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NINTENDO @ E3: Penguins Approaching. It's Just a Box!

Fused King

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't is nearly upon us, which means I shall bestow this thread, once again, on the good people of N-Europe.


I want to get some predictions going, and to do that, I've tweeked the rules a little bit from my thread last year to make it a bit more manageable to tally up the scores and get a bit more fair 'competition' going.

Still, all fun and games, ....all fun and games.:grin:


Here's what, I hope, we'll all do:


1.Predicting the MEGATONS of NINTENDO's E3 2012 conference

You're all allowed to make 5 predictions which will happen on stage with Iwata and co.

One cannot predict games of which we already know, but one may predict, for example, things we'll see in such games such as new gameplay mechanics, new characters etc, of which we haven't the foggiest.


2.Outrageous claims

This is where you can make the most out of your fantasy, because you can make 4 'unlikely-to-happen' kind of claims which might happen during the whole of E3..


3.Predicting the aftermath

You're also allowed to make 2 predictions regarding all that follows the conference, which would be predictions regarding interesting teases from developers, roundtables, Reggie laying down the law on Geoff once again, ...etc....


When all is done, I shall go over the predictions and see who was the closest to getting things right.

I shall start with my own, and lay down the lay-out for you to follow:bowdown:



Fused King:


1. Megatons

  • A new Metroid Prime game for the WiiU by Retro Studios
  • A surprise GTAV announcement
  • Miyamoto demonstrates a Mario game which doesn't look anything like the tech-demo
  • A brand new franchise from NINTENDO to take advantage of the special things the WiiU can do
  • Zelda 3DS


2. Outrageous

  • Advance Wars 3DS
  • NINTENDO has the most perfect E3 press-conference with absolutely no FUCKUPS
  • Valve jumps on the WiiU bandwagon
  • Some kind of Smash Bros. related surprise

3. Aftermath

  • A roundtable will reveal Smash Bros. insights
  • F-Zero is teased






1. Megatons

  • Retro Studios make new Metroid game similar to Prime, but not Prime.
  • F-Zero UX gets officially announced. No Footage
  • Nintendo announce range of Pokémon figures with new Pokémon Stadium
  • Mario Paint as in-built App for WiiU + sharing features
  • New 2D-style Zelda, 3D graphics


2. Outrageous

  • New Banjo-Kazooie game on 3DS, co-developed with NINTENDO
  • Steam is integrated heavily into the WiiU
  • Virtual Console HD Range, improved versions of old games. Wind Waker, Super Mario Bros., Super Metroid.
  • Exclusive Sonic WiiU game. Similar gameplay to Colours/Generations

3. Aftermath

  • Smash Bros CGI trailer, showing one new character
  • Backlash from the conference will convince NINTENDO ro reveal price WiiU






1. Megatons

  • Pokemon WiiU, with ALL in it.
  • Mario&Sonic game, a genuine cross-over
  • Max Payne 3 trailer.
  • Reggie goes gangsta on us with GTAV tattoo


2. Outrageous

  • NINTENDO Instant Messaging Service / Video Messaging / Live Char is official. Demonstrated with Miyamoto and Reggie
  • Star Fox Game for WiiU
  • Retro's new game is an FPS aimed at mature crowd
  • Smash Bros footage shown, with Non-NINTENDO character teases.

3. Aftermath

  • Behind closed doors a few character arts from Smash Bros Battle are shown, in these we have characters including Rayman, Rabbids, Sonic, Tales, Klonoa.






1. Megatons

  • Super Mario WiiU, full 3D but sometimes 2.5D, followed by trailer
  • Mario Kart WiiU, bucketloads of new content and freshness
  • F-Zer0, with bukake
  • Conduit 3 Hype trailer
  • U Fit


2. Outrageous

  • Wii Sports Univers, Mii Universe aimed at EVERYONE!

