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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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And, i'm back from another date. I thought it went very well, probably went better than the last one by a long shot. Both of us were laughing, joking and just having a lot of fun. Did ask whilst walking her back to her car if she'd be up for another date, she did say yes. So looking forward to that.

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I'm in a bit of a predicament...


The lady told me she'd like to go abroad for 3-6 months once she has her Bachelor's degree and after that she'll probably move to a different town and do her Master's there.


Thing is, I don't want a long distance relationship and there's no way I'll be able to go with her. :hmm:


I told her that, I also told her that I don't want to end things because our relationship is great.


Why is life always complicated?


So you want her more than you don't want a long term relationship.. so you have a 3-6 month ldr... as for the other town for her masters, while she's abroad is there no chance you could look at opportunities in that new town? you never know there could be an advantageous job out there? that would be the win-win situation. Ldr sucks and I totally agree with you it is something to avoid where possible, but it will challenge your relationship in different ways.. hopefully strengthen the bond between you guys??

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as for the other town for her masters, while she's abroad is there no chance you could look at opportunities in that new town? you never know there could be an advantageous job out there?


No, because when she's abroad I'll be writing my Bachelor's degree and after that I'd like to do my master's. I want to do both at the university I'm currently at.


Ldr sucks and I totally agree with you it is something to avoid where possible, but it will challenge your relationship in different ways.. hopefully strengthen the bond between you guys??


Maybe. But I've had two long distance relationships in the past and both ended horribly for me (I got cheated on twice in the first, and once in the second).

Yes, it has nothing to do with my girlfriend and our relationship but I still haven't gotten over how shitty it went in the past.

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No, because when she's abroad I'll be writing my Bachelor's degree and after that I'd like to do my master's. I want to do both at the university I'm currently at.




Maybe. But I've had two long distance relationships in the past and both ended horribly for me (I got cheated on twice in the first, and once in the second).

Yes, it has nothing to do with my girlfriend and our relationship but I still haven't gotten over how shitty it went in the past.


Ok.. I guess that adds a fair bit of context. What was your girlfriends response when you said you weren't keen on it? What did you think might happen before she told you her plans?

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Ok.. I guess that adds a fair bit of context. What was your girlfriends response when you said you weren't keen on it?


She was sad, very close to tears...The first thing she said - or rather asked - was: "What do we do now?" I responded with: "The best would be to see how it'll turn out."

It was such a chliché thing to say, but I honestly think that's the best we could do. Maybe we'll be able to make this work. For now we should just enjoy what we have.


What did you think might happen before she told you her plans?


Call me an idiot, but I do not know how to resond...not sure what exactly you mean with that question :woops: Blame my native tongue :D

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Any chance that you can finished your bachelors, both move to said other town for her to do her masters (and you can find work or play games or whatever) and then come back and you do your masters? It'll take longer, but it might be a possibility.

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If it's only for a few months what's the issue? One of the problems with long distance relationships is that they're uncertain, and stressful trying to make them work. For you it would just he a bit of a break from each other for a short while. Might even be good to step outside and get some perspective on the relationship. And the lack of distractions would probably be good while she's doing her masters.


All of this is assuming her plan is to move back after her masters.

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If it's only for a few months what's the issue?


I've had a two month long distance thing and got cheated on twice. That's my main issue.


I get what you're saying, I really do. And I understand that this could work but I have trouble shutting these two past experiences out.


All of this is assuming her plan is to move back after her masters.


That's the other thing...she wants to move away.

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I've had a two month long distance thing and got cheated on twice. That's my main issue.


That's shit, and obviously something you don't want to happen again. But you should trust somebody because you have faith in them not to cheat, not because you've removed the possibility of cheating. Look at this as a test of the relationship.


If she wants to love away then it's going to happen at some point anyway. You either need to end it or find a way to make it work (i.e. move with her).

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Meh, last Tuesday's date is playing the "ignore me" game. I've taken it as she's not interested in going for another date, even though it came across as she was. Ah well, live and learn and move on.


Which i am, have started talking to another lady before the weekend. Asked if she fancied meeting up for lunch next weekend (she's a teacher), she said yes to lunch but no for next weekend (rain-check on the time) as she's got friends coming up from Devon (she's originally from Devon)

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what the Don Cheadle, I actually managed to find this place


Hello mi amigos,

I'm 17 now and living in the UK, and my life's got a bit hectic (okay...might be a slight understatement). To make it even worse I've been ill for the past week and a half, so please bare with me.


Where do I begin? I'm 17...so according to 70% of mankind my opinion isn't yet valid and I can't have any idea as to what "love" is. When I was 12, I started talking to this girl who went to my high school (aka the biggest regret of my life). She...had a lot of stuff going on, but I helped her through it. I genuinely cared for her, and she seemed to reciprocate that - to an extent. I don't know if I fell for her, but heck, if I had a "One"...I think she was that. And well, this is it.


We talked for ages, up until like October of last year. And I just stopped talking to her. A lot went on (and a lot didn't) between us, but I finally cracked and decided I needed to move on. which of course resulted in my blocking of her numbers, blocking and unfollowing her on multiple social media platforms, etc


Historically I'm a quiet guy, but I've come out of my shell in recent years, no doubt a mixture of growing up, changing who I am and focusing on some of the things that matter. (@Serebii, this probably seems cliché, but fitness - and results with fitness - can really be a massive confidence boost; back to this) I'm a hell of a romantic.


