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So yeah, I've often found myself fascinated with the thought of disappearing. Not necessarily removing all traces of my existence (government records etc), but more just getting in my car and buggering off.


Anyone got any thoughts on the subject? How easy would it be? If you were to do it, would you go the full fake ID and new identity route, or just stick to your old name and various IDs?


I haven't thought too much into it, so I'm not sure what route I'd take. I like the idea of a new name and stuff though. Would probably go by the name Wyclef Jean or something. Or Winston King.

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Oh, man. I've thought about this idea a loooot. Not recently, but just over time.


I've planned out what I'd do. I'd hop onto a train and just keep travelling until I found somewhere that I thought looked alright, and stay there. As for the ID, I'd get a phonebook and just choose the first first-name that I see, and then flick through again to a random surname and go with that. It would be down to fate.


I like the idea of just starting over again as someone else. It would be an adventure. It would be quite cool to just get a job in a bar or something to keep the money coming in.

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It's quite a romantic idea which I'm sure a lot of people fantasise about but I'm skeptical about how many times it's been done successfully.


I genuinely think with me it'd be very selfish to do. Not to sound big headed, but a lot of people depend on me or would miss me, and I couldn't do that to my family.


It's very sad that lots of people wish they could start again, but you don't necessarily need to invent a new character for yourself to do that.


But it also brings up the question of who exactly are we? My parents named me Hamish almost 21 years ago. Doesn't mean I am Hamish, if I got for the next 50 years of my life as Ben or something. Interesting looking at people who go through sex changes as well, for a while they probably feel like they're just playing a character until they really feel like this new person.

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I genuinely think with me it'd be very selfish to do. Not to sound big headed, but a lot of people depend on me or would miss me, and I couldn't do that to my family.


I think it's quite a selfish thing for anyone to do really. I think I'd leave a note to my family saying that I wasn't going to do anything stupid, I just want to leave all traces of my old life behind, so won't be making contact. Just so they know that I'm safe or at least intend to stay safe and not do something stupid. Hopefully the would save them from worrying too much.



I honestly think it would be pretty easy to do. If I have my facts straight, the Police won't search for you unless you're on the run. As far as they see it, you're an adult and you can do what you want. And how would anyone else find you? Private detective I suppose, but I doubt most people would bother/think of that.


The only concern I'd have is finances/a place to stay. If you went with the new ID thing, I wouldn't know where to get new documents and it's hard working without them.

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I don't really see the point myself. If you want to start a new life, just move to where no one knows you and start there. You don't have to change your identity for that. Plus I couldn't imagine leaving all my family behind and them never getting to contact me again. That's really harsh.


Also, how would you even go about getting a new identity? You can't just go "Starting today, I'll be John Doe!" or whatever and that's it. Fake IDs would probably be hard to come by, plus if you're not registered as being born somewhere (you know, if they can't find any of your records anywhere), then that's not really gonna work. So yeahhhhh.



Honestly if I wanted to start over I'd just move somewhere away from home, that's it. You don't need a new identity to start a new life.

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Also, how would you even go about getting a new identity? You can't just go "Starting today, I'll be John Doe!" or whatever and that's it. Fake IDs would probably be hard to come by, plus if you're not registered as being born somewhere (you know, if they can't find any of your records anywhere), then that's not really gonna work. So yeahhhhh.


I could be wrong on this (it seems iffy), but I remember something about all you need to do to legally change your name is to publish it in the paper. Can't remember the legal term, but it's a tiny article in the weddings/funerals part that says something like "Luke Stevens wishes to hereby be named Chet Denim" or whatever.


May have to look into that. *researches* Yup. It's considered public record, therefore counts as a legal name change. Link. Spooky, that site has my initials as it's webpage logo thing, despite it not having anything to do with LS.

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I could be wrong on this (it seems iffy), but I remember something about all you need to do to legally change your name is to publish it in the paper. Can't remember the legal term, but it's a tiny article in the weddings/funerals part that says something like "Luke Stevens wishes to hereby be named Chet Denim" or whatever.


