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Co Op would be a nice mode too though. So why not include it? And nintendo need to show they're serious about online (I know it's ubisoft). I think Kavs idea is great, imagine working as a 4, one get's bitten and the rest have to kill him. Excellent.


There is a multiplayer mode though, the same as Killer Freaks' mode that was shown last year. If this isn't online then Nintendo really hasn't moved on. Enough.

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Well the woman said you could be playing for 3 hours and then die. So it's going to be at least 3 hours long.


First of all, never take the numbers of a sales rep at face value. Secondly, you have to determine what those three hours represent. I could double the play time of a Mario game by never holding the run button since it now takes me twice as long to do a level. I've not actually added more content though.


What's to say there isn't a stand off section where you are stuck in a room for 20 mins just blasting away? That's really just the same 1 minute of gameplay repeated 20 times. And unfortunately, that's how I see this game going - I feel it's going to lack variety.


I don't want to because I think it has promise and potential. I don't care too much for shooters and even less for zombies (I seemed to miss the memo that went around when they officially got labeled cool again) but I could have seen myself getting this... just not anymore.


And yes, co-op reduces that sense of scariness but the game can still be just as tense and frantic from actual gameplay mechanics rather than relying on the atmosphere alone. Something like the co-op in the new Dead Space where you aren't always together could work wonders.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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Just read this on gaf


MERCY KILLER – When your character gets infected, your online friends are alerted of your death and can come and hunt down your zombified character to loot the gear in your BOB and put you out of your misery




Another video, brilliant. Looks tense as fuck


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This absolutely needs online co-op.


I fear it won't. I'd like to see some counter/co-op; for example, luring your team mates into some bar, barricading the doors and then double crossing them by shooting out a window - you then run off to hide in a cupboard as the massacre takes place.


Perhaps, you climb a ladder out of a carpark full of walking cadavers, kicking it down and leaving your buddy in the middle - he'll get multipliers assuming he survives.


There's a lot of promise with this, but without effort on Ubisofts part it could be dull.

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Just read this on gaf


MERCY KILLER – When your character gets infected, your online friends are alerted of your death and can come and hunt down your zombified character to loot the gear in your BOB and put you out of your misery




Another video, brilliant. Looks tense as fuck




Sounds good. Implies SOME connectivity but not actual co-op. Maybe it'll be like journey and it'll randomly dump you in the same game as a random (or someone from your friends list if they're still playing) and you might find it each other, might not, or can leave messages for people or whatever.


Video looks great, seeing people in the reflections was off-putting, kept thinking they were zombies!

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Just read this on gaf


MERCY KILLER – When your character gets infected, your online friends are alerted of your death and can come and hunt down your zombified character to loot the gear in your BOB and put you out of your misery




Another video, brilliant. Looks tense as fuck




That sounds like it's online to me! Plus, looting N-E forum members sounds like fun to me :)

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For me one of the best things about this game is the use of the Game Pad and yet still showing your character on the TV in a 3rd person position!


I thought that was a great idea too, this adds to the great atmosphere that the game is trying to create. I was afraid that they wouldn't actually have it in the game when I was watching Nintys E3 conference but im happy it is. This game looks awesome! I want more!


I've yet to watch Ubi's conference, but now after seeing this I can't wait to watch some ACIII, Rayman Legends & Watch Dogs.

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I've got to admit that this is a brave little piece of game design. Rarely to devs break out of the mould when it comes to this kind of game and I think the "1 Bite" mechanic is really going to keep you on your toes. I hope there is plenty to do in the game and some of the lighting is very nice.


Some quick cons:

1. I think the graphics are pretty average but if you compare it with release 360 stuff (which we should considering this is a new console to everyone) then its not that bad.

2. The audio sounded pretty... generic. I dunno, I just think they could with making the zombies sound different.

3. Collision animations / animation generally was a pretty janky.


But hey this is a release game and I'm happy they are putting effort in to the design to make it really feel like a survival game.

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That sounds like it's online to me! Plus, looting N-E forum members sounds like fun to me :)


Nope here is how it works:


There can only be one of your past-life zombies in the game at a time, but as you play online, your online friends' zombies will also enter your game. You'll see their playertag over their zombies. Ha!


So just randomly move to friends games. Still a great feature. Let's hope the multiplayer game proper will be online!

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This is the game that excites me most. What's depressing is that there will be some major flaw with it that stops it from being awesome. It's the original Red Steel, again.


It sounds great, so far. I want it. But, just waiting for it to fall flat on its face. Quite sad really.

