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It's a good banner and all, but not everyone doesn't have visitors into their rooms. It's a hassle trying to hide it to not get funny looks from my brother or mum. The pokemon was good.

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It's a good banner and all, but not everyone doesn't have visitors into their rooms. It's a hassle trying to hide it to not get funny looks from my brother or mum. The pokemon was good.


My computer's sitting right in the middle of my family room (for some odd reason as it is mine) so I have a similar problem though only on the main site as i always use the stretchable theme.

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My computer's sitting right in the middle of my family room (for some odd reason as it is mine) so I have a similar problem though only on the main site as i always use the stretchable theme.


What's wrong with the banner on the main site?

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That's been discussed about before and then closed and new rules made to actually keep it to what it should be.

But it seems no-one cares, so yeah it pro'ly should just be renamed.


You can say just go to the irc chat but no-one will want to load up another program to chat to people. I would but others won't.

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That banner is God! For three reasons: Jessica Alba is a goddess, Reddie did a great job with the collage and whatnot and it was my idea!

I'll kill you if you diss it!



EDIT: The idea came up when Alba said she was a nintendo fan and played DS a lot, that's why it was made. It's not just some "lolz hot chick hurr hurr stuff*

It's just fun for a little while lighten up.

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  • 2 weeks later...



i'm embarrassed to even look on the forums when i'm in a uni computer cluster because of it and it's a pile of shit too. Even fresh has commented about it's shoddiness.


Edit: it's not even a fucking good picture of ms Alba-slut-inator

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The Alba banner will be gone by tonight. Tphi promises.


Umm, manga/anime??


Surely something a little less specific and 'liked by the designer' would be better? Perhaps something symbolic of Nintendo like Mario or Zelda. Smash bros or Metroid.


Not some random crap that most people probably won't even know, be able to read or care about.


I mean hey, nicely designed, I just think the concept is flawed.

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Umm, manga/anime??


Surely something a little less specific and 'liked by the designer' would be better? Perhaps something symbolic of Nintendo like Mario or Zelda. Smash bros or Metroid.


Not some random crap that most people probably won't even know, be able to read or care about.


I mean hey, nicely designed, I just think the concept is flawed.


It's Sin and Punishment artwork isn't it?


If so then it's no different to the Pokemon/Super Paper Mario/any other game related banner!

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Could you please fix this abomination of the English language?


The little console that could seems to have become a national craze and its still difficult to get hold of one. If you're one of the lucky ones come discuss its games and the console itself inside.


"The little console that could seems to have become a national craze" does not make any sense at all. At the moment we have "The little console" followed by a subordinate clause, "the little console" not constituting a clause (we need subject, verb, object) and, in the subordinate clause, we have "could seems to have become", whatever the hell that's supposed to mean. It's also it's not its for the first its, and there's supposed to be a comma after "ones".

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Could you please fix this abomination of the English language?




"The little console that could seems to have become a national craze" does not make any sense at all. At the moment we have "The little console" followed by a subordinate clause, "the little console" not constituting a clause (we need subject, verb, object) and, in the subordinate clause, we have "could seems to have become", whatever the hell that's supposed to mean. It's also it's not its for the first its, and there's supposed to be a comma after "ones".

The only alteration necessary is to remove the "that could"... it's just a typo really.

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Could you please fix this abomination of the English language?




"The little console that could seems to have become a national craze" does not make any sense at all. At the moment we have "The little console" followed by a subordinate clause, "the little console" not constituting a clause (we need subject, verb, object) and, in the subordinate clause, we have "could seems to have become", whatever the hell that's supposed to mean. It's also it's not its for the first its, and there's supposed to be a comma after "ones".


I think it's meant to be a take on the childrens story,"the little engine that could" (or little train, one or the other)

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