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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Fancy telling us how it all went/translating the previous post? :p




Or equally terrible? Tbh I wanna see how it goes, she sounds hilariously crazy(for someone who isn't me).


Not going to lie, I want a third date just for the potential hilarity.


Do eet, Kav. Don't let us down.


Also, it's funny that the date was a disaster yet you still got to kiss her.

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So today I've spent a good amount of time whispering sweet nothings to the toilet bowl... my stomach is so off!


The girl has been messaging, really apologetic and she's said she would really love to see me again if I still will. I'm tempted to for the hilarity of it all.

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So today I've spent a good amount of time whispering sweet nothings to the toilet bowl... my stomach is so off!


The girl has been messaging, really apologetic and she's said she would really love to see me again if I still will. I'm tempted to for the hilarity of it all.

You do it and you'll likely return with one less kidney...or for some reason, an extra ear grafted onto your neck.

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I know yeah. Some people just annoy me with their fucking glasses and their YouTube videos and their green-coloured text but I'm not going to say who because that would mean actually confronting them and I don't want to do that because I'm too much of a cowardly pussy so I'll just let you all make assumptions and then when you guess wrong, I'll call you stupid and tell you it's obvious but if you guess right, I'll still deny it anyway so basically, it's like the fucking Da Vinci Code only more bitchy, more cryptic and more to the flavour of Jeremy Kyle.


Utter genius. :bowdown:


I asked her tonight if she really wanted to meet me and she does but she's been too busy working, which I understand. I explained to her that I thought it would be this so how about just videochatting. She's saying she's too tired constantly. Honestly? Half of me doesn't want to bother because if she can't be bothered now then what is the point?


This to me says she's nervous/scared, not 'can't be bothered' at all. I would trust your instincts that she's being dishonest with you, but not necessarily for any bad reasons. Be gentle; ease her in. Personally, I wouldn't give up on her and would stick with her for as long as you're enjoying her companionship (if that's the word), but then I don't get as much attention as I used to. :heh:

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Don't listen to wolfy, definitely go. What's the worst that could happen?


Then regale us with the tale that answers that question.


I think I'm with Rummy on this one. Unless you have somebody else in mind, you may as well go. Mainly for the curiosity.


Although, it sounds like it could be awkward as hell.

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So today I've spent a good amount of time whispering sweet nothings to the toilet bowl... my stomach is so off!


The girl has been messaging, really apologetic and she's said she would really love to see me again if I still will. I'm tempted to for the hilarity of it all.


You have standards.


Why see someone who acted like a dickhead who you barely know. I can only imagine it will only repeat itself later down the line. You have a queue to arrange dates with! Get on with it.

Edited by Blade
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Fancy telling us how it all went? :p


So I went down there straight from work - had a change of clothes with me - and I found the pub which they were all at, got a drink and then had a look around, it didn't take long before I found her so then she introduced me to all of her friends - turns out one of them I know from school oddly enough - and we all were just having a good time.


She looked lovely as usual - though really different from how she is at work which I like - we seemed to get along really well, I soon found out that I was in pretty good company as most of them seem to be self-confessed geeks like myself which is good, she liked the card that I made her - a fire-flower pixel card because I like making them - and the small gift I got her so that was nice. :)


Also I could be wrong but I'm sure I could see two of her friends whispering amongst themselves as they seemed to be checking me out :heh: which is really unusual for me but it certainly gave me a confidence boost, her friends are also lovely too.


I then got her a drink and bought another for myself, things seemed to go pretty well until the fourth pub where I was completely drunk - after I'd said to myself that I wouldn't but meh... - and I ended up having to get a lift home plus today I endured a really long shift at work but I got through it somehow. :indeed:


Overall I'm very glad that I went along as I think it may have been just what I needed, pure random social interaction, it was great and I'd do it again in a heartbeat, just not with the same amount of alcohol next time. : peace:

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So I went down there straight from work - had a change of clothes with me - and I found the pub which they were all at, got a drink and then had a look around, it didn't take long before I found her so then she introduced me to all of her friends - turns out one of them I know from school oddly enough - and we all were just having a good time.


She looked lovely as usual - though really different from how she is at work which I like - we seemed to get along really well, I soon found out that I was in pretty good company as most of them seem to be self-confessed geeks like myself which is good, she liked the card that I made her - a fire-flower pixel card because I like making them - and the small gift I got her so that was nice. :)


Also I could be wrong but I'm sure I could see two of her friends whispering amongst themselves as they seemed to be checking me out :heh: which is really unusual for me but it certainly gave me a confidence boost, her friends are also lovely too.


I then got her a drink and bought another for myself, things seemed to go pretty well until the fourth pub where I was completely drunk - after I'd said to myself that I wouldn't but meh... - and I ended up having to get a lift home plus today I endured a really long shift at work but I got through it somehow. :indeed:


Overall I'm very glad that I went along as I think it may have been just what I needed, pure random social interaction, it was great and I'd do it again in a heartbeat, just not with the same amount of alcohol next time. : peace:


This sounds like it could be a wee gateway into a good social group for you. Find another excuse to go to the pub with the lot of them, then get her to set you up with one of her friends : peace:

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Also I could be wrong but I'm sure I could see two of her friends whispering amongst themselves as they seemed to be checking me out :heh: which is really unusual for me but it certainly gave me a confidence boost, her friends are also lovely too.


Sounds like you did really well. Nicely played!

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You have standards.


Why see someone who acted like a dickhead who you barely know. I can only imagine it will only repeat itself later down the line. You have a queue to arrange dates with! Get on with it.


Typically that would be my advice too. However I want another epic story. Meet her.

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I've spoken to her over the phone. I know it's her and she's female so that's one thing down. She's phoned me every day since Monday so that's something. We've been messaging a lot more since our first phone call as well. We've agreed we'll meet sometime in October. I was arranging it for this week when I fell ill so that sort of fell flat on its face!


We have a lot in common, which is awesome. She loves the same films, likes the same music (not rock though but we're cool with that) and she likes Harry Potter and Disney. Perfect! She told me today that her dad has told her that she wouldn't meet someone who'd watch Disney films with her...HA!

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Doesn't mean it is the same girl in the picture.


I have her Twitter and her Instagram and she updates them with pictures almost everyday. The accounts have been in use for well over a year. Obviously, the doubt is still in my mind but I'm thinking she's real.


Animal's not the girl in the picture either. Damn, they do have a lot in common. Get that one in the back of the net now Animal! #smashnicelookingbirds


Shhhh, nobody was supposed to know about that, dude! :p

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Gotta say I'm supporting the skepticism of Ell - does it not feel like something's not right? I don't know if I could handle that, it just seems kinda strange really.


Yeah. I was mistakenly thinking @Animal was talking about a girl from work not wanting to videochat (sorry Animal), but now I know they have never met at all, it does sound a bit strange.


Yeah, it sounds strange. We've been talking every day verbally and through messages. I'm certain she is who she says she is in the pictures though, there's no doubt in my mind whatsoever about that. I don't know but I can't help but feel maybe there's something. I guess I'll find out soon...

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Yeah, it sounds strange. We've been talking every day verbally and through messages. I'm certain she is who she says she is in the pictures though, there's no doubt in my mind whatsoever about that. I don't know but I can't help but feel maybe there's something. I guess I'll find out soon...

Make sure you don't lose a kidney :p

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