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Games were a lot cheaper to develop back in the PlayStation era, so games didn't have to sell nearly as much to be considered successful. If it costs ten times as much to make Resident Evil 6 than it cost to make the first game, then Capcom probably wants it to sell ten times as much, too.


It's what basically killed point-and-click adventure games.


I wouldn't worry about the interview saying they want sales similar to CoD, that was mentioned way back in January when the trailer was first released and no one really cared about it back then so why worry now? I'll just wait and see what the game is like and hope it's like RE5 and Revelations.

  • 2 weeks later...

The latest trailer hit the web earlier but has now been taken down. Apparently Sherry is in it ( finally! ), there's something about Wesker Jr kicking about, Chris Vs Leon and the game has been moved forward to October.




The latest trailer hit the web earlier but has now been taken down. Apparently Sherry is in it ( finally! ), there's something about Wesker Jr kicking about, Chris Vs Leon and the game has been moved forward to October.





Oh. My. GOD! That actually looks amazing! Definitely way too many spoilers though, I'm going to try and avoid any info on this from now on (and I'll probably fail. :heh:)


In regards to the trailer though...


It's great to see so many characters return. Plus Leon vs Chris looks awesome. If they do ave to battle to the death, I really hope Leon wins. Chris needs to die, he's just getting annoying.


Posted (edited)


  • Each playable character has a different gameplay focus
  • Leon = RE4, Chris = RE5, Muller = "something new"
  • New enemies are a result of the C-Virus
  • Is three times longer than Resi 5
  • No Wii U version, concentrating on the PlayStation 3 version, 360 version and the PC version of the game.
  • A "totally new control scheme" has been employed
  • North America, China and Eastern Europe are locations in the game
  • Solo and co-op, both online and offline.
  • Zombies return.
  • The J'avo take damage based on where you shoot them.
  • Damage a part enough without destroying, that part mutates, becomes more powerful
  • The C-Virus can make enemies undergo "Chrysalide", which "take the mutation process even further as they can undergo a full metamorphosis; spawning a whole host of horrific creatures"
  • Mercenaries Mode will return
  • Shooting while moving, sliding, rolling, cover and enhanced melee attacks are in
  • Demo included with Dragon's Dogma hits July 3rd for XBox, Sept 4 for PS3.



Jack Mueller & Sherry Birkin's campaign: "the duo are pretty much unkillable, their portion of the action is focused on close-quarters melee combat. Capcom has promised to show more of that at E3"


Chris Redfield & Piers Nivens campaign: "Chris Redfield's campaign is closer to Resident Evil 5's all-action shootouts, except this time he's swapping the streets of Africa for the fictional city of Lanshiang, which has suffered the full force of a C-Virus attack and now houses a population of mutated civilians. "Chris' campaign is an action-based thing," producer Eiichiro Sasaki explained to CVG."


Leon & Helena's campaign : "Leon's campaign sounds most promising for fans of the original survivor horror instalments, taking place at the Tall Oaks university campus where a bio-terror attack has mutated the student population and zombified the President of the United States, which leaves floppy-haired Leon with no choice but to put a bullet between the Commander in Chief's eyes."



He doesn't even look like Chris to me.

Edited by Dante
Good to see Nintendo sort out their 3rd party support.


How do you expect a skillshot based shooter to work on those pathetically shitty looking analog nubs? The damn console doesn't even have proper sticks. It's going to be the first Nintendo console since the 64 that I don't buy on launch (read: ever).



How do you expect a skillshot based shooter to work on those pathetically shitty looking analog nubs? The damn console doesn't even have proper sticks. It's going to be the first Nintendo console since the 64 that I don't buy on launch (read: ever).


We barely know anything about it and you have that opinion. Good brain you have there.


Gane looks okay, but still to actiony for me. I miss horror games


I agree it's a bit rash to have such a strong opinion like that when the feedback from developers has been massively positive over the control comfort and accuracy.


I wouldn't be surprised if a WiiU version happened eventually; Capcom do love to port. At the moment they probably don't have MT Framework running on Nintendo's hardware properly whereas the technology is very mature on the 360 and PS3.


Anyway, I'm looking forward to this. RE5 was good fun despite some serious flaws, and from what the press are saying what's been shown seems to have more diverse pacing and improved mechanics.

Posted (edited)
We barely know anything about it and you have that opinion. Good brain you have there.


Gane looks okay, but still to actiony for me. I miss horror games


I know that:


1. It doesn't have analogue sticks, but rather circle pads that are equivalent to the absolutely terrible 3DS circle pad. Forgivable on a handheld, not so on a home console.