3. Aftermath

  • Super Smash Bros U teases






1. Megatons

  • Massive Mario Blow Out, main + smash + Mario Kart
  • Wii-Design, a sexy new redesign of WiiU. Capacitive screen with qHD resolution + capacitive styles. Wii name retained, but not WiiU
  • Both 1080 and WaveRace revived with ultra realistic visuals and more story driven. NST to become NINTENDO's 'simulation' team
  • Exclusive 3rd party content, RE6,, Colonial Marines, AC.
  • Black Ops 2 not available on the platform in 2012, but Modern Warfare Trilogy is.


2. Outrageous

  • Persistently online. 64kb or 3G connectivity out of the box, online pass needed + added security
  • NINTENDO Drive announced, ultra fast transfer of digital downloads.
  • Retro Studios Zelda

3. Aftermath

  • Other consoles get 'tablets' for Christmas, phones coupled with PS3/XBOX360 will get limited second screen functions before NINTENDO's WIIU hits the market
  • Apple sells more phones




welsh gamer


1. Megatons

  • Super Mario 4 WiiU, 3D + 2D. Bowser, Wario and DK as villans.
  • Wind Waker HD: The Director's Cut WiiU
  • Disaster: Day of Crisis sequel/reboot or Project Hammer revival.
  • One of these confirmed: RE6, RE2ReMake, RE5, Revelations sequel or The Mercenaries 2 (3DS)
  • New Zelda 3DS to feature a Four Swords online mode.


2. Outrageous

  • An exclusive WiiU game that uses one of these licenses: James Bond, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Die Hard, Star Trek, The Terminator, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Toy Story, Monsters Inc.
  • Nintendo Network WiiU to match Xbox Live's features and completely FREE. Official headset revealed.
  • A suprise regardind the 3DS: Collection or overhaul update
  • Diddy Kong Racing 2.

3. Aftermath

  • Majora's Mask 3D confirmed
  • WiiU price leaked






1. Megatons

  • Metroid Prime 4, no motion controls
  • Realistic Zelda by Retro Studios
  • F-Zero UX
  • 3D Super Mario, no motion controls, dual analogue
  • Wind Waker sequel


2. Outrageous

  • Cel-Shaded Zelda
  • Dragon Quest XI by level-5
  • Shantae 3 by WayForward
  • "NINTENDO Sprite Division" for SNES+ games.

3. Aftermath

  • Another eShop game by WayForward
  • Majora's Mask confirmed to be on its way

    1. Megatons
    • Zelda 3DS, game engine similar to WindWaker. Nov 2012 release
    • Super Mario Bros. 4 WiiU, completely new artstyle, sidecroller, launch title
    • Metroid Prime 4
    • Batman Arkham Collection. GOTY editions
    • NINTENDO WIIU exclusive realistic racing game by Lucid Games


    2. Outrageous

    • Super Smash Bros WiiU/3DS is shown and playable
    • GTA5 timed exclusive for WiiU
    • Final Fantasy 7 remake for 3DS
    • 2D only #DS games revealed by 3rd parties

    3. Aftermath

    • Zelda WiiU teased to use the art style from E3 2011 demo
    • Reggie reveals price after conference in interview with Geoff






1. Megatons

  • WiiU's redesign doesn't impress
  • Online doesn't impress either
  • Activision shows limited support for WiiU
  • Great looking 1st party games almost all without release dates
  • Retro Studio's title is a release title and a new IP


2. Outrageous

  • Ubisoft's new IPs suggest rushed production
  • Phoenix Wright VS Layton gets mentioned
  • GTA V is on the system
  • Zelda 3DS reveal

3. Aftermath

  • Nobody says anything about Unreal Engine






1. Megatons

  • Pikmin 3
  • A game from Retro Studios
  • Smash Bros tease
  • Concept art for next Zelda
  • New Golden Sun announced


2. Outrageous

  • Mole Mania makes a comeback!
  • Capcom VS NINTENDO!
  • New F-Zero game! Exactly like GX, but with massive onlien capabilities!
  • The WiiU makes toast!

