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New Super Mario Bros 2


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Just confirmed at the investor meeting that you'll be able to fully download this title the same day its released at retail on the eshop.


You can purchase voucher codes from retailer stores to redeem or just pay through the eshop.

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Just confirmed at the investor meeting that you'll be able to fully download this title the same day its released at retail on the eshop.


You can purchase voucher codes from retailer stores to redeem or just pay through the eshop.

And to add to his post here's a link with info:



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If this won't put Game out of business...


The plan of action on Nintendo's side of things is to pro-actively include retailers even when it comes to DD. It looks like Nintendo will be unique in also allowing retailers - be it online or brick-and-mortar - to sell the digital versions of packaged games via a download code.


The thinking is that the more casual consumers enjoy a sort of psychological comfort when it comes to buying things from retailers compared to buying things from an e-store.


Nintendo's close ties with giants like GameStop also plays a big part in the thinking.


This sort of thing was hinted at ages ago, and while it sounds ambitious, I'm fascinated by it.

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Unless this features the good old B button to run, A to jump control scheme I doubt I'll be picking it up right away. :nono:


The borked button layout on SM3DL really hampered the experience for me. :(


*wishes Nintendo would release a controls patch for that game*


Did the SNES touch you as a child?


As for all the hate, I actually quite liked NSMB1, it brought in the fun newer items of mega and mini mushroom, paved the way for NSMBWii, and most of all had a proper hilarious local multiplayer which I wish had been fleshed out a bit more.

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The selling of digital codes at shops is actually a really good idea. Yes, you won't be able to trade in the games but in return you get the ease of having the game for use at any point. In addition, unlike pure digital distribution, there's a chance that the shops could sell these download codes as competitively as they sell the cartridge games.

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Nintendo's DD plan seems actually quite good and allows for DD games to be cheaper compared to some games which are still full RRP on some networks but in store the game is 50% or more less


kudos to you Nintendo! really trying to get everyone on board aren't we before the SNES2 (WiiU - I'm hoping for a rename)

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so does this mean we will finally get proper accounts like PSN and xbox live.


If not then I wont be touching any retail DD game.


What the rights of ownership on these games if we dont get proper accounts. If I lose/break 3DS and replace it or SD card becomes corrupt can I download all my DD games again for free?

Edited by khilafah
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Did the SNES touch you as a child?
No, but I touched the SNES :heh:...



...as a teenager. ;)


and most of all had a proper hilarious local multiplayer which I wish had been fleshed out a bit more.
Yeah, the multiplayer on NSMB was/is a great laugh. Still play it occasionally. icon14.gif
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Although AC being available for download is an excellent idea, I think that this game is better suited to it, it will probably be much smaller in size and definitely has a more 'pick-up-and-play' appeal. I'll definitely consider downloading this.

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Of course we'll have accounts, this system simply will not work otherwise.


I hope it works backwards. I have punch out on the wii VC and the idea that Nintendo will force me to buy it again on the 3DS sickens me


Why would you need it on both? Nintendo isn't forcing you to do anything in that instance.

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Why would you need it on both? Nintendo isn't forcing you to do anything in that instance.


Don't you think it would be nice to be able to play some of your VC games on the go...? I think it would be great to be able to whip out the 3DS and have a quick blast on a Snes game without having to rebuy them on the eShop.


3DS + DKC trilogy would be :love:

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Don't you think it would be nice to be able to play some of your VC games on the go...?


Yep :heh:


I'd love to be able to transfer my entire VC collection onto the 3DS to take with me on the go. Some portable Super Punch-Out!!, Streets of Rage, Shinobi III and, of course, Donkey Kong Country would be awesome and I'd also be encouraged to download many more VC games, such as F-Zero X, 1080 Snowboarding and Wave Race 64, that I alread own on N64, so that I could have them on the go :hehe:

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I didn't need to answer Fierce as the above expresses why. I actually think NES games are great for handhelds, with no saves the usually suit the pick and play vibe pretty well.


Just annoys me that I've bought the game and I shouldn't have to buy it again. Hopefully it'll get sorted with Nintendo Network and we have our accounts!

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I didn't need to answer Fierce as the above expresses why. I actually think NES games are great for handhelds, with no saves the usually suit the pick and play vibe pretty well.


Just annoys me that I've bought the game and I shouldn't have to buy it again. Hopefully it'll get sorted with Nintendo Network and we have our accounts!


I can understand not wanting to buy the game twice, but there's such a huge can of worms here. It's not "essential" that you have it on both. You have it on Wii, you don't really need it on the 3DS as well.


Also, another thought: I have a ton of SNES games from years and years back. I gave Nintendo my money then, and now I want to play these on the 3DS without giving my money again. Should Nintendo allow that as well? Just throwing that out there. :heh: (Note: I'm not saying that I expect Nintendo to make these available to me, but that it opens up quite a few possibilities, questions and arguments).


