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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Arranged to go for lunch with the girl I've been meaning to end it with. However I met her for lunch and chickened out (there was never a good opportunity to bring it up).


Genuinely don't know what to do. I can't keep arranging "dates" and not ending it. I feel bad for doing it over whatsapp but at least I won't chicken out there. Or I just act a bit more distant until she brings it up.

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Arranged to go for lunch with the girl I've been meaning to end it with. However I met her for lunch and chickened out (there was never a good opportunity to bring it up).

I'd judge you, but I chicken out of saying good things to someone I do like so... I really have no room to talk.

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Moogle's so awkward he'll probably have a family and grow old with this girl just to avoid having to break up with her.


Vicar: "If anybody has any reason why these to should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace."


Me: "Well I've been meaning to mention..."

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Vicar: "If anybody has any reason why these to should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace."


Me: "Well I've been meaning to mention..."


Could be worse, my other half's dad got married, had 3 kids, then realised he was gay.


Now she has 3 dads, which was fucking terrifying for me.

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She said that she felt the same and was going to say the same thing.


Playground classic.


I think unless you've been going out for a considerable amount of time then WhatsApp/text is fine to end things. It's easier on both parties.


Pretty sure that's why the weather has been so crazy ever since. Snow, hail storms etc.


I've caused the end of the world :p


Should we just lock the thread?

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I ended it over Whatsapp. I did plan to do it in person, but she questioned why I seemed so distant today. I thought doing it over Whatsapp was better than fobbing her off and doing it later.


She said that she felt the same and was going to say the same thing.


Thank god. How have your other dates gone?


Yesterday was me and my girlfriend's 4 year anniversary. Pretty crazy how time flies. I always thought me and Moogle would end up together but it's looking pretty unlikely at this point.

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While I was in London, I decided to open Tinder for the hell of it, got a match. Today she asked what I'm doing this weekend along with a "come hither" gif.


I've also noticed recently that it's more girls that comment on my Mass Effect hoodie, may be a coincidence, may be the beard. Incidentally, a friend's wife said that I look hot recently.


I'm not used to compliments. It's strange. Still, I feel like there's hope for me yet.

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@Serebii, I've reviewed your situation and I've come up with an option that I'm pretty sure we're alllll thinking about but are too afraid to bring it up.


Friends. With. Benefits.





Broadcast Yourself


That's the one.


Strictly no strings attached though. We're both cool with it since we know we want different things.




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