3. Aftermath

  • NINTENDO STEALS THE SHOW! (sells it to buy crack)






1. Megatons

  • Smash Bros Trailer
  • Zelda 3DS, pssibly ALttP remake
  • shoddy online system and no headset with the console
  • Pikmin 3
  • Mario Paint revival or something very similar called WiiU paint


2. Outrageous

  • New Wii Sports type game
  • Zelda HD teaser
  • Monster Hunter Tri G coming in the fall with online play
  • Dragon Quest X not arriving on Wii but on WiiU in the west early next year

3. Aftermath

  • Dates for Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion 2 and Paper Mario
  • Falso promises of strong 3rd party support with unique and immersive gameplay






1. Megatons

  • New range of Colours announced for the 3DS
  • Redesign WiiU, including a new name
  • Metroid game continuing the storyline, and not being a prequel
  • Introduction of a 3D Movie rental service on both new Nintendo platforms
  • Mario Strikers sequel


2. Outrageous

  • Online UNO game for 3DS
  • 3DS Remakes for Zelda 2 and Metroid 2
  • Star Wars Battlefront 3 announced as WiiU exclusive
  • Ability to use 3DS as an extra WiiU Controller

3. Aftermath

  • Microsoft and Sony announce their intentions to not delve into the next gen
  • WiiU price is leaked






1. Megatons

  • New Mach Rider WiiU, Dark visuals, Design Mode and online play
  • WiiU can upscale Wii games + you can take photos for on your SD card
  • Pikmin 3 stuff, online co-op, new captains, many new Pikmin types. realistic visuals with claymation
  • New Wii Fit game + Vitality Sensor + Nintendo Network = global workouts
  • WarioWare Uproar, more complex than D.I.Y. and has online


2. Outrageous

  • Wii Music+/2 WiiU, song creator, hundreds of NINTENDO tracks + DLC. music video editor and online hub to upload/view Music videos
  • Konami finally sort it out, new Mystical Ninja WiiU and Pop'n TwinBee for 3DS
  • 3DS Pro announced, 2nd circlepad/extra L+R buttons built-in, matte finish on screens for better visibility in sunlight, cameras upgraded to 10 megapixels, improved battery life and additional 64GB memory for DD storage
  • Import digital downloads

3. Aftermath

  • Reggie punches Geoff Keighley in the face and is chared with assault, when the police realise that Geoff is the victim, the charges are dropped
  • Michael Pachter makes lots of predictions about NINTENDO. All of them end up being COMPLETELY wrong.





1. Megatons

  • Intelligent Systems create an online MMORPG in the Fire Emblem world
  • Monolith Software with new RPG
  • Next Level Games announced WiiU version of Luigi's Mansion or new Strikers
  • Camelot announced a new Shining Force similar to Skyrim
  • Classics available on E-store on day 1 on WiiU


2. Outrageous

  • Biggin' up of 2nd parties on stage
  • NST with 1080 and Waverace
  • Retro Studios with a dark, gritty new IP
  • Monter Games to do a sequel to Exitetruck

3. Aftermath

  • Ability to tweak the system




King V


1. Megatons

  • Good flight/fighter jet simulation game for WiiU
  • Pokemon Battle game to coincide with Black and White 2
  • Pikmin 3 gains an addictive online multiplayer


2. Outrageous

  • The Mario game is infact an HD Paper Mario adventure
  • GTA 5 appears on WiiU
  • Remnants of the old 'Capcom 5' return: Viewtiful Joe, Killer 7 and Product Number 03
  • Command and Conquer Generals 2 for WiiU (or a great RTS taking advantage of Upad)

3. Aftermath

  • Iwata finds our lack of faith disturbing






1. Megatons

  • NINTENDO brings back long-forgotten franchise.
  • New WiiU Zelda or Mario announced with gameplay trailer
  • "Largest launch lineup in history"
  • NINTENDO using in-house rescources to develop "core" games
  • Reveal of a brand new super-exciting game by Miyamoto


