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Lucas Blood and the Mystery of the Puzzle Killer


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Okay so I decided I'm using a character from one of my books and putting him in this game just to test the waters of what you guys think of him. Anyway, here's a little bit about the game:




A body lay on the floor, every single bit of life drained from what used to be a bright personality with so much light to give in life. Now the body is used as part as an instrument to a game. A deadly game that could put anybody in the world at risk. By using the Internet, he is able to use a camera which is recording a live feed of his victim and the puzzle. One by one, the Puzzle Killer plays a game with lives being the prize or the forfeit. He leaves you with a puzzle which is the key to saving a life. Get the puzzle right and you can safe a life, get it wrong...well...you already know.


Enter Lucas Blood and his team of investigators. Lucas Blood is one of the most intelligent detectives that has ever graced the city full of injustice and cruelty. Now you must help Detective Lucas Blood to solve these grisly murders once and for all and who knows, your life might be spared.



- ALL Detectives must work together and speak to each other through here before giving an answer.

- ALL Detectives must agree with the answer

- Detectives have three chances (unless said otherwise) to get the answer correct before they pay the price.

- Detectives must not be inactive throughout the entire game and if they are busy for some reason, must consult Detective Blood (me) before handing in their notice of resignation.

- Detectives must be warned; this is a very dangerous game which could mean your life would be in danger every second of every day. If one of you is captured, the captured must remain silent.

- PMs are strictly forbidden. If PMs are sent, you are off the case and off the team!

- This is a first come, first serve basis. No exceptions! However, I am allowing three substitutes so if you are too late in signing up and the list is full, you will automatically be put in the substitute list.


Players (7):

1. Moogleviper

2. Jayseven

3. HeroicJanitor

4. Cube

5. Nintendohnut

6. Rummy

7. Mike-Zim


Substitutes (3):

1. Marcamillian

2. The Peeps

3. Diageo

Edited by Animal
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Wow, that was pretty quick. I was quite scared I wasn't going to get so many signed up.


Okay so this is how the game works: You get three chances between yourselves to guess a riddle. Use all three chances, the victim dies and a score will go against the person who submits the answer, meaning that there will be consequences. Those who are a victim must not talk, however there will be times when you may not know yourself if you are the victim and so must try and save yourself. If this sounds confusing, you'll get it when you start playing.


I must warn you, there will be some riddles that you may think will sound stupid but most of these have actually been tested on a few people and although some have found them hard, they also say that the answer makes sense so basically, this game has been played before with other people.


The game will start on Sunday 17th July 2011.


Good luck, you might need it!

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Did you make the riddles up yourself?


Yeah. Every riddle used in this game are entirely mine and mine alone. There will be a couple that were originally meant to be for the 007 Mafia Game and there will also be new ones to benefit this game too.


This is going to be umbrella riddle all over again.


This game DOES require you to think both inside and outside the box. The umbrella riddle was a very good riddle if somebody actually sat there and thought about it long enough. As I've said, I've tested these riddles out and people have come back to me and have said they were great. Don't expect them all to be a walk in the park. :p

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