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Yeah, it's a good song. One of those ones that are often covered, but it feels like the covers never make an attempt to be 'better' or 'different' to the original - it's just someone else singing the song, let's all take it in.


(come on hairful Sinead)

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Why are you relatively good at rapping?


Ur gr8.


Thanks hün. Although strictly speaking I cannot be jüdged on rapping ability simply from my two lines of dialogue in this song, although I will pass on the praise to Provocative Donkey.


He/we (I am C.I.P. when I am a musician by the way) shall retürn at some point with another rap cover, followed eventually by an album. We've got three songs so far, we should write more original stuff but making the "müsic" part is so fücking hard.





Absolutely adore them, don't care what anyone says they are the coolest fucking band ever.

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Yeah, it's a good song. One of those ones that are often covered, but it feels like the covers never make an attempt to be 'better' or 'different' to the original - it's just someone else singing the song, let's all take it in.


(come on hairful Sinead)


This is so true. Placebo covered this song when I saw them, and whilst I liked the cover, it was literally just the same version but with Brian's vocals.


I can understand why, though. It's a good song, so they're just singing it how they like it, in it's original form. Fair enough.


I love how Dave Grohl looks like a geeky high-school girl in that video.

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It's always amazing when you meet someone else who likes something obscure.


This makes me want to create a whole new thread about this guy I met a couple of weeks ago.


But I'll save that.


It's not gay or anything.


It's just all about dicks.


And yeah, I Come to Shanghai are awesome.


The new album is pretty different from the first, but also kick ass.

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Absolutely adore them, don't care what anyone says they are the coolest fucking band ever.


I still like Linkin Park and saw them live in 2009, set was decent but the encore which mostly consisted of Dead before Sunrise stuff wtf? was underwhelming and I think it says something that the cover above is so much better than anything on their latest album.


Chester has an amazing voice which lends itself well to many different styles, it's just a shame that the band seems to have been stuck in a rut of non-creativity for the past few years, relying only on their earlier success.


A Thousand Suns isn't terrible, it's listenable but unremarkable in almost every respect when you compare it to their debut album which is fantastic in comparison but still... the band aren't the greatest, they are 'cool' yes but overrated.


I've enjoyed their albums though but feel like they definitely give more live and are also one of those bands that's definitely more fun to sing/play along with in Rock Band.


TL/DR : Linkin Park are 'great' but not the greatest and I wish they would do more covers like the one above.

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Linkin Park are so blah. I heard the start of a song in the gym the other day and thought, "Oh this sounds interesting" but then he started singing/i realised who it was and that realisation seemed to coincidence with a complete drop of any potential quality the song had. (not saying I didn't like it because it was them, it just suddenly went crap)




I like that Washed Out song, ipaul. Ãœr great.




A few for tha road from PajRadio Summer Jamz...

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You make me sick. Their last few albums were amazing, I can't believe you say they havn't shown creativity in Thousand Blogs. You....upset me.


I'd agree with you... to a degree and up to a certain point.


Hybrid Theory




The above three albums I'd class as their best.


Minutes to Midnight

A Thousand Suns


The above two albums changed the format and style both for better and worse.


If you were to create a 'best of' album for Linkin Park, the chances are that the majority of songs would be from the top three albums whereas the latter two would probably only contribute a handful of songs between them.


Quite honestly I prefer the remix albums Reanimation plus Collision Course to their last two albums even though there are certain songs on Minutes to Midnight that I love, A Thousand Suns not so much though...


Credit where it's due, I suppose it is creative... but that doesn't always equate to being good. :/ Perhaps I need to give it a few more listens but my gut tells me it's probably not worth it but I would give them the benefit of the doubt based on their previous works in so much as I'd be willing to give it another try but really I feel like their best days are perhaps behind them now and until they release their next album, possibly proving me wrong.


Until then they'll just remain a decent band that I enjoy while wishing they would strive to be better than their last album because they are capable of greatness despite not being the greatest.