2. Outrageous

  • Retro Studios to completely remake Mass Effect Trilogy
  • NINTENDO have bought Perfect Dark IP, new iteration for WiiU
  • NINTENDO announce "NINTENDO GT" for WiiU and 3DS
  • Sega announce Shenmue III exclusively for WiiU

3. Aftermath

  • Backlash due to lack of interesting games
  • Share ownders want NINTENDO to start making apps






1. Megatons

  • F-Zero WiiU
  • A WindWaker remake for 3DS or WindWaker sequel for 3DS or BRAND-NEW Cel-Shaded Zelda adventure for 3DS
  • Metroid Prime 4
  • A new NINTENDO character is born
  • Name for next Smash Bros. and perhaps teaser trailer without characters


2. Outrageous

  • Downloadable GCN games via WiiU VC in HD
  • New Wave race +/or 1080 for the WiiU
  • Mario&Luigi 4 in the 3rd dimension 3DS
  • Super Mario Galaxy 3 WiiU +/or Super Mario Sunshine 2 3DS

3. Aftermath

  • RE6 on WiiU
  • I win a golden ticked to go to E3 2013




V. Amoleo


1. Megatons

  • A new Metroid game
  • WiiU name change
  • Full blow-out of Nintendo Network and its puprposes
  • GBA & DS back catalogue on the WiiU Virtual Console


2. Outrageous

  • DS games available on the WiiU
  • All WiiU games will be plaable in 3D on 3DTVs
  • A 3DS redesign announcement
  • Wii games rendered at 1080p instead of just using harware emulation

3. Aftermath

  • Super Smash Bros. 4 will be shown behind closed doors to the gaming press
  • Mass Effect 3 will be announced as a third party title available on the WiiU at launch




Fierce Link


1. Megatons

  • NINTENDO reveal Zelda 3DS using the style of Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks
  • Wii Sports type game for the WiiU which utilises both the Upad and the Wiimote
  • A Mario Galaxy style platformer is revealed, but will not be Galaxy 3
  • There will be an online title from NINTENDO themselves at launch to show they are serious about online gaming
  • New Metroid for 3DS


2. Outrageous

  • NINTENDO show off a new Metroid game in the style of Prime for the WiiU, which will also be in the launch window
  • Pikmin 3 will be available at launch [about bloody time!]
  • Due to the popularity of Uprising, there will be a Kid Icarus game for the WiiU
  • F-Zero is confirmed for the system and will be released next year. Montage of clips for this is shown.

3. Aftermath

  • List of titles for the WiiU Virtual Console gets reveals
  • Some of these titles will have HD upgrades whilst some will be straight ports






1. Megatons

  • Mario Kart WiiU
  • Super Mario 64 and Majora's Mask re-released for 3DS
  • Classic GameBoy games announced for 3D classics
  • Achievement style points system for games
  • Pikmin 3 to have multiplayer


2. Outrageous

  • New Ice Climbers game
  • Donkey Konga sequel for WiiU - bang on the touch screen!
  • GTAV WiiU exclusive
  • Red Dead Redemption sequel announced

3. Aftermath

  • WiiU bombs due to silly name with people thinking it's a peripheral
  • Sony and Microsoft release a superior consoles next gen and NINTENDO is left behind






1. Megatons

  • Retro working on a new Wave Race or 1080 game.
  • Achievement system for WiiU on day 1, newer 3DS games get it later
  • Loads of eShip improvements for the WiiU, Excitebots and Disaster:Day of Crisis go global
  • Some sort of new exclusive management sim game like Rollercoaster Tycoon or Sim City which makes full use of the tablet controller
  • Big lineup of 3rd party games which you can already buy on 360/PS3 but with minot added tablet features


