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What the fuck?


Just asked two mates if they'd like to go to a party (from my former school, the class that is currently in the process of getting something pretty much equivalent to A-Level is throwing this party) with me. They've been in a relationship for more than two years (not with each other :p).


Both asked me: "Really, you wanna go? How old are we?" Probably implying that most of the people at the party will be between 18 and 20, while they/we are around 23 years old.


Am I missing something? When you are in a relationship, can't you go out anymore? And does it really matter that the people there are a bit younger? Do you have to be condescending to singles?



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What the fuck?


Just asked two mates if they'd like to go to a party (from my former school, the class that is currently in the process of getting something pretty much equivalent to A-Level is throwing this party) with me. They've been in a relationship for more than two years (not with each other :p).


Both asked me: "Really, you wanna go? How old are we?" Probably implying that most of the people at the party will be between 18 and 20, while they/we are around 23 years old.


Am I missing something? When you are in a relationship, can't you go out anymore? And does it really matter that the people there are a bit younger? Do you have to be condescending to singles?





When I was 23 I certainly didn't want to spend time with most 18 year olds. I can sort of see their point.

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Yeah people between 18-20 can be a bit immature. That's the age when you kinda go mental/party lots/rebel. Some people stay like that for longer but for me when I was 23, newly started undergrads could be a bit loud and annoying (I had just started PhD).

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Am I missing something? When you are in a relationship, can't you go out anymore?








There's no shame in wanting to go to a party and hook up with a hot eighteen-year-old.


I'd be jumping at the chance. @dr4hkon - when is the party? Want a wing? ;)


When I was 18, 18 year olds ignored me :(


And 19, 20, 21 and 22? :P

Edited by Charlie
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What the fuck?


Just asked two mates if they'd like to go to a party (from my former school, the class that is currently in the process of getting something pretty much equivalent to A-Level is throwing this party) with me. They've been in a relationship for more than two years (not with each other :p).


Both asked me: "Really, you wanna go? How old are we?" Probably implying that most of the people at the party will be between 18 and 20, while they/we are around 23 years old.


Am I missing something? When you are in a relationship, can't you go out anymore? And does it really matter that the people there are a bit younger? Do you have to be condescending to singles?




Yeah, think it's maybe just more the age thing than a couples thing. You wouldn't neccessarily think it, but there's quite a difference between 18(especially still at school) and 23. I say you should just go anyway! You might be that mildly creepy awesomely cool older guy though.

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I'd be jumping at the chance. @dr4hkon - when is the party? Want a wing? ;)


Come to Germany, and I'd be glad to have you with me :p


I say you should just go anyway! You might be that mildly creepy awesomely cool older guy though.


I think I'll go for creepy.

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I think the problem here isn't age as such @dr4hkon, its difference of mentality.


For instance in my team at work they are all between 19 and 30. Most of the guys are always going out to the pub/clubs.


Yet I'm coming up to 23 *gulp* and I'd rather scratch my eyes out. When two years ago at uni I'd go out all the time.


It may also be because they are a couple, but I wouldn't take it too personally, sometimes its just not a priority for some!

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This weekend I've been approaching girls in the clubs with the line "Hi, I'm Charlie" and offering my hand.


Instant chat. Worked really well


Idea: You should have mixed it up and added your full/surname in occasionally just to see the different results. Saying the full name seems like such a big change somehow...

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Idea: You should have mixed it up and added your full/surname in occasionally just to see the different results. Saying the full name seems like such a big change somehow...


Perhaps. It's just a way to start a conversation so it doesn't really matter that much.


I came to the realisation that my two best mates were doing far better talking to/approaching girls than I was and something had to be done about it. Went gung ho at the weekend to get back out there.

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I need to try that. There's this cute girl who works in a shop and I really want to talk to her but how do you even talk to someone in a shop without looking like a complete pervert?! Can this even be done?!




I'm going to bring the happiness down a little to say that I don't think USA and I will work. It's a possibility but I don't think it'll work. Like we were talking like normal and everything was going fine but then when moving came up, we both didn't want to move to the other's country right now. I asked her what would happen if I said yes and she said she'd be thrilled but wouldn't know how to react if I got there. I asked her what she meant and she said "Well, it'd be cool you saying it but I'd probably have second thoughts when you get there". I told her that if I were to move there, we'd both have to be sure but she wasn't. Also, there's a few things that I won't get into because I wouldn't want to bore you but basically, those things have made me thought a lot. I do care for her but I don't 'like like' her as much as I used to. I know it wasn't exactly a relationship or whatever but still, it did hold some importance to me.

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I need to try that. There's this cute girl who works in a shop and I really want to talk to her but how do you even talk to someone in a shop without looking like a complete pervert?! Can this even be done?!


What does she do there? If she's a CSR then her job is to talk to you and help you. What you say isn't important, it's how you say it. You can go up and say the best line ever to her but if you deliver it terribly then it's not going to work.


Think, why would she think you're a creep/pervert? If you can hold eye contact and maintain a conversation then you're coming across as a normal human. The fact that you're approaching her puts you ahead of 99% of other people.

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This weekend I've been approaching girls in the clubs with the line "Hi, I'm Charlie" and offering my hand.


Instant chat. Worked really well


Just so you know, in my head it was said with this tone:

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@Charlie, what do you say after you've introduced yourself and she hasn't walked off laughing at you (as per most of the time)?


Just general chat until there's an opportunity to move into something better.


What do you do? Work, uni? How come you're here tonight (as opposed to somewhere else)? Do you come here much?


An opportunity will always come up to turn the conversation to something real as opposed to the superficial, boring chat.


Always big yourself up as much as possible without seeming big headed, drop into conversation key points about yourself such as if you have what is perceived as a good job, if you play sports etc.

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Just general chat until there's an opportunity to move into something better.


What do you do? Work, uni? How come you're here tonight (as opposed to somewhere else)? Do you come here much?


An opportunity will always come up to turn the conversation to something real as opposed to the superficial, boring chat.


Always big yourself up as much as possible without seeming big headed, drop into conversation key points about yourself such as if you have what is perceived as a good job, if you play sports etc.

I assume me saying "I'm the Pokémon Master" won't work in this context, then? :p

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