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The Wonderful 101


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Really, really finding it difficult to not go out right now and buy a copy of this, and a Wii U. These are the types of game that sell consoles to me, it's just that I can't help but feel there will be a Wii U price drop soon.


Buy eeeeet!!


Only played it a little bit but its heaps of fun.


Im just shit at it. Gunna knock down the difficulty.

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Really, really finding it difficult to not go out right now and buy a copy of this, and a Wii U. These are the types of game that sell consoles to me, it's just that I can't help but feel there will be a Wii U price drop soon.


It's the best time to buy the console. You've got Pikmin 3 out now, this, Rayman is out soon, the likes of ZombiU and Sonic All Stars Racing are cheap. The line-up 'til the end of the year is getting better and better.


If you can get it for around £200 or even £220-£240 with another game (that isn't Nintendoland, something in addition to that) you'll be happy. I bought mine at £199 from ASDA when they had a deal and built up a collection of games really quickly and cheaply.

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Soooo I'm up to operation 003 (just really started playing it yesterday)...


And I still suck something fierce! :o I'm playing on Normal and the best I've ever gotten for a whole chapter is Silver (with a whole bucketload of Consolation Prizes :( ) I swear, I never had this much trouble with any of the VJ or DMC games, Okami or Bayonetta - it's just so hard to keep track of what the hell is going on! :o


I am really enjoying it, but I don't think it's as well refined as Bayonetta so far. There are plenty of times where the camera doesn't really point you in the right direction and enemy attacks seem to come as if from nowhere off screen and sometimes you just don't really know where the hell you are (the somewhat spotty framerate doesn't help either).


That being said, the game is completely nutso insane, constantly throwing new enemies/moves/gameplay ideas at you at a ferocious pace! Love it! :D


I've already gotten much better than when I started off (I was just a total disaster at the start, I died during the prologue :blush:) so hopefully it's just a matter of me just getting used to the game setup more as I go along :)


I can't imagine people playing this game using the right analogue stick to draw the objects. The touchscreen is so essential to this game.


I must be weird, I find myself using a combo of both touchscreen and right stick. I use the r stick for Unite Sword, Unite Gun and the Unite Chain/Bridge/Wondertoilet, while I find it easier to use the touch screen for Unite Hand, Unite Whip and for capturing civilians.

Edited by Dcubed
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I wouldn't bother going for the awards yet. By the time you have finished playing you will have a better grasp of the gameplay and you will have a bunch of moolah to spend on getting new and better moves. Just enjoy the ride at the moment.


Yeah, that's what I normally do with Kamiya's/Platinum's games, but I usually do decently enough on my first playthrough. With TW101 though, I'm just getting my arse kicked two ways to Sunday :laughing:


I must be doing something wrong in my general playstyle. I know that I don't dodge enough in general (relying on Unite Guts and Hand/Sword when needed), so maybe I should get into the habit of dodging more?


It's those damn projectile attacks that always get me!

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Just did Operation 2-A, really enjoyed it, nice mix of differing sections


First part seemed pretty "slow" paced.... well slow for this game :heh:


Then the Maglev which was kinda annoying at first as I kept missing jumps cause I was forgetting to disengage the Unite Morph but one I got the hang of that it was fine. The last part getting chased by the ship was awesome.


Then meeting the Prince guy.... damn that cut scene was long, seemed to drag a bit, first time during this game I've felt a bit "meh".... but I assume the more you meet this guy and more you hear of his story there'll (hopefully) be some sort of pay off to it?


The fight with him though almost had my ass handed to me. Was really caught off gaurd by all his Unite Morphs, was expecting he'd just have the Unite Hand. Learning that not all his attacks could be blocked by Guts either really did some damage, hand to use a soup :heh: But eventually sussed him out and came out victorious without needing a continue.


Found a secret mission then after the fight with the Prince (one of teh ones that takes you to Kahgereawhatsitcalled) that's the first secret mission I've found since Operation 1-A.... anyone else have better luck finding the secret missions? Only found 3 in 1-A too :heh:


Then Wonder-Pink joined the Team....LOVE TEH WHIP..... also her intro was awesome....and damn.... if anyone was upset with Miley Cyrus at the VMAs, Wonder-Pink got a bit suggestive with her moves too :blush:


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I have to say, all this positive feedback has made me rethink of maybe buying this game after all. Really enjoyed Bayonetta, and it seems this is the same kind of wacky action mayhem as well...