2. Outrageous

  • NINTENDO tries its hand at eSports. F-zero Universe and new FPS are the 1st games. They offer regular online tournaments and leaderboards, with the best players gettign invited to major eSports events for big prizes and celebrity status in the gaming world.
  • NINTENDO gather together ket ex-Rare employess and start a new studio making Rare-style games
  • Not one mention of lifetime sales etc. No bar charts, no pie charts!
  • Steam coming to WiiU

3. Aftermath

  • People expect some mention of the next Smash Bros. but it doesn't happen
  • NINTENDO announces Spaceworld will be back on later in the year, and they have lots more WiiU games and revelations to reveal






1. Megatons

  • Eternal Darkness 2 announced for WiiU
  • A new F-Zero announce for WiiU . . . . AND 3DS!
  • GameCube, Sega Saturn and Dreamcast games added to the WiiU VC and are all running in HD
  • Zelda 3DS unveiled, a hybrid 3D-2D game
  • NSMB Mii is shown off and it links to NSMB2 somehow


2. Outrageous

  • Mach Rider Unchained!!!! 3DS
  • Virtual Console localisation programme

3. Aftermath

  • Fire Emblem Awakening announced for US release
  • SSB4 Teaser Trailer shown






1. Megatons

  • WiiU name-change = Nintendo U
  • Along with titles such as Pikmin, Footage of Mario Galaxy 3 is shown
  • A tech demo of SSB4 is shown for the 3DS and the U. Mii's are now playable characters. Some in game characters are revealed
  • 3DS Softwarde lineup is revealed. A new F-Zero, Pokémon, Banjo-Kazooie and the new LOZ game which is a new game but follows the Engine to OOt and MM


2. Outrageous

  • Show ends with HD LOZ Trailer on the U which will probably come out in 2014
  • Cammie Dunnaway is re-hired and presents the conference and does a good job of it






1. Megatons

  • Donkey Kong Country Returns 3DS
  • New Mario game closer to Mario 64's gameplay then Galaxy
  • F-Zero WiiU, being made by Sega like F-Zero GX
  • Huge list of third party games for the WiiU, Gta V, RE6, SFxTekken, CoD
  • Valve announce full support, bringing Dota 2, CS:GO, Left 4 Dead 2 and Portal 1 & 2 plus map maker to the WiiU


2. Outrageous

  • Zelda ALttP remake
  • Luigi's Mansion now a WiiU game
  • Virtual Boy games remade in colour coming to 3DS's virtual console
  • The Return of R.O.B.

3. Aftermath

  • Backlash from the conference will convince NINTENDO to reveal the WiiU's price



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- Retro Studios make a new Metroid game. Similar to Metroid Prime, but no Prime name.

- F-Zero UX gets officially announced. No Footage.

- Nintendo announce range of Pokémon figures, along with new Pokémon Stadium.

- Mario Paint will be an in-built App for the Wii U, takes full advantage of the controller and has sharing features.

- New 2D-style Zelda game, but with 3D graphics.


2. (I don't understand the "outrageous" but "likely-to-happen", so I'll just put "outrageous")


- New Banjo-Kazooie game on 3DS, co-developed with Nintendo.

- Steam is integrated heavily into the Wii U.

- Virtual Console HD range, with improved versions of old games. Super Mario Bros., Wink Waker and Super Metroid will be among the launch titles.

- Exclusive Sonic Wii U game. Similar gameplay to Colours/Generations.




- Smash Bros CGI trailer, showing one new character.

- Backlash from the conference will convince Nintendo to reveal the Wii U's price.

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Okay Megatons -


* Pokemon Wii-U unveiled and is the game that we've allways wanted from a console version of the game, It is the same mechanics and format of the handheld games, but presented in pristine gorgeous graphics. All Pokemon are available, All Regions are available, all gyms can be beaten, the finale is the Pokemon League. No elite 4, but a tournament after gaining all badges.


