to get Van Persie, I think they would have won.


Yeah there is usually one player who stands out, I'm just saying that it's more so with Spurs. The team often looks bereft of creativity without him and I think it would hurt much more to lose Bale than it would hurt Arsenal/Chelsea to lose Cazorla/Mata. Having said that, Arsenal have done alright without Van Persie, who held a similar status last season.


Not to say your other players are bad by any means obviously. I'm curious, what's the general opinion of Lloris since he joined?


Yeah, statistically it looks bad, I just feel it wouldn't be quite so bad as it appears as someone else would step up. Also, it depends on what happens around you, like you say arsenal relied on van persie and have coped without him,but I feel spurs and arsenal are both weaker so the impact isn't as felt.


As for lloris, I think he's absolutely world class. Feel very icky to have himandhopehes our keeper for years to come


I don't think you can assume that someone else would just step up if Bale wasn't there, I mean how many games have you won this year where Bale hasn't played or scored in.


Br it's just such simple thinking, our attacking play is geared around him completely, so of course it's him. If we didn't have him we'd have a different style of play and someone else would step in. Our record without Lennon and dembele is worse than without bale.


I think Chelsea are gonna get a spot, I just have a feeling they will no matter the midweek result which would mean down to our clubs. The tense times comment was aimed at myself, but at the same time it is kind of exciting


Ah sorry, I thought you supported Chelsea :) Im pretty confident we can beat stoke and Sunderland, as long as we don't lose against Chelsea I think we have a chance as I think arsenal could drop points against either of Wigan or Newcastle both fighting for their lives.


Following on this one man team discussion, I was wondering whether you saw this the other week, @dazzybee? The BBC article I pulled the stats from is a very interesting read. Whether someone else would have stepped up instead isn't taken into account, but still, I think it does support the theory that Spurs have relied on Bale this season.


Yeah I did see it, but like above, our tactics are about him, against man city he was anonymous and AVB moved him to the right as he realised man city were narrow, he plays much better. Yesterday he was completely anonymous, he was central, AVB moved him left, nothing, he moved him right and told him to cut in, it worked.he is obviously amazing, but personally I think avb has turned him into this complete player, moves him around to create the space.


If we didn't have bale, he'd come up with anew plan of attack. Last year ade scored 17 set up 13, relied on him. We've changed our system this year.

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This man got Yeovil promoted to League one in 2004/05 Season. He then left to join Bristol City and took them to the Championship, in his first season in the Championship, go them to the play off finals against Hull (Fucking Windass goal :( )


He left then went to Peterborough, Northampton... and is now back at Yeovil.


This season saw Bristol City get relegated to League one, and now Gary has got Yeovil to the league 1 play off finals against Brentford.



You hurt us Gary... You hurt us badly. :(

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3 teams sitting on 38 points, just above the relegation spot. There's still hope that Newcastle can go down again!


I normally don't like 'wanting' a team to go down, but in the case of Newcastle seemingly all the fans are deluded and still think that Newcastle is a big club.

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Personally i think arguing over how 'big' a club is is pretty silly. There's no real way to quantify it, and everyone has different ideas on what it means anyway.


Newcastle is a weird one. On paper they should be a top 10 team, but for some reason they've imploded this season; it's really bizarre.

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3 teams sitting on 38 points, just above the relegation spot. There's still hope that Newcastle can go down again!


I normally don't like 'wanting' a team to go down, but in the case of Newcastle seemingly all the fans are deluded and still think that Newcastle is a big club.


I think you've got the wrong impression on how most fans view the club. How many Newcastle fans have you talked to?


Depends what you mean by big as well. No one thinks we're a side that should be competing for silverware on a regular basis, no one thinks we're anywhere near close to really competing against Man United like we did in the mid 90s. We'd just be quite happy if we could stay in the top half of the table a few seasons in a row.


If you define a big club by the size of the crowd it attracts for football matches, then we very much are a big club :heh:

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Also, to be fair to Newcastle fans, if they ARE deluded, it may be because they finished fifth last year. That's enough for them to perhaps be expecting greater from their team.