Of course it would be awesome if they let you purchase the game once and it's available on Wii and 3DS, but we know Nintendo well. If there's an opportunity for them to make money, they will do it.


I don't even know how it would be possible to transfer VC games from Wii to 3DS. I can imagine a system in place for the WiiU where you can play games on the 3DS and WiiU. Hmm.

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I can understand not wanting to buy the game twice, but there's such a huge can of worms here. It's not "essential" that you have it on both. You have it on Wii, you don't really need it on the 3DS as well.


Also, another thought: I have a ton of SNES games from years and years back. I gave Nintendo my money then, and now I want to play these on the 3DS without giving my money again. Should Nintendo allow that as well? Just throwing that out there. :heh: (Note: I'm not saying that I expect Nintendo to make these available to me, but that it opens up quite a few possibilities, questions and arguments).


Of course it would be awesome if they let you purchase the game once and it's available on Wii and 3DS, but we know Nintendo well. If there's an opportunity for them to make money, they will do it.


I don't even know how it would be possible to transfer VC games from Wii to 3DS. I can imagine a system in place for the WiiU where you can play games on the 3DS and WiiU. Hmm.


That's a rubbish argument :)


I buy games on my iPhone and I can play them on my iPad and some even through apple tv. I buy Hustle Kings, or motostorm on my ps3 and I can play them on my vita, or any of the minis, or soon with PS1 games. None of these companies make me buy them twice. So why are Nintendo the ONLY company that does?!


Like I say, I'm extremely confident this will be solved come the autumn.


And I don't NEED it on my 3DS, but I'd prefer it on my 3DS and ultimately it's what consumers have come to expect.

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That's a rubbish argument :)


I buy games on my iPhone and I can play them on my iPad and some even through apple tv. I buy Hustle Kings, or motostorm on my ps3 and I can play them on my vita, or any of the minis, or soon with PS1 games. None of these companies make me buy them twice. So why are Nintendo the ONLY company that does?!


Like I say, I'm extremely confident this will be solved come the autumn.


And I don't NEED it on my 3DS, but I'd prefer it on my 3DS and ultimately it's what consumers have come to expect.


Why or how is it a rubbish argument? At the moment, there isn't a way to buy a game once and play it on the 3DS and Wii. I don't even know if it's possible at the moment, hence why I said I can see it happening between WiiU and 3DS.


It's nice to be able to have the choice to play it in more than one way. At the moment, Nintendo aren't giving you that choice. Maybe they'll surprise me and allow this to happen, but I'm not really holding my breath. This is the same company that releases 3 different editions of Pokemon every generation, for example.


Also, with respect, Apple aren't Nintendo and Nintendo aren't Apple. Just because one does things a certain way doesn't mean the other will follow. You would think that Nintendo would allow us to buy something once and have it available across platforms, but it's nowhere near guaranteed.

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It still seems pretty silly to pretend that there's any similarity between the arguments "I bought a digital version of a game a year ago and now I have to buy it again when they release another system" and "I bought a bunch of SNES games fifteen years ago and now I have to buy them again when they're released digitally", though. :p

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Like Magnus said I meant your bought the SNES game argument :)


I think companies should work to industry standards. Nintendo have been playing catch up with online and it's hurting them, they're making great strides though which is great. But to say they're not we shouldn't expect it, well i think that's a crazy way of thinking, because people DO expect it and it will put people off, it's also a statement of intent of how they're going to approach things, which i reckon a lot of people are waiting on. If nintendo don't come up to scratch they'll lose a lot of customers and publishers support I reckon. Luckily, i think Nintendo agree and will almost definitely allow us to do this once they sort the network out... And you'll love it!! :D

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I wonder how digital download and Club Nintendo would work- would it automatically increase your account by the set amount of stars the game is worth- or would you be emailed a code after the download was confirmed?


Either way, I prefer a game box/instuction book. Digital download is ok, but for smaller games/apps I feel.

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It still seems pretty silly to pretend that there's any similarity between the arguments "I bought a digital version of a game a year ago and now I have to buy it again when they release another system" and "I bought a bunch of SNES games fifteen years ago and now I have to buy them again when they're released digitally", though. :p


Like Magnus said I meant your bought the SNES game argument :)




Also, another thought: I have a ton of SNES games from years and years back. I gave Nintendo my money then, and now I want to play these on the 3DS without giving my money again. Should Nintendo allow that as well? Just throwing that out there. :heh: (Note: I'm not saying that I expect Nintendo to make these available to me, but that it opens up quite a few possibilities, questions and arguments).


I never said it was part of my main argument at all...but rather that it was something worth thinking about. It was clearly stated that way.


If Nintendo do it, then great. But, they've got other things that are probably more important...such as showing off more software.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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