* Mario & Sonic game that isn't sport related, a genuine cross world platform game that sees Mario and Sonic in both Greenhill zone and other Sonic levels, and Sonic in the Mushroom Kingdom. Appearances from other marioland and Sonic games also there such as Luigi, Tails, Yoshi, Knuckles, Princess, Amy etc


*Max Payne 3 trailer shows, Reggie then says that Max Payne 3 will be the first of many Rockstar games to hit the Wii-U. Reggie rolls up his sleeve akin to the Microsoft conference from a few years back to reveal a GTA5 logo on his arm, then crosses his arm gansta style and says "What's up with that!" and poses gangsta style.




Outrageous Claims -


* Nintendo Instant Messaging Service / Video Messaging / Live Chat is official and has a fancy logo and name - Demonstrated at e3 as Miyamoto uses his Wii-U tablet to make a voice chat with Reggie who is back stage, doing his very best acting / pretending to be surprised by the call and telling Shiggy he'll be on stage soon!


* Star Fox Game for Wii-U


* Retro's new game is an FPS aimed at mature crowd


* Smash Bro's footage shown, although short it's there, the end of it a bit of text says something along the lines of "All your favourite Nintendo and Non-Nintendo Characters are back in one epic battle"


People pick up on the Non-Nintendo characters reference, this gets addressed in the aftermath section below





Aftermath -


* Behind closed doors a few character arts from Smash Bro's Battle are shown, in these we have characters including Rayman, Rabbids, Sonic, Tales, Klonoa.






I'll have to update my post

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A. Announcement of a Super Mario title for the Wiiu (full 3D, looking like the ultimate dreamland, with a shitload of new & fresh ideas - open world, but at times, goes 2.5D :yay: ) - Followed by footage/trailer.

B. Mario Kart for the Wiiu - refining some ideas from the 3DS game but with bucketloads of new - followed by footage/trailer.

C. F-zer0 - followed by the epicest cum-fest footage/trailer ever to cum in the history of gaming.

D. Removed 'New Franchise' becuase there's too many possibilities of what Nintendo could choose to do..... and we already know of 'New Franchise(s)... I think?

E. Somewhere, at sometime, in some moment: Conduit 3 - followed by a complete and utter hype trailer of some kind... fuck I'm getting exhausted just thinking about it. :cool:

I was gonna make this an Outrageous & Unlikely claim, but I'm feeling lucky! :D *puts both testiballz AND dick on the betting line*

F. This one's inevitable: U Fit :P

I know that this one is kind of confirmed already (I think?) but I'm more talking about the title... meaning Wiiu is here to stay!


2. 1.

The one's a wild guess, but probably possible -no matter how unlikely, but: Some kind of Wii Sports Universe game... Maybe Mii Universe of something (I shan't go into detail, but the said software would be for the purposes of Hardcore (land) + Casuals (ocean) to live happily under Nintendo's world :D)


3. Yes, Super Smash Bros U????... teases.

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2. (I don't understand the "outrageous" but "likely-to-happen", so I'll just put "outrageous")


Sorry, that had to be 'unlikely', it has been fixed.


Lol @ U fit @Beverage :laughing:


They should put a question mark behind it and reveal it something along the following lines:


U Fat?

U a doctor's slave?

U sweat from picking up a controller?



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Fused King I don't think a question mark would go down well. It's like Nintendo are uncertain if their customers will be fit after using their product. But inserting an exclamation point afterwards is like a statement of confidence that U'll Fit into anything after 100%ing that there game. :bouncy:

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Here are few thoughts:


1. Massive Mario Blow Out

We'll see a main-franchise Mario game alongside introductions of Mario Kart and Smash Bros.

2. Wii-Design

Hardware, tablet and branding all look pretty different to last year, far more sex to them. Tablet has a capacitive screen which is slightly larger with qHD resolution - capacitive stylus included. Wii name retained somehow, but not WiiU.

3. Big return for NST

Both 1080 and WaveRace revived with ultra realistic visuals and more story driven. NST to become Nintendo's 'simulation team'.

