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Gary Speed RIP


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I was completely shocked and genuinely quite saddened to hear what had happened on my way home from work this afternoon.. I could barely believe what I was hearing :hmm:


I find it difficult to comprehend and it just doesn't seem to add up to me. Gary Speed.. suicide..? Truly unbelievable :sad:

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Was sad about this in the football thread. There was a good tribute on Match of the Day 2 just now.


The interview that Robbie Savage gave to the BBC just shows how shocked everyone is by this. Never seen him like that before.




(my earliest memories of him are when he played for Leeds and thinking that he had an amazing name for a footballer)

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RIP Gary Speed.


As I said in the football thread, I'm genuinely shocked and saddened.


I don't have any club or country connections to the man. Apart from the obvious I've been trying to come to terms with why it's saddened me as much as it has. I think it's because Gary Speed was of that 90s generation of footballer that I grew up idolising. Sad day indeed.

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RIP Gary Speed.


As I said in the football thread, I'm genuinely shocked and saddened.


I don't have any club or country connections to the man. Apart from the obvious I've been trying to come to terms with why it's saddened me as much as it has. I think it's because Gary Speed was of that 90s generation of footballer that I grew up idolising. Sad day indeed.




And also, me da is a Leeds fan, so I never let him hear the last of it when Speed moved to the Toon from the Toffees.

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Was really shocking. He was on 505 the night before chatting away, then hear he's gone the next day.


Strange, it didn't seem like there was any signs of depression at all. Quite unbelievable.


Football loses as Ramar said a 90's generation player, that some would call one of the stars of the 90's.

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Genuinely quite upset when I heard this and the fact that no one even suspected a thing makes it all the more sadder. You could always tell that he was a model pro by how players and coaches spoke about him. Even at 40 he was working harder on a football field than players half his age.

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I was really shocked and saddened to hear this after seeing him on TV the day before where he looked fine and without a care in the world


As a Leeds fan its really heart wrenching



I've heard rumours that a paper was going to run a story this week about him being gay, and that's why he took his own life. Don't know how true this is.




If that is the case then they need to be in some serious shit with this press freedom inquisition.


Would being gay have mattered though if it was true? not to me he's still the same bloke


truly upsetting


RIP Gary you'll be sorely missed

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  • 2 months later...

in terms of this case and foul play....

there obviously isn't anything of note worthiness to suggest foul play, but as a whole the suicide is unexpected and unexpected, the inquiry has basically stated that it may have been intentional or unintentional suicide


so basically its a mystery to everyone

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How can you hang yourself by accident? Without it being obvious.


I'm not sure what you mean without it being obvious....but there is the errr role asphyxia plays in some peoples sex lives like what happened to Stephen Milligan (although don't think he was hanging himself but just had a noose tied round his neck, oh whilst wearing womens underwear)


Disclaimer: I am in no way saying Gary Speed was carrying out such sexual acts.

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Disclaimer: I am in no way saying Gary Speed was carrying out such sexual acts.




You sound like a public figure or something.


Anyway, I asked because I didn't realise that all suicides had this kind of thing.


Obviously this is just more public.


So how can one not be held - just by leaving a note?


I don't want to waste peoples' time and money after I kill myself is all; just wanna be a bit considerate.

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I think the suggestion with it being accidental is because nobody believes he was seriously intending on killing himself, just harming himself and being found before he died (probably by his wife) and unluckily she stayed out after the row


Like when people take an overdose and then call someone, that way there is a good chance they will be "saved"-a cry for help

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