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My friend suggested a comedy club for a first date. You can talk inbetween acts and it'll be easy because you can talk about the previous act.


No pressure, lots of laughs which means she'll remember you in a positive light. As long as you don't get picked on by the comedian you're sorted.


That's a great idea, and it's much more memorable than the generic first date ideas.

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Of course, the downside of going to a comedy club is that you may find out that your date has a terrible sense of humor and laughs at all the wrong jokes.


Or I guess that could be an upside, since you won't have to invest any time into getting to know them before finding out how lame they are.



Likelihood is we' grab some good before that or he mentioned going back to his afterwards so we could chat some more etc.

Remember to wear a condom. :heh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Never thought I'd be posting here, but... I fell in love with a friend I met here in Weimar.


As it turns out, she liked me back, and I now feel like the luckiest guy in the world. Going from friends to boyfriend/girlfriend can be a hard step to take, but fantastic when it works.


I just feel really happy right now. Don't stop believing, folks.

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Just to return balance to the universe; I broke up with my girlfriend yesterday. She didn't see it coming and I was going to try to do 'The Talk' with her tomorrow, but we managed to bump into each other in town so it had to happen there and then.


I feel like such a douchebag dickoff for doing it. But better to do it in teh first 3 months than let it roll on, eh?


Unfortunately she's now blocked me and several of my innocent friends on facebook. Thrown a spanner in teh works when it comes to my social circle, and potentially fucked up a place for me to live for a while too.

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Update from me.


So the guy I had been on a few dates with and wasn't sure on? Turns out I really really like him. Like really like him.

I've seen him 3 or so times since my last post and we have just gotten so comfortable in each others company it's a little bit scary haha. We both even commented this evening how strange it was that we were virtually so at ease and relaxed as we sprawled out on his sofa watching TV and chatting.


What I like is that we both decided to take things slow and get to know each other as people before we let anything else (sex, mainly) get in the way.

Sometimes sex just blurs the feelings you may or may not have for someone by making you think you like them when really it's just lust. As we've done nothing other than kiss yet, I can safely say that I like him as a person and have a lot of respect for him too. However, it is now getting to the point where we know we like each other and something is gonna have to happen soon :p I don't need to say anymore... :grin:


So yeah, I'm really pleased I didn't let my original feelings get the better of me as I'm pretty damn happy at the min with how it's going.

I kinda hope it can maybe go onto something more serious too as he is great BF material but I'm just taking it a step at a time for now. :hehe:

I feel terrible when I read back on my post about not being sure whether I liked him or if he was my type! It just goes to show that there really is something in dating and getting to know someone properly.

Edited by Aneres11
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Nah, just kidding. Happy for you, man :)



Well, I've been doing nothing in the dating business in the last few months. Would like to reenter, though :p


When I move back to my hometown in a month or two I'll probably throw myself out there again.


Who knows what will happen :)

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Just to return balance to the universe; I broke up with my girlfriend yesterday. She didn't see it coming and I was going to try to do 'The Talk' with her tomorrow, but we managed to bump into each other in town so it had to happen there and then.


I feel like such a douchebag dickoff for doing it. But better to do it in teh first 3 months than let it roll on, eh?


Unfortunately she's now blocked me and several of my innocent friends on facebook. Thrown a spanner in teh works when it comes to my social circle, and potentially fucked up a place for me to live for a while too.

Did I miss something in the last few pages here? Why'd this happen?


Anyways, might as well check in myself while I'm here. I've been seeing a 19yo on and off now for the last 7 months or so.. long story short she plans on spending a bit of time overseas this year, so we didn't want to get too attached etc.. and we kinda called it off at the start of the year. That didn't last too long though.. and we got back together for a month or so before she left to spend 2 months in asia.


Basically we agreed that whatever happens while she's gone is fine, we'll see where we're at when she gets back. Turns out we both missed each other more than we thought and like each other a lot more than we admitted. So towards the end of her stay there we decided to stay exclusive and try LDR while she travels..


Anyways, she's just got back from asia and we spent a seriously amazing day together today. Very awesome :) I really, really like this chick..


Problems. She's off to Canada for 6 months at least on the 25th of May (and yes I've known about these plans for a long time). She's 9 years younger than me. Neither of us have done LDR before. I'm relatively sure that this can't have a happy ending, but I just can't help it =/ I'm crazy about her.. dammit!

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^my situation has gotten irksome - lots of visa issues re: my return to oz, which has meant I've perpetually been thinking "i'll be gone in 6 weeks" for about 4 months now, thus no job. I've also got no stable place to live; couch surfing from friend to friend. This has been stressful for me (and I've always been unable to deal with more than one problem at a time), and in combination with her living issues/family issues/health issues it's been difficult to simply chill together. The crazy I unearthed months ago has also progressed... to the extent where she's unfairly being melodramatic and paranoid and all that. I can't deal with it, basically. I just need something not-stressful. If we were a few years down the line then fair enough but it wasn't even 3 months in and it was getting to me.


Plus, y'know, thinkingabouttheexabittoomuch...

Edited by jayseven
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Did I miss something in the last few pages here? Why'd this happen?


Anyways, might as well check in myself while I'm here. I've been seeing a 19yo on and off now for the last 7 months or so.. long story short she plans on spending a bit of time overseas this year, so we didn't want to get too attached etc.. and we kinda called it off at the start of the year. That didn't last too long though.. and we got back together for a month or so before she left to spend 2 months in asia.