4. Exclusive content from third parties

Resident Evil 6, Colonial Marines, Assassins Creed all to have significant - and exclusive - DLC. Nintendo to continue to money hat exclusive DLC.

5. Black Ops 2 not available on the platform in 2012

But Modern Warfare Trilogy available upon launch day. Limited use of the tablet.



1. Persistently online. 64kb or 3G connectivity out of the box

Don't get excited :all games will require an online pass as added security, regardless of online capability. Only demo available if online passed not available.

2. Nintendo Drive announced

Ultra fast transfer of digital downloads. Sits with home console but stores digital downloads for 3DS, fast wireless transfer speeds means that you transfer vast games by the time you leave the house.

3. Retro Studios Zelda

Eric Kozlowsky of Uncharted fame suggests the project he's working on at Retro "might just be one of my crowning achievements as an artist". I can think of no other franchise worthy of such a comment.


1. Other consoles get 'tablets' for Christmas

Both Microsoft and Sony announce major updates to their plaforms including Microsoft Windows Phones and Sony's Android phones both getting limited second screen functions before Nintendo even ship their home console.

2. Nothing really changes and...

Apple sells more phones.

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-Super Mario 4 (Wii U) - a mix of 3D and 2D platforming. Bowser's family, Wario and Donkey Kong are the villans.

-Wind Waker HD: The Director's Cut (Wii U) - the two missing dungeons will be included, and the triforce hunt will be shortend or deleted!

-Disaster: Day of Crisis sequel/reboot or Project Hammer revival.

-At least one of these to be confirmed -

Resident Evil 6 or Resident Evil 2 ReMake (Wii U). Resident Evil 5, Revelations sequel or The Mercenaries 2 (3DS).

-New Zelda 3DS to feature a Four Swords online mode.


-An exclusive Wii U game that use's one of these licenses will be shown :- James Bond, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Die Hard, Star Trek, The Terminator, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Toy Story, Monsters Inc.

-Nintendo Network on Wii U to match Xbox Live's features, and to be completely free. Official headset revealed, and it works with both Nintendo consoles.

-Nintendo will have a suprise for us on the 3DS after the confrence- something like Game & Watch Gallery 5 or Nintendo Pinball Collection on the eShop or a major update to the system.

- Diddy Kong Racing 2 revealed. Will feature more than one Kong and many Kremlings.



-Majora's Mask 3D confirmed.

-Wii U price leaked.

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Nintendo has said that, with the Wii U, it wants to first appeal to the core, then the wider audience later on. If they mean what they say, these are the Wii U games that would get the hardcore gamers more excited than anything else:


- Metroid Prime 4. No motion controls. It must be as tight and neat as the GameCube original.


- Realistic Zelda by Retro Studios. The "realistic vs. cartoony" argument will never be settled, as there is too much appeal in both types. But tell me, whose heart would not beat faster at the reveal of a game similar to the demo we saw at E3 2011?


- F-Zero UX. Nuff said.


- 3D Super Mario. Whether you are bored with him or not, few games are as respected by the core as much as Mario's full-on, 3D efforts. Like everything else on this list, it should be dual-analogue with no motion controls.


- Wind Waker sequel. Say what you like about new IPs and such, and Nintendo making too many sequels, but Wind Waker is still the game Nintendo cannot beat. Until they can find a sure-fire way to do so, I suggest there is nothing that would get gamers as excited as a full-on sequel to the sea-based masterpiece.



I do not believe there will be any decent 3DS games shown at E3, so this is my list of the games I really, really want on that handheld:


- Cel-shaded Zelda.


- Dragon Quest XI by Level-5.


- Shantae 3 by WayForward.


- "Nintendo Sprite Division" set up in order to create sprite-based, fully 2D "SNES+" games like a Link to the Past sequel, a Super Mario World sequel and most importantly, Metroid V, a worthy successor to Metroid Fusion.



