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Journeys That Take An Undefinied Period of Time But Require Some Form Of Distraction


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I have a 2 1/2 hour train journey later (and a bus or tube journey before that deciding on what route I take) and stocking up on things to do. I get bored easily so I have:



I Am A Cat (book)

Sketch Book


Machinic Desires: Hans Bellmer's Dolls and the Technological Uncanny in Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence (essay)



These should hopefully keep me entertained but just wondering what other people get up to on long boring journeys?


I always feel like I should take in the world around me but this becomes boring when you've done the journey a lot of times.

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I should get some stuff for train journeys. I'm going to London and back on Saturday, then London and back the weekend after (but the journeys are on separate days). And then I'm getting the train to Devon in August. About 6 hours for that one.

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I had to laugh when I saw this was about a 2 1/2 hour train journey. I've done 15 hour journeys! Not recommended though. :heh:


If I'm a passenger in a car, I just read the road map and navigate for the driver. Other than that, I like looking out for birds of prey!

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Music player to drown noise out.


Other than just thoughts really.


What do you do after the first two minutes then?


I had to laugh when I saw this was about a 2 1/2 hour train journey. I've done 15 hour journeys! Not recommended though. :heh:


If I'm a passenger in a car, I just read the road map and navigate for the driver. Other than that, I like looking out for birds of prey!


Well its the journey I happen to have today. Not saying its the longest journey in the world :p


On my flight back from Tokyo I read a whole book and frequently cursed Russia for being so damn big.

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The DS has kept me occupied for maaaaaaany hours already. I usually also take a sketchbook with me but rarely use it; don't like people looking over my shoulder to see what I'm doing. >.>;


Sometimes I use my laptop to do some work, but it's not always convenient.

And of course music! Need to listen to some to keep me sane on long journeys. Sometimes books help, but I haven't read a book in a few years so yeah. =P

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2.5 hours is considered a long journey?..


iPod and newspaper would do the trick if I'm not driving, if I am driving iPod with a playlist and my vocal chords.


I'm with you. I came back from Ayia Napa last Thursday which was around 5 1/2 hour flight with a 5 hour delay. Then right away I hopped onto a 4 1/2 hour train to London + further travelling when I was down there.


My plan of action for the flight was iPod and book. For the train I went for the watching The Office on my iPad with a bit of reading, music and Internet browsing.



If I'm driving getting a cracking playlist on the go is a must as is testing out my voice.


Long journeys don't phase me as much as they used to. When I was in Malawi we did multiple 9-12 hour journeys packed into a tiny minibus on awful, bumpy roads where the only thing we had to keep ourselves occupied was a book (if you could read without feeling sick on these roads) and each others company.

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I've done 15 hour flights and 36 hour bus rides. 2 and a half hours are a piece of cake.


On long journeys I sleep a lot. Otherwise I listen to music or watch a show on my laptop/phone. And then if I have a good DS game I play that.

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God you guys its not a contest to see who's done the longest journey EVAR.


I would take a couple of books, perhaps a puzzle book, mp3 player, and maybe some nice noms. Maybe my netbook/phone for internet excitement (depending on the type of journey)


A lot of the time I'm the driver so its not often I get to chillax in a car, and I don't really go on holiday too often.

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Long coach trips are the worst D: Went to Disneyland on a coach once from Lincolnshire with school, it took something like 14 hours, picking up another school from London on the way there.


Just knowing you had to do it again to get back made the trip worse :heh:

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Heh we would drive from Belgium to Spain when we were little, in our car. Would take two days, with a night's stay in France. Those trips were longgggggg and boring as a child.


But when we had a bigger car (a Chrysler Voyager) we took out the second row of seats (there was a third one to sit on) and installed a tiny tv there and a VHS player, so we could watch Disney films haha. The tv was plugged in through the cigarette lighter thing.

And we took lots of books and comic books. And our Gameboy.

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7 items for 2 1/2 hours? That is many MANY things.


I can stand to do the same activity for an hour i think. So i'd only need 2 1/2 items.


Well there and back, and stuff I'll use while at home. Plus my iPod will be on throughout.


And as I said, I get distracted easily :p

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