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Gender Neutrality


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But the fact is she is banning certain things that she deems overly-masculine, yet appears to be pushing dresses and tutus, which are overly-feminine. That's not gender neutrality.


If anything she's pushing femininity on him. I also can't help but feel that by denying him access to television he's going to be totally at a loss to what other kids are talking about. She's almost setting him up to fail socially, sadly. I'd go as far to say that any parent who makes a conscious, unnecessary choice to put their child in a situation that will make them less able to make friends (or worse, be bullied) then they're a bad parent. The best examples of this are not letting them watch TV and giving them a really, really unusual name.


If you give your little boy a feminine name, they will at some point be bullied for it, and as it's naive at best to think that other kids will be understanding and nice, it's entirely your fault.

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I just think "gender neutrality" is a load of balls, if you'll pardon the pun.


Gender is determined by chromosomes, which determine whether you have ovaries or testes, which in turn determine your hormones. Then look at clothing, which is designed differently for a reason: women wear bras because they have breasts, men's underwear has extra room for the testicles, and many other subtle things like women being hourglass-shaped and men being more V-shaped. This is practicality, nothing more.


As for toys, personally, I've never liked war, cars or football. I liked the slightly geekier boys' toys like Masters of the Universe, ZOIDS and Transformers. Kids gravitate towards what they like anyway.


I'm all for love, understanding and sympathy towards those who feel differently, I truly am. There's no need for anyone to conform to stereotypes, adult or child. I just don't think gender itself is neutral.

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Yes they do. But males can have very feminine innate behaviours even though their hormones are the same. Also, I thought he was referring mostly to clothes.


And really this article deals with gender neutral behaviour and treatment from the parent, which would make what you said irrelevant, as it refers to the child.

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Yes they do. But males can have very feminine innate behaviours even though their hormones are the same.


Yes but you can't discount sex as a huge influence in "gender". There's a reason these stereotypes exist, they're based in truth. Yes people can go against them, but generally they are correct.



And if anyone says that stereotypes or generalisation are "bad" or "wrong" then they're an idiot who needs to be shot.

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Sounds to me like this woman is just trying to get herself recognised and is using 'the infant' to do just that.


Perhaps she's wanting a daily slot on Loose Women or something.


Agree with what the majority are saying - the gender neutrality is certainly interesting, but she isn't going about it in the right way.

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You're assuming gender is the same as sex. Which is isn't. Sex is the biological differences, while gender is solely society and culture based. So gender neutral is very easily achieved.


While I fully understand your point, gender does also include the biological aspect.

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Like Nietzsche says, there's nothing a man fears more than another who can't be predicted. Why start or end with gender roles? All they are is one particular element of culture at large: a common system of referentiality for one to be able to mediate ones relationship with the rest of society. Everyone fits into a box and their expected attitudes and behaviours are extrapolated from this.


I suppose in a sense, to combat the negative elements of gender types, one has to break them down to their basics, but to be honest, they will always exist so long as Humans do.


Essentialism is the way we think. We build a great deal of our impression of the world based on the most ostensible, superficial things we percieve, which is why I often find people who rile so militantly against typification a little...embarrassing


/delirious early morning ramble...

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There's no evidence in the article that he doesn't know he is a boy, or that he is forced to dress like a girl and ignore urges. In fact, the woman is quoted saying that he could be a butch rugby player if he wanted to.


he could be, but then the article states

Beck thinks nothing of putting Sasha in flowery tops, and is adamant that he doesn’t mind
so she thinks nothing of putting him in stereotypical girly tops


but then in the same breath won't allow stereotypically masculine tops...


Hmm theres no push towards one gender there at all :hmm:


as for not knowing if he is a boy or a girl... she says they didn't find out the sex until 30 min after the birth, they didn't immediately tell the family and when people ask she says she isn't telling....

now what happens when he asks? if she is so adamantly trying to stop a gender role on him, would she actually tell him in a straight answer? wouldn't it be more on the lines of "your what every you want to be? a little person"

if he asked why he had a penis would she say its because you are a boy?


he has no outside stimulus like TV only what she vets for him, so he could quite easily have very little understanding of his gender.

