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Assassin's Creed III


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The biggest problem wasn't the bonus objective...but the face that, after a really hard mission where you didn't complete the bonus objective (kill two guards from a zipwire...even though you have to go out of your way to find one) and then being told 50% just made it feel like you failed.

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Usually my hype levels sky rocket with an AC video. I think I came when I watched the Revelations one.


This did nothing for me.

I imagine the American flag hit you like a cold shower.


The trailer isn't that special, to be honest. Your typical Blur studio-style announcement footage. It also lacks the killer soundtrack choice of the one for Revelations.


I suspect the actual game will be pretty great, mind. As sceptical as I was about the setting's relative lack of urban environments, it's probably for the best after so many games doing largely the same thing, each new entry further cheapening the free running aspect.

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Loved the wolves but it got to George Washington and kind of died. I've decided to forget about what I think about the other ACs (and the direction I think AC should have gone) and I'm actually sure this will be great. The trailer was lacking the usual slickness, though.

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Indeed, the last trailers have been awesome because they told a story in a very short time. The last two I can picture clearly (Brotherhood leaping into a fight with Cesare and Revelations walking across the country then losing a fight and surviving a hanging). This one seems to be telling the story of "OMFG HE'S IN AMERICA! LOOK THERE'S GEORGE WASHINGTON! HE HAS A MOWHAWK!!11!"


A shame, but hopefully the next trailer will change that. And I'm sure the game itself will be ace if it's been in development for three years. Looking forward to it.

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Yeah, when it got to Washington, it started to look like a Total War game; none of the individuals looked remotely inspiring, which is obviously what they were going for. Nor did the prospect of the battle at hand get me excited; AC is about an individual rather than an army.


Although it seems this could be for Assasins Creed, what Snake eater was for the MGS series; introduced interaction with wildlife, camouflage elements, shift from the man made to the natural etc.


This will probably be great.

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Although it seems this could be for Assasins Creed, what Snake eater was for the MGS series; introduced interaction with wildlife, camouflage elements, shift from the man made to the natural etc.


That's what I was thinking (and hoping for) while watching the trailer until they showed the city. :blank:


I have yet to complete Revelations. Only played it for an hour so far and it's the same as ACII and Brotherhood. :indeed: Other games are keeping me occupied at the moment.


ACIII's setting (snow and America) do look good. But I doubt the gameplay will be much different from past installments...

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There's nothing glamorous or exciting about Independence era America though (in the physical sense rather than the ideological or political). I don't want to saunter through faceless military encampments and outhouses, I want something with the personality of Venice or Rome.

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There's nothing glamorous or exciting about Independence era America though (in the physical sense rather than the ideological or political). I don't want to saunter through faceless military encampments and outhouses, I want something with the personality of Venice or Rome.


Which is why this is likely to be the first AC I will give a miss.

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Probably, that got annoying after a while. At first 100% synch referred to doing the mission perfectly. After a while it became "do the mission awkwardly, it will take a dozen attempts".


You were also "forced" to do missions in one spesific way, instead of doing things the way you wanted to do it, whatever that may be.


I'm still excited for this game. A bit less than with Brotherhood and Revelations, but it has nothing to do with the place or era, which I think is great, but the fact I don't think climbing trees is going to be very fun as opposed to buildings.

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You were also "forced" to do missions in one spesific way, instead of doing things the way you wanted to do it, whatever that may be.


I'm still excited for this game. A bit less than with Brotherhood and Revelations, but it has nothing to do with the place or era, which I think is great, but the fact I don't think climbing trees is going to be very fun as opposed to buildings.


I think I like the idea of traversing tress and how much more organic it might feel and a different type of excitment but actually climbing them you're right. Scaling a tree is not gonna have the same wonder that doing the same on a building does.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Having finished Revelations last night, Ubi have a lot to prove upon III. I was left feeling dissapointed at the end


It was basically the entire ending, from arriving back at Masayaf right up until Desmond awoke from the Animus. It felt like it was simply added on, because i was expecting a battle. I was however, not expecting to just simply walk into the old Assassin HQ finding it completly deserted (no books, no signs of life etc) place the keys into the door and finding a SECOND APPLE in Altairs Library. Ok, i was not expecting to find the corpse of Altair sitting on a chair. Overall, the end was dissapointing. Why simply "wake-up" after Ezio speaks to Desmond, why just end it like that.



Overall, the game lacked some of the magic i thought from the previous 2. AC-II felt like a refreshing rebirth, Brotherhood simply added to it. Revelations took some of that refreshment away. It felt like Ubi simply didn't have III ready, so threw something out to fill the void.


From the looks of things so far in III, it is shaping up to be good. Hopefully at E3, Ubi will explain more of the game.

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Collectors Editions




Assassin's Creed III Coming with Two Killer Deluxe Editions


Ubisoft has unveiled two deluxe editions of the upcoming Assassin's Creed III, offering fans two beautifully packaged ways to show their adoration for the franchise (and make the publisher a couple extra bucks in the process, naturally).

The Assassins's Creed III "Join or Die" Edition


Assassin’s Creed III retail game


The medallion of the Assassins with its high-quality curd ladle


George Washington's notebook revealing all the truth & secrets about the Assassins and the Templars during the American Revolution.


1 in-game Single Player Mission:


Ghost of War: The tide of the Revolution turns into the Templars favor. Defeat your enemies and unlock The Pontiac’s War Club, a powerful Native American weapon.


1 in-game Multiplayer Package:


The Sharpshooter package: Unleash the Sharpshooter fury in multiplayer with 1 new character, the Sharpshooter, 1 Relic, 1 Emblem, 1 special Picture and the Title of "The Jester".



The Assassin's Creed III "Freedom" Edition


Assassin's Creed III retail game


A 9.5" high-quality figurine of Connor


A steelbook case art by Alex Ross


George Washington's notebook revealing all the truth & secrets about the Assassins and the Templars during the American Revolution.


One exclusive Lithograph


2 in-game Single Player Missions:


Lost Mayan Ruins: Connor's mission leads him in an old Mayan pyramid, full of mysteries and revelations. Players will be able to unlock Captain Kidd's fabled cutlass, a deadly, brutal and beautiful piece of steel


Ghost of War: The tide of the Revolution turns into the Templars favor. Defeat your enemies and unlock The Pontiac's War Club, a powerful Native American weapon.


1 in-game Multiplayer Package:


The Sharpshooter package: Unleash the Sharpshooter fury in multiplayer with 1 new character, the Sharpshooter, 1 Relic, 1 Emblem, 1 special Picture and the Title of "The Jester".



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  • 1 month later...

Dear Ubisoft,


I'm not going to advertise your game so that you release promotional material that's in your interest to get out there in the first place. If you want to create buzz around your trailer then make a good one, don't cynically hold it to ransom behind a social media wall.




The Internet

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