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007 Mafia Game


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Dazz, you are Boris Grishenko, a computer hacker from Russia.



You love to plays wordgames, giving computer programmers a chance to guess your passwords.

(Trickster) Each night, you will send me a riddle or word game (I will decide if it is useable/too ridiculously difficult), which will be posted at the end of the night’s write-up.

You will win the game if the town fails to correctly answer 5 times (the game will continue but you will win)

If the town answers correctly, your computer will be hacked and a little information may be leaked from it.

Example: It’s what I sit on, but I don’t take it with me = A chair

You are Neutral. You win if the other players fail to guess five of your riddles.


This was a really tough one for Dazz, but he really liked it which I'm glad about. He had loads of riddles lined up and it was a real shame he didn't get longer to post them. Played well though - I really enjoyed him pretending not to have any idea what was going on :P




Eenuh, you are Alec Trevelyan, a former 00 agent turned vigilante.



(Vigilante/Defector) You are angry about the way you and your family were treated before you were taken on by MI6, and can kill every night in a fit of rage.

You will win when you have killed three of the British Citizens in the game.

Killing a foreign national will have problematic results for you.

(Survivor) You will be a runner-up if you survives until the end of the game but do not complete your win condition.


You are Neutral. You win when you have killed three British Citizens, or you will be a runner up by surviving until the end of the game.

This is always a really tough role, so I'm sorry to Eenuh as I made it even harder. First she had to figure out who the British were and then she had to kill them, all without being spotted. In retrospect this was almost impossible, so I'm sorry Eenuh! I know there was some controversy over the alignment too, but in the film all Trevelyan wanted was revenge, and it didn't matter whose side he was on as long as he got it. I figured that to be pretty neutral material :)


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Great game Nintendohnut!


I liked my role but wasn't sure about what I could do to protect myself with my story.


Also, I protected Yvonne from a kill (I'm pretty sure I did) and yet she thought I was suspicious!


Well done town :) Great twist having a protector as mafia!

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very well done nintendohnut, ambitious but run well and very easy for me to get into it as I am somewhat familiar with the bondiverse. Some really cool mechanics came into play and its only a shame that some of the other cool mechanics didn't, but that's mafia!


Oh...Yvonne played a god damn disgustingly good game.


hehe cheers mate, I surprised I survived as long as I did!


Also I totally called jaws :)


Yvonne...you better stay around on the forums now.




I'm signed up to the DIY already :D


Also I should be coming down for the meet next weekend

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yes -- props to yvonne. Really did us a good service. Re-reading the thread, yvonne's comments really helped me decide who was good or bad. Mostly :P Certainly could've faced more suspicion if I wasn't in yvonne's faith for some minute comment I made :)


Sorry I never used the disappearing act - because I wouldn't know the results of its use (and I didn't really realise it was a jailkeep!) I refrained from using it. I Would've used it more earlier on, I think, had I not known.


What would've happened if Rummy had targetted me, out of interest? (secret communiqué)

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It was indeed impossible for me to reach my goal. I wanted to kill people but couldn't because no names were being given (apart from Bond but it would've been pointless to go for him). So I spent the game just sorta watching until my name got found out and I got lynched.

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SMERSH (Smert Shpionam - 'Death to Spies')


Dannyboy, you are Ernst Stavro Blofeld, the mysterious leader of SMERSH.



(Invisible) Because nobody knows the real identity of Blofeld (he has several body doubles) you are untraceable to role investigators and alignment investigators. You can, however, be tracked.

(Double Vote) You are also extremely influential within SMERSH, so you have the power of a double vote during the day.

(Impersonation) Each night you must target someone, and you will then disguise yourself as that person, which should confuse things somewhat. You will not be informed whom you are impersonating.


I quite liked this role, and absolutely loved writing his exit piece. It was a shame, actually - when Rez died on the first night, Dannyboy became the killer. If he'd dressed up as people he would have appeared differently when he was investigated (i.e. he would look like whoever he was targeting) which would have really messed some things up. Still, he played well, and his role claim was brilliant, but the town knew he was evil really.




Sprout, you are Elliot Carver, Media Mogul. You have joined SMERSH to get the best news stories first.



(Media Mogul) Each night you may target a player. You will learn whom they targeted. You MUST send me a short summary of a news story you want to write about the players involved. You may write whatever you wish: facts or complete fabrication. Anything to sell papers.

I will write the summary into a three-sentence news story that will be placed at the end of the write-up for all to see. This should confuse things nicely within the town


This was a tough role, but I think Sprout played it well. There wasn't a lot he could do apart from gain information, but at least he managed to get a double kill on the night before he died when Natalya stayed in his room. His stories were good, although I was expecting him to use names a little more. If he'd survived longer I forsaw him gaining the trust of the town with his reports then just downright lying in one to get someone lynched - it was a shame he was discovered so early!