2. It's processing power is rumoured to be inferior to a lineup of consoles that have been on the market for nearly 7 years, which means when the developmental shift towards the next generation occurs, third parties will no longer care to put a strong or serious focus on Wii U development.


3. The Wii U is built on the back of an interface gimmick. One that doesn't excite any enthusiasm in me. It will, in majority, amount to nothing more than an expensive controller that allows you to view menu screens seamlessly (which has it's enthusiasts, and really, is like being super excited by an interface update on Microsoft Excel), and the ability to play a low resolution version of the game on a shitty tablet.


4. I got burned (in varying degrees) by the Gamecube and the Wii and the 3DS because I bought them on launch and then had to wait years to build up anything amounting to a decent software library. I am a being that recognises patterns. Here, it doesn't bode towards anything but colossal disappointment.


The sign of a true Nintendo fanboy is his unremitting need to tell everyone about the apparent superiority of the Nintendo equivalent to whatever is being discussed, even when it has not been invited, or is even relevant (you in PS Vita thread), and secondly, to resort to ad hominems/ cast aspersions on the intelligence and opinions of anyone who nay-says what amounts to really nothing more than an entertainment product to be released by a for-profit company.


Good job, internaut. Feel free to join Choze in the immortal pantheon of people whose absurd allegiance to an electronics firm push past embarrassing and straight into autistic.

Edited by The Bard


I know that:


1. It doesn't have analogue sticks, but rather circle pads that are equivalent to the absolutely terrible 3DS circle pad. Forgivable on a handheld, not so on a home console.


2. It's processing power is rumoured to be inferior to a lineup of consoles that have been on the market for nearly 7 years, which means when the developmental shift towards the next generation occurs, third parties will no longer care to put a strong or serious focus on Wii U development.


3. The Wii U is built on the back of an interface gimmick. One that doesn't excite any enthusiasm in me. It will, in majority, amount to nothing more than an expensive controller that allows you to view menu screens seamlessly (which has it's enthusiasts, and really, is like being super excited by an interface update on Microsoft Excel), and the ability to play a low resolution version of the game on a shitty tablet.


4. I got burned (in varying degrees) by the Gamecube and the Wii and the 3DS because I bought them on launch and then had to wait years to build up anything amounting to a decent software library. I am a being that recognises patterns. Here, it doesn't bode towards anything but colossal disappointment.


The sign of a true Nintendo fanboy is his unremitting need to tell everyone about the apparent superiority of the Nintendo equivalent to whatever is being discussed, even when it has not been invited, or is even relevant (you in PS Vita thread), and secondly, to resort to ad hominems/ cast aspersions on the intelligence and opinions of anyone who nay-says what amounts to really nothing more than an entertainment product to be released by a for-profit company.


Good job, internaut. Feel free to join Choze in the immortal pantheon of people whose absurd allegiance to an electronics firm push past embarrassing and straight into autistic.


1. Fair enough. Subjective. Personally I don;t mind them on the 3DS at all, prefer them than the vita sticks... shit, I'm not allowed that opinion am I because that makes me a fanboy, Sorry. It's okay for you to prefer the vita sticks, but if someone doesn't agree with you than they're a fanboy. Sorry. I'll try to stop that "having an opinion" and just agree with you


2. I can't believe you're typing this. It's a rumour. There are more rumours saying it's more powerful than weaker, but yet you cling on to the weaker. It's a moot point as none of us know. But yet you still have this fully formed opinion based on "rumour". Excellent.


3. Okay. Fair enough. You're not excited by it. I find it hard to understand how you can't see that there just might be a possibility it could offer some new and interesting game mechanics. Or that being able to use it as a in-house handheld device wouldn't be pretty good. Or, I don;'t know. wait til they actually know exactly what nintendo are going to do with it. But no, your fully formed opinion is in place on the wii u. I wish I had such an open mind.


4. Valid point. If the last few consoles didn't excite you then I see why this doesn't. We've been promised many things about 3rd party support and such before and have been let down. I would understand the viewpoint. I would never outright reject something I barely knew anything about, you have, that was the point I was making.



Shit, I compared one handheld with another handheld.. how dare I? The last thing we want is debate, or to have an opinion, or to express the differences of two devices that sit in in the same category. Must be a fanboy. Weird, considering I own all consoles and handhelds... This is clearly a difficult thing for you to understand, but I like video games, whoever made them, or whatever they may be on, I have opinions on things, but how you say it makes me a fanboy (I love people who throw that around like it's a dirty word) or have a strange allegiance... It's pretty pathetic to be honest. People only say stuff like that to people they disagree with.


All I did was make a comment that you've completely judged something based on rumour and limited knowledge. Didn't know you were going to take it so seriously.


I'm in a bad mood. I apologise for being a dick.