Its not a great leap

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I don't really think it's good what the woman is doing. Raise the kid as a boy and if he feels he's a woman, then that's what he feels, but by reading that and seeing how she dresses him and stuff, it's like she wants him to be a girl.


She don't mind him being in flowery, girly tops and is adament that he doesn't mind so why not put him in stereotypical boys tops as well? She doesn't like skulls? That's fine, I'm pretty sure you can buy Ben 10 t-shirts and Lego t-shirts somewhere or heck, even a blank t-shirt.


I think that if she's honestly worried about this, all she'd have to do is buy him neutral tops and things like that like buying him blank t-shirts and stuff. THAT'D be equal. Putting him in flowery tops isn't being equal. When he's older and he understands about this and he feels like he's a woman or something, then the mother could say "You can be whoever you want to be", that'd be more equal.


Just let the kid like what he wants to like, let him hate what he wants to hate and let him decide who he wants to be when he's older.

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She said that she gets clothes handed down and most of them are girly.


But isn't that defeating the purpose? Surely if she wanted to remain neutral, she'd just get plain clothes with no skulls or flowers or anything like that. To put it simple, it's very easy to get neutral clothes but she chooses to dress him in tops that are girly, which is not neutral.


Being neutral would be to put him in plain clothes such as white t-shirts, blue t-shirts, etc. Putting him in flowery tops isn't neutral whatsoever, whether they're handed down or not, which is why I said I think she wanted a girl, lol.

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Just let the kid like what he wants to like, let him hate what he wants to hate and let him decide who he wants to be when he's older.


Her point is that gender is instilled and naturalised through various forms of structural violence and that just letting him/her just be will leave the child exposed to these external forces whereas she is attempting to shield the child from all that.


She is attempting to destabilise the notion of gender and, to be fair to her, that's probably what is going to happen (and isn't actually that hard to do). She's just doing it to a pointless extreme.


It's a shame that this incident doesn't seem to be educating people at all; most people on this thread are still tug-o-warring between two genders. That's the real tragedy, that with this extreme case most people inadvertently reveal their naturalised identity constructs.


And that's a big reason why I hate academia, it's elitist as fuck.

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This problem, as well as all mankind's problems, can be solved with the Bill and Ted method:




The way I see it, there are men and women. They're the natural sexes. What someone does with their sex and how they want to be perceived, that's up to them. It's not hurting anyone, so what's the problem? They want to make sexy time with someone of the same sex? So be it, it's none of my business. They want to dress like someone of the opposite gender, fine by me. A man wants to become a woman, are they really a woman or just a mutilated, hormonal mess of a man? Who cares? They're still human, that's all that matters.


I think people over analyse these things, when it can just be solved with "be excellent to each other". It's not exactly rocket science.

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Her point is that gender is instilled and naturalised through various forms of structural violence and that just letting him/her just be will leave the child exposed to these external forces whereas she is attempting to shield the child from all that.


She is attempting to destabilise the notion of gender and, to be fair to her, that's probably what is going to happen (and isn't actually that hard to do). She's just doing it to a pointless extreme.


It's a shame that this incident doesn't seem to be educating people at all; most people on this thread are still tug-o-warring between two genders. That's the real tragedy, that with this extreme case most people inadvertently reveal their naturalised identity constructs.


And that's a big reason why I hate academia, it's elitist as fuck.


But how on Earth is she going to successfully do that? He's bound to be confronted by society's prejudices sooner or later, and then what? How will he handle that? I also think it's very difficult to be objective in such cases; how do we accurately determine what's nature and what's nurture? And even if we could, what do we deem proper/healthy amounts of nurture?

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