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The Wonderful 101


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This game looks so Okami/Little King's Story/Viewtiful Joe/Bayonetta/Pikmin !!!!


It's delicious!!!!

I love the fact that there'll be so much characters to have a lot of character :D

I understand you're excited, but Okami/Bayonetta?... unless by those you mean Original/Crazy! :D
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Looked different to whatever I had in mind(not sure what that was) when I saw the ND, but still I'm intrigued; most likely be picking it up. When I get my Wii U it'll be SMBU(reluctantly), ZombiU(possibly), MHUltimate(definitely), Wonderful 101 and Pikmin, and eventually Xenomech or whatever it'll be called.

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I can't seem to get over just quite how pretty I think this is. It's so crisp and bright and colourful, absolutely love it. Almost wanna get it just for that alone! No need for the washed out browns and greys and beige in games, dammit!

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I know this game is meant to be fun, and I'm looking forward to it very much, but this is a little worrying;

Quote from Hideki Kamiya of Platinum Games;


If u hate to finish a game the next day u buy it, u better not play TW101. I focus on how it is fun, not how long it lasts till the ending.



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I know this game is meant to be fun, and I'm looking forward to it very much, but this is a little worrying;

Quote from Hideki Kamiya of Platinum Games;






That's not worrying at all. It means that the game will be tightly focused, with perfect pacing and will feature globs of replay value, just like all of Kamiya's other games (Okami excepted :laughing: ).


Nothing other than good news, unless you're the type of person who doesn't care how boring and tedious a game is, so long as it lasts 30+ hours...

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That's not worrying at all. It means that the game will be tightly focused, with perfect pacing and will feature globs of replay value, just like all of Kamiya's other games (Okami excepted :laughing: ).




Resident Evil 2 can be finished in under 2 hours, but the replay value in that game is immense.

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Short but awesome games usually have awesome replay value. The fact this game will be short and sweet makes it a lot more attractive to me - bet it'll be crammed full of unlockables.

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I know this game is meant to be fun, and I'm looking forward to it very much, but this is a little worrying;

Quote from Hideki Kamiya of Platinum Games;


His colleague, Atsushi Inaba said:

So it looks like @PG_Kamiya has caused another bit of controversy. What he is saying is his basic approach to how he creates an action game. The idea is rooted in that you shouldn’t pad your game with content users won’t enjoy in order to control play time to the end of the game. It isn’t something he wants to do, or thinks you should do.


BTW, if you didn’t know @PG_Kamiya is the kind of game director who will pack as much content into the game as he can until he is satisfied. If we were to give in to all of his desires, the game we’d ship would probably be some super-long action game that no one would beat. I’ve been teamed up with @PG_Kamiya as his producer for a long time now, and game length is something I’ve never once worried about.


That means both the length of a single play-through and the replayability of the game. Never worried once. Never. Actually, my job really is to be the one who says “This is too %^&* long! Cut it!”


Of course, even though @pg_kamiya didn’t intend for people to jump to their own conclusions, they did. In this case, that conclusion was “So TW101 is going to be short then?!” Let me make my own conclusion: TW101 will be so much fun you are going to wear out your Wii U GamePad. Actually, the Wii U GamePad is pretty sturdy, so you probably won’t wear it out…


And I’m sorry I can’t explain to you in exact terms why I think you will have so much fun with TW101. I promise there will be plenty of news about the game in the days and weeks to come. But I will say this – Everyone here is working incredibly hard to make sure you say two things about TW101. One: I’m happy I bought a Wii U! — Two: I’m happy I bought The Wonderful 101!

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I really can't wait for this game, it's been such a long time since I've seen something as exciting and original as this. It's the kind of thing I expect to see on a new Nintendo console!

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