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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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I may well have met the perfect girl! Not only is she funny, sweet, smart, quite adorable and out of this world stunning (seriously breathtaking) but lo and behold she loves super-hero films and even better than that; she's a bit of a gamer!


Lucky fucker I am!

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Last night was a night out for the girl's last day in Oxford. Little bit disappointed with the whole affair, but at least it's over now, and I can say that I tried rather than wondering what could have been.


The friend who encouraged me to ask has been trying to convince me (and probably herself) that it's most likely an arranged marriage and I'm better off anyway.

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Last night was a night out for the girl's last day in Oxford. Little bit disappointed with the whole affair, but at least it's over now, and I can say that I tried rather than wondering what could have been.


The friend who encouraged me to ask has been trying to convince me (and probably herself) that it's most likely an arranged marriage and I'm better off anyway.


Ahhh, well I agree it's better you tried rather than left yourself wondering. Think your friend's definitely trying to convince herself a bit too, as she probably feels a bit gutted putting you in this situation; but this is exactly what I said to Ramar before about friends making things worse sometimes!


Look at it this way though - if everything had happened the same, with your friend convincing you that you had a shot, but you hadn't tried and she left and moved away etc....would you really see that as any better sort of situation? Never knowing, sitting with that vague what could have been?

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Ahhh, well I agree it's better you tried rather than left yourself wondering. Think your friend's definitely trying to convince herself a bit too, as she probably feels a bit gutted putting you in this situation; but this is exactly what I said to Ramar before about friends making things worse sometimes!


Look at it this way though - if everything had happened the same, with your friend convincing you that you had a shot, but you hadn't tried and she left and moved away etc....would you really see that as any better sort of situation? Never knowing, sitting with that vague what could have been?


Of course, this is definitely better than not knowing.


Still would have been nice for it to have worked out though. C'est la vie.


Besides, it's been 11 hours since I last saw her, so naturally I've already got my eye on somebody else.

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I may well have met the perfect girl! Not only is she funny, sweet, smart, quite adorable and out of this world stunning (seriously breathtaking) but lo and behold she loves super-hero films and even better than that; she's a bit of a gamer!


Lucky fucker I am!


What's the catch? :heh:


Seriously though, if it's all working out for you then congrats Kav! : peace:

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Well, yesterday was the day a friend of mine wanted to hook me up with a lady.


I got too drunk, so I decided not to try and talk to her. I only said "Hi, I'm.." and "Goodbye, be safe."


Was probably for the best.


Now we're texting via Facebook and soon it will be time for the good old "you, me dinner?"-approach : peace:

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OK. Decided to talk to her after being undecided if I should pursue or not. Might as well try, right?


Didn't get a chance to do so this week though, was off Monday and the universe decided it hates me and make my train late Wednesday and Thursday and she wasn't there today. I've got this Monday off so I can't until Tuesday or Wednesday.


Decided not to ask her straight out though, I'll give it a day or two depending, and just get her number first. Not sure if I should just straight up ask for it, or sorta be like "I'd like to talk to you again" or "Might not have many chances to talk to you". Might sound too weak though.


So sound good? I know I need to do something since the longer I wait the more chance I'll miss my chance, if I haven't already.

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What will you do with her number once you have it? Ask her out? Basically the way I see it asking her out IS getting her number. 'hey wanna go out blahblah' 'yeah sure that'd be cool blahblah' 'ok, whats your number *hand phone*' or something along those lines.

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You want progress?

Here you go: I gave her my phone number and I got hers.


Somehow all this shit works better when I do it via Facebook :blank: Well, I had to do it that way, because she lives about 60km away from my home.


Anyway, phone number...GET.


Oh, gifs be welcome?



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This justifies a double post:


The lady and I texted a bit today.


She asked me what I think about the Star Wars series. I told her that Episodes IV, V and VI are amazing and the newer movies are okay.

Her response: "Yeah, I feel the same about them :)"


She also loves Jumanji.


I think I have to marry her.

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So I've joined yet ANOTHER dating site called eVow which focuses mainly on people who want an actual relationship. So far, not so good. Shall keep people updated on whether owt happens...just don't hold your breath because you might die of suffocation! haha.

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So I've joined yet ANOTHER dating site called eVow which focuses mainly on people who want an actual relationship. So far, not so good. Shall keep people updated on whether owt happens...just don't hold your breath because you might die of suffocation!


I'm holding my breath. It's your fault if I die.


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So I went on a date and got on pretty well with the guy (or at least I thought I did). He said he'd text me, we said goodbye. I didn't hear anything back for a few days, so I text him, still no response nearly a week later.


Dating sucks.


Extremely rude not for him to text back. It proper pisses me off when mates dont text back/ return phone calls at the best of times but that is not right.


Its not that difficult to respond with "Hey, I had a nice time too but I dont think it will work out. Sorry"


Thats all there is to it.


I wouldn't text him again though, fuck that.

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