Dyson, you are Le Chiffre, a ruthless banker who will do anything to get what he wants.



(Torturer/Kidnapper) On odd nights you may torture a player, and on even nights you may kidnap someone, sending a ransom note to another player.

If you torture a player you will gain information on them. They will be unable to vote next day as they spend time recovering from their ordeal.

If you kidnap a player, you will send a demand to another player. You may demand:

o Their vote for 1 turn to be what the mafia wishes

o The use of their power for the next night (you can choose to use your torture power or your newly gained power)

o Information on them

The player who is sent the ransom note will be warned not to mention it during the day at the risk of the kidnapped players life. If the player does not agree to the demands, or if they mention it in the thread, the kidnapped player will be maimed or killed.


Another of my favourite roles, Le Chiffre was a really effective mafia player. There were a lot of info gatherers on the townie side, so the ability to potentially kill twice every other night was valuable. There was always a chance that the player would survive the kidnapping, but in the end neither of them did (well, Diageo did but that was part of his role). Dyson played wall but was too busy for the game, and Rummy was completely awesome and totally unlucky. He still did incredibly well defending himself on his last day though.


I did get confused by the limit/'punishment' imposed on the beaten up player a few times because of Jaws' power - I kept confusing the lack of vote and the 100 word limit etc, which is where the Peeps' confusion came from. Sorry about that.




The_Arbitor, you are Jaws, the huge, unstoppable force with metal teeth.



(Brute) You are huge and psychotic. Each night you may target someone and beat him or her mercilessly.

The player will be role-blocked that night and unable to post more than 100 words the following day.


Another well played first game, The_Arbitor had some good ideas in the mafia forum for targets. His power was actually surprisingly useful for the mafia, it was just a shame he died when he did.




Fierce_LiNk, you are Oddjob, a tiny bodyguard who is willing to work for anyone who pays you well enough



(Epic Protector) Despite your size you are incredibly strong, and incredibly dangerous in hand-to-hand combat. Each night you may choose a player to protect. You will stop anyone else going near your target by beating them away.

(Dumb) You are mute due to a severely cleft palette. However, you can just about write, which allows you “speech” in this game. You are limited to 50 words a post, but may post as many times as you like (as long as there is a post in between)

Posting more than 50 words per post (including automerged double posts so be careful) will result in a punishment.


What can I say? Fierce played BRILLIANTLY. He kept his head down for as long as he needed to and managed to talk his way out of almost every situation. I can't help but think that if he'd been on more in the last few days he would have seemed a little less suspicious to the townies, but ultimately there's no way he should play this instead of drinking etc with friends. He played really well anyway, in his first game as part of the mafia.




ReZourceman, you are Donald ‘Red’ Grant, a highly trained killer who works for SMERSH.



(Merciless Killer) You love to kill. You’ve been trained for years by various countries and are now a master at the art of death.

You have a piece of garrotting wire hidden in your wristwatch. You can use it to kill a target each night.

(Acting) While you can put on a good English accent to fool people, the evil in your eyes is more difficult to hide. You will therefore appear neutral when investigated.


One of the most facepalming moments I've ever experienced occured on night 1. I cannot explain how unlucky the mafia (and Rez) were - they discussed their target for a long time and when they eventually decided on Dannyboy I literally laughed at the sheer ridiculousness of it. Still, Rez was a great sport about it and remained incredibly active on the mafia forum (all the mafia did but after dying on night 1 I would have understood him not wanting to play any more) - if he hadn't there would have been a lot less discussion.


And I agree with the comment about the killer, but I feel it would have been a lot different had you survived longer than night 1 :D The kills would have been very undescriptive (like the rest were) so he wouldn't have been THAT exposed.



You are Evil. You will win this game when you have a majority over the town.

Edited by Nintendohnut
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It was pretty much uphill after ReZ died. We knew we were on the back foot since that point. When we lost a second mafia, that's when we realised how tough it would be.


There was one golden part in the game where I think we got 3 quick kills or something? Well done to the mafia for working well as a team.


Townies played well. Annoyingly so, particularly that last day phase. I still maintain you had little on me. :heh:

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Other comments:


- I wasn't sure about balancing. There were a LOT of info-gathering roles on the townie side and I felt a little sorry for the mafia - it would have been really difficult to go a night without someone in the town getting SOMETHING on one of you. In the end, though, it worked out pretty well.