I'm sorry but why kid myself into thinking something is greater than it is? It's not as if I hate them... far from it... I just wish they'd strive to be better, what's wrong with that? :hmm:

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Linkin Park are terrible musicians and songwriters, the fans of whom tend to be the sort that aren't really intimately aquainted with the music of anyone else, other than similarly shitty bands that hail from the vague greebo boundary between nu metal and emo. I hope they're all perish in a fire, the talentless swine.

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And this is why the music thread wasn't brought back. Someone says they like something and then someone comes in and acts all snobby and belittles the other person for liking something they consider to be rubbish.


And I bet you didn't even listen to that cover. It was good.

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And this is why the music thread wasn't brought back. Someone says they like something and then someone comes in and acts all snobby and belittles the other person for liking something they consider to be rubbish.


And I bet you didn't even listen to that cover. It was good.


You're rubbish.




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And this is why the music thread wasn't brought back. Someone says they like something and then someone comes in and acts all snobby and belittles the other person for liking something they consider to be rubbish.


And I bet you didn't even listen to that cover. It was good.

Exactly. The thread was going so well, everyone was getting along, putting their little love for one band or song in and letting others just mellow in it and maybe show their love for another song.


Then people decided to have a debate on to why someone was wrong about their song choice, and then The Bard ruined it completely with his completely moronic generalisations.


If it goes back to how it started, then I can see this thread being successful. If it continues how it is, there really is no point to it.

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Exactly. Earlier in the thread I said I can't stand Elbow and find them unbelievably boring, but I respect that they are good musicians and people like their music. I don't look down on people for liking Elbow. They're just not to my taste.


Whereas Bard seemingly looks down on whoever doesn't like what he does, or like what he think is shit, and basically says ReZ can't know anything about music because he likes Linkin Park.

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Not expecting anyone to like it but I'm posting it anyway:



Didn't realise they had a new album out until last week and I've been listening to it, and particularly this song, since then and absolutely love it. Juliet Simms' voice is just incredible (it's got that little bit of a croak to it that's just awesome) and thankfully unlike most other female vocalists in bands these days. Acoustic albums can either be good or, most likely, awful and this has to be one of the best I've heard in a long time.


But like I said, I doubt anyone here will like it. I like it so that's all that matters really :D Was also going to post Temptation by New Order but Youtube have taken down the video :nono:

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It's a little hypocritical to slag off Linkin Park and then post songs from Jennifer Lopez and Brandy.




At the end of the day everyone has different tastes. Bard clearly likes his music to challenge him and isn't into repeating three power chord riffs. I consider myself to have awesome skills on the guitar but I won't judge a band on what they can or can't play but that's just me. Some people only like music that is liked by 3 other people in the world, and instantly hate it as soon as they get a 4th fan. It's a little immature to slag off someones tastes just because you value your own so much more.



Wise the fuck up and start Rocking in the free World.

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What, one can't dislike a band? What's the point of a discussion if one can't make his hate clear? I wasn't trying to offend anyone, other than the band. If you like them, then that's cool, feel entitled. They just don't tickle me the right way and anyone who can't see that my writing was clearly exploiting hyperbole is clearly not well aquainted with my online persona. I could have just said; "I don't much like Linkin Park," but really, that's a boring statement to read, I was being creative with language/ making a general observation from the outside about their fan base. The thing is, with a band like Linkin Park, whose music is so banal that all it serves to do is attract attention to the ham fisted and trite cliches the constitute the lyrics, there really isn't much to say for me, other than how shite they are. They don't even have the redeeming quality of originality, since a lot of their style is just ripped off from Refused, who are a much much better band.


Either way, please don't be offended by my opinion, strong though it may be.

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We need some Thread Rules. I put my neck out encouraging this thread's resurrection. If it's just going to degenerate into bad vibes and reams of dialogue between two posters who could do so elsewhere, then the thread will be closed.


Rather than saying "lol your band sucks" just post who you like instead. If this thread sucks at the end of the next week then yeah, lockage. Some of you wanted this thread back - and you have it - so take it into your own hands to post responsibly, or else the thread goes!


To emphasise; this isn't a theory thread. I want to see more music and less words, k?

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