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You should walk alongside me for a couple of days and just punch me in the face whenever I feel sorry for myself.


Thank you, for your words. Again. I need this, I need to read something like this, something that tells me, other people have experienced the same and overcome it. I know there a shitload of those people, but still...it helps.

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Dude it's N-E! It's the sole reason I love this place. You get genuine words when you need it.


Keep posting here (or in other threads) if you're finding it difficult. You'll find the support.


And I'd happly punch people in the face but I hear the wage isn't so great! :P One day I'll come to germany. Buy me a pint when that happens. before then if I fall into similar pitfalls as you then just be there for me! And thus the socialist N-E continues to rotate on its axis.

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Seemingly all the girls in my vicinity that I find myself potentially interested in are already in happy relationships.




Ah, that extremely awkward moment where you're chatting to a girl you're interested in and she randomly mentions her boyfriend.

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Ah, that extremely awkward moment where you're chatting to a girl you're interested in and she randomly mentions her boyfriend.


"I'm an Air Traffic Controller. Pretty stressful job but gives me a lot of freetime for my hobbies like reading, and listening to music. So what do you like doing in your freetime?"


"You know, making music, listening to music, do sports..."


This girl's amazing go on - Quoted from Own Brain


"...watching movies with my boyfriend."





This is how I imagine conversations will end in the future for me :D

Edited by drahkon
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At least it's less awkward than asking her out only to be turned down!


I've had ENOUGH experience from that! The amount of times I've liked a girl and they flirt with me and stuff and then they drop the boyfriend clanger is annoying. The thing that gets me is when they say "I'd totally go out with you if it wasn't for my boyfriend", why would you even say that to a guy?!


Seriously though guys, do you ever think a girl is flirting with you but really, they're just being friendly? I've often thought that some girls were proper flirting with me but they end up saying they were just being friendly. My girl mates usually say "Friendly my arse, she was flirting! Total cocktease!" lmao.

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Seriously though guys, do you ever think a girl is flirting with you but really, they're just being friendly? I've often thought that some girls were proper flirting with me but they end up saying they were just being friendly. My girl mates usually say "Friendly my arse, she was flirting! Total cocktease!" lmao.


Often us guys read way too much into something when we want to. Especially with girls we like.


"Oh my God, she smiled at me, it must mean she wants to get married!!!"


Other times girls are actually flirting. They like the attention, it makes them feel desired.

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WouldDateYouIfYouWereSkinny has joined my gym!!! He better NOT come near me or he'll end up with a HEAVY weight dropped on him. After ignoring me / not bothering to make even friendly contact in months, he has the downright cheek to be all smiles and waves in MY TERRITORY. >_<


I think my PT was a bit like ??? as I was all full of smiles and waves, then I imagine my face turned to thunder when he left! Oh well gave me the motivation to have an ass kicking workout!

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WouldDateYouIfYouWereSkinny has joined my gym!!! He better NOT come near me or he'll end up with a HEAVY weight dropped on him. After ignoring me / not bothering to make even friendly contact in months, he has the downright cheek to be all smiles and waves in MY TERRITORY. >_<


Is it wrong that this started playing in my head as I read this? Or is this accurate?


Edited by gaggle64
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Let's bring some cheer to this thread.


So the girl that I have posted about before here has just accepted a permanent job in Glasgow and has flat viewings lined up this weekend. We've been seeing each other properly for the last four months (ever since that last post I linked to) with her living in Edinburgh, but she's now going to be moving, 16 months after we broke up due to distance, to my city :grin:


It's been going super well and will only get better from here :grin:

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Well conversely, I'm still encountering novelties of a relationship with someone new that I hadn't ever really thought about.


I think this girl I like is quite... paranoid. I've had a couple of rather stressssssy, rough days and she's getting really sensitive about the exactness of what I'm saying and, frankly, I'm just super tired and drained and in a fairly apathetic mood. I don't want to have to deal with hypocracy already. I don't want to have to deal with mind-reading and the whole "saying no but meaning yes" bollocks.