Even then, nearly all the people I talked to said last season was more or less a one off that wouldn't be repeated in the near future. It was always likely Chelsea/Liverpool were going to improve.


That said people maybe expected us to be in West Brom's situation, not looking at the possibility of 18th with two games to go....

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I have some newcastle season ticket holders in my family so I'd enjoy seeing Newcastle go down, especially as they are a "big" club (which I think you can say about clubs). Wigan win tonight and Newcastle are in real danger, they could easily struggle against QPR and Sunderland should win against southampton.


I hope Newcastle need something against Aresnal on the final day, it's the only scenario I'd enjoy seeing them safe :)

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I'm bricking it slightly for the QPR match. I've heard it described as a 'Get out of jail free card' but this seems to overlook the fact that we have won one away game all season. I think our main hope really is if Norwich or Wigan do worse than us.

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yeah watched a lot of that second half and I now see why Wigan are in so much trouble this season.


Their suicidal defending, crazy passes along the back four, none of whom seem comfortable with the ball at their feet.


It's highly unlikely now that they'll save themselves as they're now relying on Newcastle and Norwich to lose both their games and them beating Arsenal (unlikely) or Villa (more likely)

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yeah watched a lot of that second half and I now see why Wigan are in so much trouble this season.


Their suicidal defending, crazy passes along the back four, none of whom seem comfortable with the ball at their feet.


It's highly unlikely now that they'll save themselves as they're now relying on Newcastle and Norwich to lose both their games and them beating Arsenal (unlikely) or Villa (more likely)


My money's on Norwich to go down. They're in really poor form - only two wins this calendar year? And they've got West Brom and then man city. I think Wigan will get a win (ideally from the gooners...) and then it'll be down to goal difference.

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There are several rumours flying about that Sir Alex Ferguson's retirement is imminent.


It has to happen at some point. God, whoever takes that job is brave. Big shoes to fill.


I know first the rumours about David Moyes becoming Assistant Manager which seemed mental to me now every newspaper/website reporting that Fergie is going...


It's weird though also being reported is Antonio Conte may leave Juventus:




and it's like why? Why not stay and build a long lasting amazing legacy like Fergie clearly has.

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Some pretty alarming news to wake up to. I mean I knew I had to prepare for the day to eventually come. But didn't expect it would be this season.


Apparently Man United have to announce any changes to the club including managerial news on the New York Stock Exchange, which opens 2pm our time.


But If he is to retire, I would of thought that they would perhaps leave it till Sunday after the Swansea game to announce it. Last home game of the season. Fergie normally does a speech after the game. Thought that would of been it.


Well actually no I didn't think he'd retire this season at all, but going out after 20 isn't a bad milestone. Always thought he wanted another Champions League.


IF he is going, the club is in a good way currently in terms of squad. It's a very youthful team, which the next manager can groom.



I believe it would be Moyes that is brought in. Purely due to what he has done at Everton with little to no funds. I know there isn't a trophy at Everton in Moyes time, but to get the club into the CL, the fringes of the CL, and to get them to the place they are is respectable.


The players he has signed tend to be hits more so than flops. So he ticks boxes the Glazer family would want as they see Manchester United as a business and not a club.





Throw a curveball though and Mourinho must be reading the back pages in Spain thinking ... "Shit......!"

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yeah watched a lot of that second half and I now see why Wigan are in so much trouble this season.


Their suicidal defending, crazy passes along the back four, none of whom seem comfortable with the ball at their feet.


It's highly unlikely now that they'll save themselves as they're now relying on Newcastle and Norwich to lose both their games and them beating Arsenal (unlikely) or Villa (more likely)


My flatmate and I just looked at each other and laughed during the commentary for that goal.


"and Gary Caldwell gives the ball away"


How many times have we heard that over the years?

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It's weird though also being reported is Antonio Conte may leave Juventus:




and it's like why? Why not stay and build a long lasting amazing legacy like Fergie clearly has.


