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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Okay, so I decided to find your OkCupid profile. It's actually pretty good, and the photos you've picked are good too. So if you're not getting responses from anyone, it can't be your profile, it must be the type of girls you message or the messages themselves. But I can't comment on that, because they aren't visible. However, if I was single and looking at your profile, I'd definitely like to know more than what you've put. You've mentioned a couple of things what you're good at, talk about them a little. It's very hard to see what you're really like.


You say you don't get responses from girls, but it says on your message button that you 'reply often', so you must get some replies!


Also finally, I know the question and answer bit shows who you are and what you want, but you might be cutting off a lot of girls just by saying you wouldn't have a relationship with someone who has a coldsore. You know most people who get coldsores only have them maybe once a year for a few days right?

Well I purposefully didn't go into too much detail in order to give people some sort of conversation starter and/or a topic for us to discuss.


As for the cold sore bit...that was just a question, didn't realise it meant so much to people. Didn't even know people would see it :p

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Hmmmm. Coldsores do suck big time.. I've been quite ill recently with doses of colds n such and I've got one (they are also known to appear when yer immune system is taking a hammering)


The other half reckons its my bit on the side that gave me it :heh:


Tell him I'm sorry! :p;)

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So I finally text basically saying "I assume you're not interested, but could you let me know?" and he did and isn't. Which I'd figured out by this point, but it still kind of sucks. Plus my friends lately seem to have disappeared off the face of the earth and aren't responding to any texts I'm just feeling a bit low and lonely.


I should keep trying to put myself out there, but feels like I'm kicked every time I do try. #emo





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Good to see you back Falco. It's been a while! Hope that all is well with you.


I didn't wake up alone this morning. That helped. Was someone I've known for a while before anyone thinks I just had a random hook up :p. Not that it's going to resolve anything, but it was good to feel wanted again.

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Good to see you back Falco. It's been a while! Hope that all is well with you.


I didn't wake up alone this morning. That helped. Was someone I've known for a while before anyone thinks I just had a random hook up :p. Not that it's going to resolve anything, but it was good to feel wanted again.



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I hate getting attached. Eurgh, I've forgotten about that whole crush business. Its nasty and makes you constantly want to see that person.


Know that feel, bro...eh..girl? :blank:


It might come to an end soon, though, when I ask her out. Depending on how she responds :D

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Know that feel, bro...eh..girl? :blank:


It might come to an end soon, though, when I ask her out. Depending on how she responds :D


Good luck!


The thing is, it depends, the guys great, but I don't know if it'd go any further. Lame really.


My own fault, I was doing so well for a few years.

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I was texting this person for a few days and asked them on Friday if they wanted to meet up on Monday. They said yeah, and everything was grand. Then they text me today saying they can't make it Monday. I don't have credit so I whatsapp them saying that's not a problem. Apparently their whatsapp was broken because they text me later saying that they understood why I was annoyed and that we probably should just be friends anyway. So I go off and buy credit to say everything was all right, and then they say that they weren't ready for a relationship anyway an they are very busy right now.


I was just expecting a few dates but whatever. Seems weird for a person to take this long to be like this.


So yeah. Still not getting anywhere....

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I'm not sure I'm ready for that sort of thing yet


But there's no way to figure out whether you are ready without trying, is there?


I really don't know how he feels about it.


I'd suggest asking him, but I guess it's more important that you figure out what's best for you first.

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I posted a picture of some album I love on Instagram (because I like posting shit all over Instagram, it's the only place where my followers don't include family or work colleagues :p) and some random guy liked it, and posted a few lyrics.


I was pretty happy, as fans of this artist are probably as rare as gamers that like Wii U. Anyway, he followed me, I followed him, and what I can only describe as the most flirtatious Like fest ensued.


After a few days of liking the shit out of each others shit, I added him on Twitter and we spoke like all night. So, I guess you could say, things are moving too fast and my life is just insane, man. They should make a documentary of me tapping away on Twitter, The Sad Love Life of a Lonely 20-Something Mario Obsessed Lost Cause. It could be the next Twilight, but like, real life.


And he lives in Mexico.

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