1. The utility of the circle pads has a pretty objective element in terms of the humongous dead zone and the additional fact that the small movement range means the stick acceleration required for shooters that require a lot of precision will have to be confined to a smaller range. They'll do fine for something like Timesplitters; not so much for main series Resident Evil.


2. It being a rumour doesn't change the fact that the computational range is going to be situated somewhere between either slightly below or slightly above the current range of consoles. The most that will largely amount to is a whole load of ports with the added benefit of whatever tablet based gimmick companies decide to duct tape to it. Once again, I'm not infallable, so there's the off chance that the whole thing will sweep me off my feet, but I'm betting on past experience and what I know so far, that it won't.


3. Also; Nintendo hasn't even done right by its own properties recently. Look what they did to Metroid in Other M, or to Smash Bros with Brawl. I'm one of those people that would get overtaken by irrationality and buy a console based on one good Metroid game (and so I did, for Corruption), but that just won't cut it for me anymore.

I'm in a bad mood. I apologise for being a dick.


1. The utility of the circle pads has a pretty objective element in terms of the humongous dead zone and the additional fact that the small movement range means the stick acceleration required for shooters that require a lot of precision will have to be confined to a smaller range. They'll do fine for something like Timesplitters; not so much for main series Resident Evil.


2. It being a rumour doesn't change the fact that the computational range is going to be situated somewhere between either slightly below or slightly above the current range of consoles. The most that will largely amount to is a whole load of ports with the added benefit of whatever tablet based gimmick companies decide to duct tape to it. Once again, I'm not infallable, so there's the off chance that the whole thing will sweep me off my feet, but I'm betting on past experience and what I know so far, that it won't.


3. Also; Nintendo hasn't even done right by its own properties recently. Look what they did to Metroid in Other M, or to Smash Bros with Brawl. I'm one of those people that would get overtaken by irrationality and buy a console based on one good Metroid game (and so I did, for Corruption), but that just won't cut it for me anymore.


Don't apologise, you weren't being a dick at all. Your points are all valid, but hopefully some of them proven wrong. The sticks thing, I guess although I play shit loads of games I'm not hardcore in that way. Don't you buy fighting sticks and stuff :) In that case I can see where the problem lies for precision, I'm just never good enough at that level (though I was awesome at Mortal Kombat 2 on the arcades).


And yeah, the power is a worry, don't want the same situation as this gen and the wii, but at least with this the graphics won't look so hideous in comparison (we're not at Ultra HD yet) and at least the wii u will be more powerful for even a little while (the wii was much much weaker than the 360 which came out a year before).


I'm still excited by the possibility of the wii u though, but I'm always a bit of a sucker for any new technology. It being used as a tracker in the aliens game will be enough for me :)


Just to throw it out there: If there was a WiiU version, who is to say that it would definitely use the tablet controller anyway. The control scheme for the Wii edition of Resident Evil 4 was unbeatable, and the WiiU will still contain the ability to use the controllers.


I read that they are trying a new control scheme for this, so we'll wait and see. But, it's an idea.


If we're on the subject of the circle pads and FPS games and even a possible RE6 on WiiU (despite what the press release said, I have no doubt it will appear in some Special Edition form, ala Code Veronica X, or the PS2 version of RE4 with extra content)


I'd agree with Flink and hope that they do not limit control schemes to the Utablet just cause can have have "dual analogue" controlls. Wiimotes will work on WiiU and I really hope any FPS and possible RE (6 or otherwise) offer the option to use the Wiimote and Nunchuck. With RE4 Wii Edition I was blown away by how much improved the controls felt compared to the GC original. And I much prefer (personal taste of course) using the Wiimote/Nunchuck in an FPS over dual analogue myself :)


Did anyone really expect them to announce the WiiU version? If there is one Capcom probably arent even allowed to say there is. Nintendo got dat sheeeet on lockdown.


Slight ME3 and RE6 spoilers



I am confused by people saying that RE's aiming requires more precision than most FPS games - I would have said the complete opposite, due to the slowness of RE's aiming.


Pre-Order Bonus Fail




Resident Evil 6's "Mercenaries" Maps Are Pre-Order Bonuses, Headed to Separate Retailers


It was announced recently on the Capcom-Unity blog that different 'mercs' maps will be pre-order bonuses depending on where you buy the game… which is less than ideal for the consumer.


The implication: If you want to play the maps you don't get via your pre-order, they could end up costing you some cash in the form of future DLC.


Here are your options (descriptions via Capcom):


GameStop: The Catacombs




Amazon.com: High Seas Fortress




Best Buy: Rail Yard




If you'd like some more images of these maps, head on over to the Capcom-Unity blog.



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