Same could be said for Guardiola too. Maybe it's better to leave on top, maybe the pressure is too great. I fel sorry for the managers that break their backs to get a club promoted against all odds, only to lose their job at the mere threat of being relagated the next season.


I've often thought being a manager must come with a lot stress, though the managers in the top leagues all seem to be millionaires, so if I was one of them I'd be very tempted to just do a few seasons here and there, make my fortune and then get out, maybe then just do media work, or maybe nothing at all. Then maybe after a long break coinsider going back in, but only for the right job.


If Fergie retires this summer I think Utd's long term dominance could be over. They'll still be a big club and challenging for honours but I think Fergie has perfected a winning formula at Utd that a new manager tinkering with it would struggle to improve on.

Edited by pratty
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Wow, never thought I would live to see the day Ferguson retire!


It's like the end of an era not just for Man United but for Football in general..... I'm feeling oddly emotional on hearing this

I was a Man U fan as a kid/teen for years... guess at heart I still kinda am but haven't been following them as religiously as I did in my younger days... always kept up to date with scores and teh prem in general but just kinda drifted.


I thought that by the time my own son gets signed by Man United in 16 years time Ferguson would be the one signing him :heh:

Now I have to re-dream my projected dreams for my sons future slightly :D



In seriousness though, I thought he might have another few years in him. Thought at least one more as I figured he'd try for the Champions League once more and try to retire after winning that.


Next season is gonna feel so weird, I say not even just for Man United but for football in general it'll just feel strange without him involved in a new season.

He's been there all my life (well all my life since I started following football round 1989/1990), he was like one of those univsersal constants that you knew would always be there. Like the planets in the solor system.... but like pluto getting reclassified as not a planet here is another apparent constant that is changing :(




I'm just wondering what he'll be like when he is as home watching Man United games on the telly.... he'll prolly have the moblie phone number of whoever takes over and be calling them during games, haha



Speaking of which who do ye think will take over?


José Mourinho will probably be the favourite. I reckon he was just waiting for this news as I think he is very keen to work at United.

I've seen David Moyes' name tossed around this morning too which would be interesting... from one Scot to another :D




I'm gonna have to dig up one of my old Man U shirts and wear it today as a mark of respect for Fergie :D

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Honestly didn't expect it to happen for another 5 years. There have been retirement rumours ever since he won the treble way back when.


People forget, but it took him 7 seasons before he won the title. He even lost his first match, 2-0, against the mighty Oxford United. In today's climate, Ferguson would never have been given that long. I think current football club owners need to take note and realise that the more successful clubs give their managers time to build a team, even if there is no success in the short term.


Place your bets on the new Man United manager? I'm going to say Mourinho, if not him Moyes.

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Honestly didn't expect it to happen for another 5 years. There have been retirement rumours ever since he won the treble way back when.


People forget, but it took him 7 seasons before he won the title. He even lost his first match, 2-0, against the mighty Oxford United. In today's climate, Ferguson would never have been given that long. I think current football club owners need to take note and realise that the more successful clubs give their managers time to build a team, even if there is no success in the short term.


Place your bets on the new Man United manager? I'm going to say Mourinho, if not him Moyes.



But it only took 4 to win the FA Cup :wink:


But even at that as you said, the way most clubs operate these days if owners don't see the results they want inside a season (or less for some) then they just play pass the parcel but with Managers.


The thing I'm interested to see in the future is, if the next Man U manager doesn't have instant success will the club still be as patient as they were with Fergie (granted it is likely a totally different boardroom now than it was then)?


Though if José gets the job he doesn't seem to like sticking round places for too long anyway (3 years seems to be his max)...granted he was prolly forced out at Chelsea... so maybe he just wouldn't want to stick around for too long again. Maybe it will be for him a "get in, see what I can win, then move on to something new again"


Someone like Moyes might be more likely to want to stick around for the long term... but IF he didn't win a trophy in say 2 years would his job be on the line or would the Man United board remain so patient and give him more time?



But if Moyes got the job I have an Everton fan cousin who won't be very happy, haha.

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