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Cringe-worthy words or phrases


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I agree with the posts I thanked. Specifically "literally", people don't know how to use that at all.


I used to hate internet memes in real life, I also used to hate "lol". But one of my new friends from college spouts them all the time, and it doesn't bother me at all. It's actually fun and she's got me saying them too. She is also the queen of awkward turtle, but it's funny, I enjoy it. Now if something is particularly hilarious, after laughing of course, I sometimes say "lol" for emphasis, to show that it was indeed stupendous humour. I don't even think of "lol" as "laugh out loud". It seems to be its own thing.

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I agree with the posts I thanked. Specifically "literally", people don't know how to use that at all.


I hate the assumption that if you use a word incorrectly then you don't know how to use it. I fuck around with the English language because I know how to use it.


(not specifically "oh that Diageo he's always moaning" just you saying this reminded me)

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They're just vulgar.


Yeah pretty much everything said in this thread regarding sex makes me cringe.


It always sounds like little school-boy nicknames.


Just sounds really immature and embarrassing.


Just say sex or slept with or something.





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I hate the assumption that if you use a word incorrectly then you don't know how to use it. I fuck around with the English language because I know how to use it.


(not specifically "oh that Diageo he's always moaning" just you saying this reminded me)

Yeah but these people clearly don't. [People to which I referred and that I know well.]

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I can't stand "lol", be it written or spoken. It's basically devoid of meaning at this point, the real life equivalent of canned laughter. The absolute worst case scenario is when someone affixes a "lol" to the end of their own joke; at least in a response it holds some merit as an acknowledgement.


Also, anyone rolling out "pwned" without a thick coating of withering sarcasm. "Owned" by itself makes you sound like a bit of a berk and emulating a typo does not improve things.


On a slightly different note, I generally dislike "cheeky". It isn't the word itself that annoys me so much as the way it's used as shorthand for, "I can't think of a reasonable objection to what you just said, so I'm going to fall back on my being older than you as if that meant something."


Anyway, generally I think any phrase quickly becomes annoying the moment it becomes over- or misused. It's a lot like internet memes: when well timed they can be incredibly entertaining, but unfortunately there tends to be very little thought behind their usage, people hoping to use the familiarity as a shortcut to humour; for some examples of just how flat lazy referential jokes can fall I suggest playing Duke Nukem Forever.

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Most people do NOT know what "irony" is.. That's one of my pet peeves. It's always used incorrectly.


Yeah pretty much everything said in this thread regarding sex makes me cringe.


It always sounds like little school-boy nicknames.


Just sounds really immature and embarrassing.


Just say sex or slept with or something.






We get..


" oh I RODE this one last night"


and for kissing..


"ya I MET the face off this one at the bar"

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So someone on facebook just posted this:



I can't stand people saying 'banter' (I usually imagine some chav or 'hardnut' saying it for some reason)


What a strange dislike. What's wrong with the word banter? Do you have shit bant? ;)


definitely not just chavs and hardnuts use it, anyone can use it

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when a girl or guy gives someone a pet name, like babe, honey, etc. If a man called me ANY of those things they'd be dropped faster than a hot potato! Fair enough if a couple wants to do it but just..not in public...save me having to use a sick bucket plz


One of my work mates calls his girlfriend "the missus". Note that so far he's only been on two dates with her.

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I really hate "epic" when people overuse it. Especially when they just say "Epic.".


I used to love the word banter and say it quite a bit...especially while drunk. Like I kept saying it ALL THE TIME. I'm pretty sure it infuriated a lot of people around me haha. I also kind of introduced it to Canada while I was studying there...no-one know what I meant when I said it, but now they hate the word anyway.


I only just kinda came back to the forum, and was considering changing my name to "BanterBus", before I realised I'm sick of the word. Probably for the best that I didn't change it.

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Don't move to Wales.


Or Bristol


"How long is a piece of string?"


Anyone that says that should be shot. Especially since it almost always has an answer., it's usually used when the answer requires more than 1 word.


No, it's usually used when there is no one specific answer; and instead an unknown answer or one that has a huge range

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Oh Ronnie:



Noun: The playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.

Verb: Talk or exchange remarks in a good-humored teasing way: "the men bantered with the waitresses"; "a bantering tone"


What most people say they had banter in is not simply friendly exchange of teasing remarks. It's when people shout it when they've done something outrageous to impress people.


" I just pissed in a cup and Brian drank it. BANTERRRRRRR"

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What most people say they had banter in is not simply friendly exchange of teasing remarks. It's when people shout it when they've done something outrageous to impress people.


" I just pissed in a cup and Brian drank it. BANTERRRRRRR"


That's a new one to me, never heard it like that before. Weird


And banter isn't just about teasing remarks, it's more general conversation between mates, say on a night out. You either have good banter, or shit banter (also known as chat)

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