I'm not entirely sure what to predict here, so I'll go for...


- Another eShop game by Wayforward.


- Majora's Mask confirmed to be on its way (credit to welsh gamer for saying it first).





Basically, I've kept my predictions modest in order to avoid disappointment.

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- Zelda 3DS - using a game engine similar to Wind Waker, looks stunning, Nov 2012 release

- Super Mario Bros.4 - Wii U - 2D sidescroller, completely new art style, launch title, the way it uses the tablet will blow everyones mind :o

- Metroid Prime 4 - this is the game that shows off what the Wii U can do graphically

- Batman Arkham Collection - GOTY editions of both Arkham Asylum & City

- Nintendo Wii U exclusive realistic racing game by Lucid Games




- Super Smash Bros Wii U / 3DS is shown and playable at E3

- GTA5 timed exclusive for Wii U

- Final Fantasy 7 remake for 3DS

- 2D only 3DS games revealed by Third Parties




- Zelda Wii U teased to use the art style from E3 2011 demo

- Reggie reveals price after conference in interview with Geoff.

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I'm going to be more conservative (and probably boring):


Wii U

- Wii U gets a redesign which everyone is still pretty luke warm about

- Online gets talked about like it has just been invented but it does very little if anything that XBL doesn't do already but we get digital downloads right?

- Activision still show limited support for the system.

- A raft of great looking 1st party games, almost all without release dates.

- Retro's new project is a release title but is actually new IP.

- Ubisoft's new IP look good on the surface but are pretty shallow, suggesting a rushed production.

- Darksiders II is heavily playable at the show but played down in the meeting.

- Nobody says anything about Unreal engine.

- Nintendo rub their own genie lamp, tell everyone how they see the industry differently to everyone else before a short lecture on changing gameplay, finished off by a reveal of easily accessible games which will become the new Wii Sports.


My outside bet: GTA V is on the system.



- "Look how we didn't screw up!"

- Blarg about sales and plenty of talk about services that people don't really care about.

- Zelda gets its reveal. Coming next year.

- Very little time to show much more than a teaser montage of lots of games, concluding with Reggie saying "which will all be playable on the floor".


Outside bet: Phoenix Wright vs. Layton actually gets mentioned at E3.



EDIT: Totally didn't read the first post...

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@david\.dakota I totally forgot about the Wii design, but I'm also banking on it having far more rape to it. Hopefully we'll be paralized by the hardware that the sex becomes one-sided!


@Grazza I oppose you, pal. No motion controls? Wait, ... well you do have a point, even more so what with the evolved Nintendo Control Pad. We need a refined (or perfected) Remote/Nunchuck.


@lostmario I am pillaring your Super Mario Bros. 4 and Metroid Prime 4 predictions!


@Jamba your post doesn't seem like a prediction as much as a bleeding prophecy, especially the part about Nintendo's online and them "rubbing their own genie lamp" :laughing:


And lastly:


@Mike I'm sincerely happy for ya mate, ya fuckin' lucky cunt.


EDIT - Everybody, please use Fused King's Nintendo colour coding routine when posting your predictions, hopes & dreams!!!!! Show some N-fUse-i-gasm with this annual tradition!

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The best thing about this year's E3? It's on during half term, so I don't have to worry about the conference clashing with any staff meetings or having marking to do that evening! :D


Plus the Monday and Tuesday are bank holidays.

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1. Likely Megatons


-Pikmin 3;

-A game from Retro Studios;

-Smash Bros is teased in some way (trailer, picture, concept, etc.);

-Concept art for the next Zelda (:laughing:)

-New Golden Sun is finally announced (c'mon guys, throw us a bone!)

2. Awesome, yet outrageous


-Mole Mania makes a comeback!

-Capcom vs. Nintendo!

-New F-Zero game! Exactly like GX, but with massive online capabilities!

-The Wii U makes toast!


3. Aftermath






...What? It seemed appropriate :heh:

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