- I wasn't sure about write-ups - I wanted to make them descriptive, but in the end that helped the town again. As you can see, towards the end I started getting a lot more vague and I think it helped with the tension. In the end I was pretty happy with it all.


- I'm properly pissed off that I forgot to put music in the night write-ups.


- I'm not sure about a sequel just yet - I'll have a break then see what roles I can write. It's a shame I used so many awesome ones straight away - the next may have less well-known characters I'm afraid, but we'll see how it goes. I have had a few ideas already.


- There was one day where the mafia could have lynched someone (it was two/three from majority and danny and one other hadn't voted) but they didn't want to look evil. If they had managed it and killed that night they would have only needed to convince one person to vote with them the next day to get a lynch and they would have won. I would have been jumping around if I was playing as mafia at that point, but they went for a more stealthy approach. What happened that day could have literally changed the entire game.


yes -- props to yvonne. Really did us a good service. Re-reading the thread, yvonne's comments really helped me decide who was good or bad. Mostly :P Certainly could've faced more suspicion if I wasn't in yvonne's faith for some minute comment I made :)


Sorry I never used the disappearing act - because I wouldn't know the results of its use (and I didn't really realise it was a jailkeep!) I refrained from using it. I Would've used it more earlier on, I think, had I not known.


What would've happened if Rummy had targetted me, out of interest? (secret communiqué)


You would have found out who he was (i.e. his character and a few hints at his power/s). When I said it would be deadly, I meant that the mafia would likely kill him if they found him.


Will there be a sequel, Donut?


If so, I sign up nawww.


It's possible, but not just yet. Still, thanks :)


Pretty much all of the roles in this game were amazingly awesome, and the balancing was also pretty spot on. This also totally got me into a Bond mood again, which I haven't been for ages, so thanks for that, Dohnut! :D


Thanks! I was totally in the bond mood before this - I had the album of all the theme tunes on repeat to get ready for it :)


It was indeed impossible for me to reach my goal. I wanted to kill people but couldn't because no names were being given (apart from Bond but it would've been pointless to go for him). So I spent the game just sorta watching until my name got found out and I got lynched.


Yeah, it was a really tough role, sorry Eenuh. In retrospect I should have just given you the role to kill ONE British Citizen and then survive - it would have been tough but a lot easier than killing three. :blush:

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- There was one day where the mafia could have lynched someone (it was two/three from majority and danny and one other hadn't voted) but they didn't want to look evil. If they had managed it and killed that night they would have only needed to convince one person to vote with them the next day to get a lynch and they would have won. I would have been jumping around if I was playing as mafia at that point, but they went for a more stealthy approach. What happened that day could have literally changed the entire game.




I remember this one. I think it was Danny and the Arbitor, pretty sure we were the only three left at that point. I was expecting us to put a vote down but we didn't. I remember wanting to rage-quit my life that day.

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I remember this one. I think it was Danny and the Arbitor, pretty sure we were the only three left at that point. I was expecting us to put a vote down but we didn't. I remember wanting to rage-quit my life that day.


Gah, fuck, I remember that! For some reason I was certain we couldn't reach majority, and I didn't notice it until it was too late! Another one of those moments of pure bad luck for the mafia. :heh:


The_Arbitor did indeed play very well for a first game, too. :) Two awesome mafia newbies! :D

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I died early, so I've only been paying half-attention to this game. It seemed very good, yes, too bad I couldn't get into it much. Flinky did play well, I was certain it was EEVIL.


So, whoever was it that failed to pay the ransom? I promise I won't hurt you while I am killing you in the next game

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Yeah it was a little broken, but to be honest I hadn't even thought about it so when they did I thought I'd let them do it because they had had a great idea. I suppose it was a little unfair, but it only happened twice luckily :-)


Tales was good but appeared neutral.


The 'argument' was because


1) the night that he shot the Arbitor, he appeared in the writeup (because of his neutral appearance I showed him using it). He sent me a message saying something along the lines of "oh awesome that doesn't make me look guilty at all".


2) I didn't respond to that, but the NEXT day he posted about how he hadn't been given a choice about whether or not to enter EEVIL's phone booth and how he wanted me to give him a choice.


I messaged him saying that there are reasons why the things are the way they are and that he needed to stop getting so pissed off about it. I said there were reasons that I was doing it. He responded with something like 'I'm not getting pissed, stop making up how I feel, they were just comments' and ended the message with "so stfu and gtfo", which I considered to prove that he WAS pissed off. From there it went in discussions about tone and whether or not he was being sarcastic/joking, or whether he was just 'adding to the conversation in the thread', but I was saying if he went to the effort of PMing, he was clearly rather annoyed.


Anyway, that was basically it, and after that we got on just fine.

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