Basically we agreed that whatever happens while she's gone is fine, we'll see where we're at when she gets back. Turns out we both missed each other more than we thought and like each other a lot more than we admitted. So towards the end of her stay there we decided to stay exclusive and try LDR while she travels..


Anyways, she's just got back from asia and we spent a seriously amazing day together today. Very awesome :) I really, really like this chick..


Problems. She's off to Canada for 6 months at least on the 25th of May (and yes I've known about these plans for a long time). She's 9 years younger than me. Neither of us have done LDR before. I'm relatively sure that this can't have a happy ending, but I just can't help it =/ I'm crazy about her.. dammit!


First of all...




Secondly, isn't there any way you could go over to Canada for a holiday within the three months. At least then it wouldn't feel so long. Also, sometimes, LDRs aren't that bad. I'm kind of in one now but my situation is ultimately different to yours, haha. I do wish you all the luck though.


^my situation has gotten irksome - lots of visa issues re: my return to oz, which has meant I've perpetually been thinking "i'll be gone in 6 weeks" for about 4 months now, thus no job. I've also got no stable place to live; couch surfing from friend to friend. This has been stressful for me (and I've always been unable to deal with more than one problem at a time), and in combination with her living issues/family issues/health issues it's been difficult to simply chill together. The crazy I unearthed months ago has also progressed... to the extent where she's unfairly being melodramatic and paranoid and all that. I can't deal with it, basically. I just need something not-stressful. If we were a few years down the line then fair enough but it wasn't even 3 months in and it was getting to me.


Plus, y'know, thinkingabouttheexabittoomuch...


It sounds like you had a lucky escape if she was being melodramatic and paranoid and shit. I had that with my last proper relationship and all I have to say to other girls who are like that is "Piss right off!". Ain't no way I'd ever go back down that road again no matter how crazy I was about her! It's hard at first because you'll always think about her and you'll always think of the good times and stuff but pretty soon, you'll be okay. Just hang tight, bro!

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It's an emotional retrospect, not a logical one!


Chuck, you've been hung up on your ex for a very long time. I haven't been keeping track, but you seem to go round in circles! It puts me in a tizz just thinking about it. However, I hope you sort out your visa/couch surfing situation, that sounds shitty.


Also fyi, don't break up with a girl in the middle of town, dude, the girl might have gotten upset and its difficult enough being dumped :laughing:.


In other news - I completely cut ties with the guy at work. He's lovely and in retrospect he would make a nice boyfriend, but he's not the guy I originally thought he was and can be incredibly spoilt and dismissive.


Its a shame, but what can you do, after 3 years it was nice to start a relationship for a little while.

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I hate the situation I'm in. It's shitty. It's like, I really want to be with USA but I can't because of the distance between us and both of us love our families too much to live in either country. We both said we'd love to visit each other's country but living there is a whole other thing. I don't think this will go anywhere any time soon but it's shit because I actually really like her. Like, really like her a lot. We both kind of have rules but then we kind of ignore them anyway, it's weird and confusing! haha. :p

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This is going to sound mega-complicated and stuff but because of the situation we're in, we agreed that we'd still date other people and if we really liked that person, we'd just be friends. She has school and family over where she lives and I have work and my family here and we both can't bring ourselves to leave our families so we're kind of stuck. After realising we're too family-oriented, we agreed to be friends and we spoke like friends for two weeks and then we started speaking like boyfriend/girlfriend again and before you know it, we're back where we were before. I kind of like it though but I hate it because there's no physical contact, which is pretty hard (no pun intended). She felt the same way.


It's like we kind of want to be together but we know it won't last realistically but we do it anyway. She's convinced I'll find someone before her but I'm convinced she will. She's been the first girl I properly liked in years and I know nothing will come of it but it's nice to see her on Skype and just chat about random shit, haha. It's just a real shame she doesn't live here or I don't live over there.

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So as you know I have been single since November.


Of late I have been having a bit more confidence in myself and have started to enjoy being single again. Met a few women and had a bit of fun. One particular girl I met who I really wasn't trying to get anywhere with cos I thought she was way too attractive for me actually asked for my number via a mutual friend a few days after we met. We have been in contact for about a week now and getting to know each other is fun. Massive confidence booster and feels good.


Getting happy again. Just thought I would share! :)


Update from the above....


I'm now back in London fully and met with said girl above last night. Just went to a pub and ended up chatting at each other for like 6 hours which was pretty amazing. Bouncing off each other. The night ended with a kiss too. :-) I was a little nervous, felt like a teenager all over again. I'm nearly 30 for christ sake hahah.


Going to take it slow, tread carefully and not think too far ahead after being so hurt after my last relationship. But I am in a happy place right now. :-)

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I was a little nervous, felt like a teenager all over again.


That is how it should be. You know she's someone special if you're nervous :)

I'm really happy for you, after what happened to you. : peace:


You made me smile and I believe in love again :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going for it. Today (or tomorrow*) is the day. Going to ask out the girl that I've liked for ages. I've been out with other girls in the past 6 months and haven't been able to get properly serious with them because of this girl.


*Planned a chat with my flatmate to go over the best course of action this evening, she might suggest to wait until tomorrow and ask in person.

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