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Well conversely, I'm still encountering novelties of a relationship with someone new that I hadn't ever really thought about.


I think this girl I like is quite... paranoid. I've had a couple of rather stressssssy, rough days and she's getting really sensitive about the exactness of what I'm saying and, frankly, I'm just super tired and drained and in a fairly apathetic mood. I don't want to have to deal with hypocracy already. I don't want to have to deal with mind-reading and the whole "saying no but meaning yes" bollocks.




I'm just going to put it out there...have you seen the newest episode of How I Met Your Mother (i.e. the one that aired Monday in America)?

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I am so cross about slimatmygymgate (lol these are getting silly now) and I feel like making contact because I want to know what the fuck possessed him to join my gym... It was no secret that I go there, he told me he'd never join a gym and that he'd rather do a sport! There are loads of gyms in ballymena and he chooses this one.... I'm sure his main priority is NOT to stalk me (I mean a years contract is a lot of money) but I get the feeling its an added bonus that he gets under my skin in the process.


Now this all said, I wouldn't be annoyed if he hadn't made such a BLATANT effort to make his existence known. I was walking in the opposite direction, in mid conversation with my PT. One would think, oh, I'll catch up with her another time, or I'll just ring/text, no?


Ever since I've been FUCKING PISSED OFF with the whole thing and I just want to drop my deadlift weight on his foot or smth. Not the kind of negative associations I need with the gym/sorting my health out. Very annoying indeed. ¬_¬


Its not the first time he's done this... Here I am sorting my life out, being happy and generally forgetting him and there he is again. Last time he gave me a hug and it fucing BROKE my heart cause he had only recently gotten with his now girlfriend :/

Edited by Raining_again
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@Raining_again, why do you careeeee so much? He sounds like an absolute gob-shite. Everything you've ever posted about him makes him sounds like a bad person. You are doing good things, you are lifting heavy things multiple times and are growing muscles that are bigger than him.


He's small fry. Forget him. It's your gym. Go there, do your thing, and ignore him if he starts talking. Maybe just politely say, "sorry, bro...I'm lifting," and carry on with your thing.

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@Raining_again, why do you careeeee so much? He sounds like an absolute gob-shite. Everything you've ever posted about him makes him sounds like a bad person. You are doing good things, you are lifting heavy things multiple times and are growing muscles that are bigger than him.


He's small fry. Forget him. It's your gym. Go there, do your thing, and ignore him if he starts talking. Maybe just politely say, "sorry, bro...I'm lifting," and carry on with your thing.


I think it is a multiple factor thing (i'm not really feeling that great in myself at the minute, having problems at home and work too) which is manifesting in anger directed at him. I don't want to talk to him but I want answers cause its annoying the fuck outta me.... why he says one thing and does another, and why I feel like he's so determined to maintain my attention/destroy me inside.


I love my lifting and its pretty much my saviour at the moment, theres no way I will avoid the gym because of him, I just fear what I might say or do if he pushes it -_-

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I think it is a multiple factor thing (i'm not really feeling that great in myself at the minute, having problems at home and work too) which is manifesting in anger directed at him. I don't want to talk to him but I want answers cause its annoying the fuck outta me.... why he says one thing and does another, and why I feel like he's so determined to maintain my attention/destroy me inside.


I love my lifting and its pretty much my saviour at the moment, theres no way I will avoid the gym because of him, I just fear what I might say or do if he pushes it -_-


You only feel that way because you're letting him do this. Lifting weights isn't just about putting them up and down, it's about controlling the motion and being the driver. You've got to control your life and not let him control you. The moment you start engaging in a conversation with him, he's controlling you, because he comes up to YOU and he expects you to answer.


He isn't worth your time. Let him do whatever it is he is doing, and just carry on with your stuff. As soon as you stop giving him that attention, he'll move on, too.

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