But I just can't ask girls out. This one girl that I sit next to in my physics (going to sound like I'm in Key Stage 1 now) is not only attractive, but we have a lot in common: such as a love for great films (Star Wars, the MCU), great literature (comics...okay admittedly I'm the bigger reader here, I love books), and a great love for American sitcoms (aka Friends and HIMYM, come on kids, cult classics). Any tips here? I know, practice makes perfect...

Edited by Julius Caesar
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I really like this woman at the gym. She's such a top woman and a right laugh but 2 things are holding me back. At the minute, my weight (not fishing for compliments but I'm nowhere near comfortable yet) and just confidence in general. But then I think that if I did ask her out and she said yes, she's already seen me sweat and look bad so...


Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk


what the Don Cheadle, I actually managed to find this place


Hello mi amigos,

I'm 17 now and living in the UK, and my life's got a bit hectic (okay...might be a slight understatement). To make it even worse I've been ill for the past week and a half, so please bare with me.


Where do I begin? I'm 17...so according to 70% of mankind my opinion isn't yet valid and I can't have any idea as to what "love" is. When I was 12, I started talking to this girl who went to my high school (aka the biggest regret of my life). She...had a lot of stuff going on, but I helped her through it. I genuinely cared for her, and she seemed to reciprocate that - to an extent. I don't know if I fell for her, but heck, if I had a "One"...I think she was that. And well, this is it.


We talked for ages, up until like October of last year. And I just stopped talking to her. A lot went on (and a lot didn't) between us, but I finally cracked and decided I needed to move on. which of course resulted in my blocking of her numbers, blocking and unfollowing her on multiple social media platforms, etc


Historically I'm a quiet guy, but I've come out of my shell in recent years, no doubt a mixture of growing up, changing who I am and focusing on some of the things that matter. (@Serebii, this probably seems cliché, but fitness - and results with fitness - can really be a massive confidence boost; back to this) I'm a hell of a romantic.


But I just can't ask girls out. This one girl that I sit next to in my physics (going to sound like I'm in Key Stage 1 now) is not only attractive, but we have a lot in common: such as a love for great films (Star Wars, the MCU), great literature (comics...okay admittedly I'm the bigger reader here, I love books), and a great love for American sitcoms (aka Friends and HIMYM, come on kids, cult classics). Any tips here? I know, practice makes perfect...

Ask her out. It's easier when you're younger. Back in school, I was asking girls left, right and centre and didn't give a shite about rejection. Now I'm older, my confidence isn't the same as it used to be. You seem smart from your post so I have every faith that you and this girl will hit it off as it sounds you're halfway there anyway

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One step ahead of you. I lost ~125lbs.


Way to go man! What I meant exactly though, as opposed to weight loss (which is GREAT) is regular exercise on stuff. I find that the positive glow after exercise gives a great boost in confidence, and you could even do it whilst running the site?


On a similar note, I'm not sure if anyone's presented this idea to you yet. But if you've thought of covering Nationals (talking about Pokémon here; for the uninitiated, I am NOT talking about horses), I'm not sure if you already go, but that would be a great place to meet new people with similar interests, whilst being able to do some coverage for the site and have a great time with fellow Pokémon fans?


Also, if you're ever likely to meet a girl who's into Pokémon and all that entails (it brings a lot of geekdom with it - something to be proud of), who better to win her over at an event such as that than Mr Pokémon himself?

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Way to go man! What I meant exactly though, as opposed to weight loss (which is GREAT) is regular exercise on stuff. I find that the positive glow after exercise gives a great boost in confidence, and you could even do it whilst running the site?


On a similar note, I'm not sure if anyone's presented this idea to you yet. But if you've thought of covering Nationals (talking about Pokémon here; for the uninitiated, I am NOT talking about horses), I'm not sure if you already go, but that would be a great place to meet new people with similar interests, whilst being able to do some coverage for the site and have a great time with fellow Pokémon fans?


Also, if you're ever likely to meet a girl who's into Pokémon and all that entails (it brings a lot of geekdom with it - something to be proud of), who better to win her over at an event such as that than Mr Pokémon himself?

I exercise daily :) Got to keep the weight off considering my work has me sitting at a desk all day.


I do go to and cover Nationals and other events so we'll see :)

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I exercise daily :) Got to keep the weight off considering my work has me sitting at a desk all day.


I do go to and cover Nationals and other events so we'll see :)


Well that's great to hear man :) and well, who knows, maybe your (insert female Pokémon protagonist) is waiting for you at one of these events!


All the best man - and I'm loving the look of Serebii right now!


Also, thanks for the support @Animal! But I mean...how do I get around to asking her out? What do I do? What do I say? I guess my own downfall here is that I haven't been in a relationship before, so as for getting into one...

Edited by Julius Caesar
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Well that's great to hear man :) and well, who knows, maybe your (insert female Pokémon protagonist) is waiting for you at one of these events!


All the best man - and I'm loving the look of Serebii right now!


Also, thanks for the support @Animal! But I mean...how do I get around to asking her out? What do I do? What do I say? I guess my own downfall here is that I haven't been in a relationship before, so as for getting into one...


Just ask her mate. You're 17. I'm sure you will be fine :)

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Well that's great to hear man :) and well, who knows, maybe your (insert female Pokémon protagonist) is waiting for you at one of these events!


All the best man - and I'm loving the look of Serebii right now!


Also, thanks for the support @Animal! But I mean...how do I get around to asking her out? What do I do? What do I say? I guess my own downfall here is that I haven't been in a relationship before, so as for getting into one...

When you are both by yourself, just ask if she wants to go for dinner or something. Literally just ask.


Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

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When you are both by yourself, just ask if she wants to go for dinner or something. Literally just ask.


Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

He's 17 though, so it'd probably be for a cheeky Nandos rather than dinner (I believe).

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