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After the initial shock of thinking it was Temple Run with Zombies I'm really looking forward to this, I know what you mean though, waiting to hear its flaws - very limiting shallow single player is my bet. But I love the way the screen makes you feel. I really wish there were more games like this.. :( Still can't believe Nintendo haven't done this outside of techdemoland, Mario is about moving the action to the screen, fair enough I guess, but Pikmin should use it. why can't the screen be on the stand, and you actually move pikmin to and from the mini screen to the big one?! Or Pikmin cam, First person pikmin action on the small screen. Or why can't you PLACE cameras and see them on the screen, maybe watching some pikmin you've left to do some work and you want to watch over them, or an area you're waiting for a monster or something. ANYTHING!!!!!!!!


Actually, this is YET ANOTHER thing that hasn't been clarified. Which games can we play on the tablet?! All of them? Or just Mario?

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So, ....here we are.


An original NEW IP from Ubisoft for the WiiU, and if it's not one end of the spectrum, extreme casual sauce, it's the other: 'extreme hardcore' Zombie game.


The game mechanics sounds interesting enough, but a Zombie game.....:blank: Come on now people.

Where is the creativity when it comes to new IPs?

Oh, right, ....Watch Dogs is not for WiiU....


At least get that game over to the WiiU as it is TAILOR MADE for the Pad: Seeing the grid of the city on it and using that to your advantage!

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I've been quite cool on this game but I've just read the impressions on Kotaku and this does actually sound slightly spectacular:


When you make a character, one is randomly generated for you—there is no main character. You give it your playertag, but it gets a name of its own—I say "it," because it can be a man or a woman.


If you die (and you will die), you respawn as a new character.


Each game begins in a central hub, but the world is largely open. You can go anywhere, and objectives that you complete with past characters are still completed.


Best of all, when you die, your past character becomes a zombie, so you can go find them in your next game and kill them and reclaim the gear you got on your last playthrough.


It's remarkable how intense it feels to look down into your inventory and then have to look back up to check your surroundings—it makes rooting around in your backpack during the zombie apocalypse feel like… well, rooting around in your backpack during a zombie apocalypse.


When things went haywire, I was forced to fight a special zombie called "Nurse" in an enclosed area. She could teleport, and would vanish as I shot her before reappearing behind me. It was unnerving, particularly because she wouldn't stop screaming.


Once I killed the nurse, I had to scan her with the controller screen… but she JUMPED THE EFF OUT AT ME THROUGH THE SCREEN and scared the bejesus out of me.


Just as long as the world is expansive & varied enough for repeated exploration this could be very cool. It's structure is very Dead Rising to my mind, which is a good thing.

Edited by gaggle64
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Thanks for those impressions @gaggle64! Sounding Good!


I thought that would be the way, that objectives you complete would stay completed, so in a way your continuing the escape mission or whatever it is, but you stumble onto it as different characters.


It can't just be objectives until you run out of them though they must all be connected by some sort of story, so I presume the game will eventually end with your escape or something?

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I remember the first Zombi game (Ubisoft's first ever game:grin:) on the Spectrum in the 80's, anyway I agree with other's that this could be the WiiU's Red Steel.


This gen I've been less impressed with the words 'exclusive', it's all timed exclusives now.

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This is quickly becoming my most anticipated game this year. And I think the story setup is amazing. From what I'w gathered the game does indeed have a great narrative story. But unlike most games you experience it through many different characters ( if you die).


So this is an example on how it could work. The "survivors" ultimate goal is to escape the city, but there's no way out. You get contacted by a guy on the radio that tells you to escape you need to get to the hellipad on the top of the tallest building. But that's on the other side of the city, and there's no power.


With your first survivor you just gather resources so that the next guy has a better start. The next guy then will be able to fight his way to the power station to turn on the power. When he dies you won't ever need to go back. The next survivor can now take the train since the power's on and will reach the building without ever having to experience the same things as the previous survivors. And the story keep progressing and pushing you in new directions as the other survivors keep completing goals that move the story forward.


I think this is one of the most interesting story elements I have seen in a while and without a doubt a must buy for me. It's also confirmed that after completing the game you unlock a mode where you only have one life to complete the entire game. sounds rad.



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'Later in the game you'll find a Blacklight, which can be used to reveal coded messages'

'Online, friends will be able to leave messages for each other in the game'


That's Cool! :D


*ok that bit where the zombie got up again near the end freaked me out!*


I'm a bit confused as to the layout of this game. So each time you start in the exact same location, a safe house (that's a bit wierd being a different person but in the same place) and then what do you do? Walk/run all the way to the place you last were? Because that way it seems there is just one linear story?

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