It's a great game. See the liiiight. @Hero\-of\-Time loves it and he didn't like it at first. I'm sure even @/ nando/ will love this and he hates everything. :D

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I just had another blast on this, up to the Stadium - quite early on - really great battle, things are really starting to pick up now and I'm enjoying it more even though I'm not that great at it yet but I'll stick with it because this game is pure fun! :D

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It's a great game. See the liiiight. @Hero\-of\-Time loves it and he didn't like it at first. I'm sure even @/ nando/ will love this and he hates everything. :D


There's no chance of me even thinking about getting The Wonderful 101 for a good while as I'm currently enjoying playing through some games that have been waiting to be played for far too long.. and there's considerably more where they came from : peace:


If I'm to pick up any Wii U games in the not too distant future, it'll be Pikmin 3. I'll play the demo if this again soon, though.. maybe even to the end, this time :indeed:

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Encountered a strange glitch on this last time I played. I was fighting one of those giant enemy crabs :heh: and completely annihilated it, as a reward it left behind one of its claws for me to pick up and use as a weapon. :cool:

The problem was that the operational border then wouldn't go away, so I was trapped in that area! :shakehead

I think what happened was the game thought the crab was still alive because part of its object was still around. :laughing:


So yeah, in the end I had to go into the pause menu and restart from my previous save, which luckily was almost right before that fight.

The second time around I made sure not to fight it quite so well, so it didn't leave its claw behind. The operational border then disappeared, and on I went. :)


maybe even to the end, this time :indeed:
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Tried this at Gamescom and found it quite pleasant.


However, I just read that it shifted just 5000 copies in Japan... which doesen't bode well. How Nintendo an Platinum find this to be more catered to a western audience is frankly beyond me. How do you feel about the sales?

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However, I just read that it shifted just 5000 copies in Japan... which doesen't bode well. How Nintendo an Platinum find this to be more catered to a western audience is frankly beyond me. How do you feel about the sales?


There's a thread for sales discussions if we can keep it in there. There's already a bit of discussion about W101.


Just keeps the game thread nice and clean. :)

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Was able to get enough of a session in to finish Operations 2-B and 2-C


Operation 2-B gave me my first Consolation Medal :( But still managed a Silver trophy at the end :)


The Boss in 2-C was awesome but hard as nails.



Had to use 2 continues and was wondering how the hell you could do it without using a continue. Wasn't till near the end I figured out you could heal the tower :heh:


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Hard difficulty mode COMPLETE!! :yay:

Final boss took bloody ages! It's like he had 4 times the health compared to Normal difficulty! :o


Anyway, clearing the game on Hard unlocked...

101% HARD



No secret characters though, so it looks like all of them really are tied to the bottle cap achievements. :hmm: Which is a bit annoying.


Anyway, I had a go at the prologue on the new difficulty setting... Got Gold, but was very close to being killed a few times! Took on Operation 001-A after that... and did get killed :heh: and ended up with Bronze.


Enemies move so much faster, you barely have time to unite morph! Even with speed liner. :eek: And when you get hit, you lose a huge chunk of your life bar! AND there are more enemies, plus ones from much later on in the game already on the first stage!!

Yeah, can't see myself going through the entire game at that difficulty level. :hehe:

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Gods damn Red slow down :D


Haha.... bloody hell I never even comtemplated there could be a higher difficulty than Hard on this game :)


Anyway In my own progress just finished all 3 parts of Operation 3 :D


Got Wonder-Yellow and the hammer, tis cool but very slow. A little bit hard to draw in the heat of battle sometimes too... if you even have a slight angle on teh line part you get the whip instead.... though after a while got used to it. Though I don't much like using it as a 2nd Unite Morph in a Multi Morph attack. For speed any other morph works better to get out 2 more morphs.


Speaking of Multi-Morph any ever manged to get more than 3 morphs out at once?



Anyway back to Operation 3, the boss in part C.... OMG..... have I used the word EPIC yet in this thread :p

Especially the final part of the boss in finishing him off.... WOOOOT I feel like I've been to Money Supermarket.....which is to say I feel






Oh and just wondering, you know the stats screen that appears when you recruit a new Wonder-Something (the non-colour ones).... is there anyway to look at those stats again.... I wanna look through them all and see where they all come from :D I only noticed during Op 3 that bit of info is given :heh:





Oh yeah and I just have to get a screen cap of this for Miiverse when I saw it :D





*Fist Bumps Kayima*





Oh and is it just me or does Wonder-Blue remind anyone else of Greed from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood?


(Though that could just be cuz I've been rewatching the show lately?)

Edited by Mokong
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Gods damn Red slow down :D
Wonder-Red. :hehe:

Anyway, no can do, the game is too good. :bouncy:


I started a playthrough on Very Easy yesterday. It's actually really difficult to get Platinum! :heh:

Getting it for Time and Damage is a piece of piss, but it's Combo that's the problem, because the enemies die so bloody quickly! :laughing:


Still no secret characters. :sad:

But I'm only 2 bottle caps away from unlocking a few. :smile:

Don't have a single bottle cap for the last character on the list though (probably Bayonetta) that one is surely impossible. :eek:

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