May have to look into that. *researches* Yup. It's considered public record, therefore counts as a legal name change. Link. Spooky, that site has my initials as it's webpage logo thing, despite it not having anything to do with LS.


Well in the UK maybe, but over here you need to have it changed by some bureau or whatever. There's a procedure for it, can't just go using another name (you know, what with us having ID cards and everything). Records need to be changed and all that, they need to know who you were and what you're changing your name into (and I also think they may ask why you're having it changed, though don't think they make a fuss about it, I don't know).


I don't know why you're worried about having to use a fake ID. The UK doesn't have any. And if you can just change your name by having it in a newspaper, then you're all set. =P

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I could be wrong on this (it seems iffy), but I remember something about all you need to do to legally change your name is to publish it in the paper. Can't remember the legal term, but it's a tiny article in the weddings/funerals part that says something like "Luke Stevens wishes to hereby be named Chet Denim" or whatever.


May have to look into that. *researches* Yup. It's considered public record, therefore counts as a legal name change. Link. Spooky, that site has my initials as it's webpage logo thing, despite it not having anything to do with LS.


That makes no sense - for your passport you have to have certified and stamped change of name deeds.


I mean, Christ, anyone could just write to the paper and say "John Peterson wishes to be known as Crepuscular P.N.S. Erection".



And frankly, there is FIFTY POUNDS for anyone who does that, with proof. And doesn't change it for two years. And it's legal.

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I don't know why you're worried about having to use a fake ID. The UK doesn't have any. And if you can just change your name by having it in a newspaper, then you're all set. =P


Well, without official documentation he would need to use his original name for his bank, a job, driving or leaving the country.

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I sure have!


I mean, I wouldn't due to my family, because 1. I'd miss my family and 2. It's awful and selfish.


But I think I'd do it anyway, I'm pretty much on the way to doing so anyway, I'm moving to Cambridge and hopefully moving abroad in the next few years, starting again, forgetting England entirely and that - except obviously the immediate family.


But yeah, why not? I'd keep my old name and such because in a new country/place it wouldn't matter.


But where would you go? Would there be a plan? I tend to find when I want to go somewhere but have no direction I don't tend to do anything about it.

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I'm surprised by the number of people who've so far said they've thought about it!... it's never even crossed my mind.


I mean sure I've thought about getting away for a bit/road trips/travelling... but not dissapearing/leaving/cutting ties. I don't see the need to do that.

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Well, without official documentation he would need to use his original name for his bank, a job, driving or leaving the country.


My comment was towards the name changing thing. I think that sounds ridiculous, the fact that you could just change your name by having it in a newspaper. It doesn't really make sense because you need legal documentation for a lot of things (like the things you mentioned), which you can't deal with just by showing them the newspaper and saying "Look, I changed my name, that's the new me!".



Anyway yeah, I wouldn't want to disappear, unless I was trying to hide for something I did or someone evil who is trying to find me or whatever.

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I'm really confused as to why so many people have thought about this.


If there's something that specifically appeals to you by "disappearing"... then just do that?


If it's family or friends you hate, just stop seeing them.


If it's where you live, then... move...

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I'm really confused as to why so many people have thought about this.


If there's something that specifically appeals to you by "disappearing"... then just do that?


If it's family or friends you hate, just stop seeing them.


If it's where you live, then... move...


It's not so easy as that, you've got to think these things take funding and frankly finding accommodation straight away is nothing short of a hassle, I mean take me for instance, I've had 2/3 weeks to find somewhere to live in Cambridge and it's been nothing but tricky and that's with references, parent helped and a car.


What if you don't have a car, no real form of money etc?!

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Unless you're running from the police or some sort of criminal(s), I don't see why you would bother changing your name. It just doesn't seem worth it to me.


It's not so easy as that, you've got to think these things take funding and frankly finding accommodation straight away is nothing short of a hassle, I mean take me for instance, I've had 2/3 weeks to find somewhere to live in Cambridge and it's been nothing but tricky and that's with references, parent helped and a car.


What if you don't have a car, no real form of money etc?!


You'd likely have to stay in hostels for the first little while. Although, you still need a little bit of money to do that.

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