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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Yeah I do quite often forget! I remember coming from Wreck it Ralph and being annoyed at how irritating the young girl in the film was. It wasn't until my friend said "well it is technically a kids film" that I thought yeah, they're trying to please a lot more than just 20 something men :p

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And she lives in the same country this time?


Yes, she lives about an hour or something away from me so it's all good in the hood! xD


I thought the ending of Harry Potter was pretty lame, all this crazy stuff going on for years and then it just ends with them going off, marrying each other and having kids? Bullshit.


But yeah, you should send her that scene of Hermione and Ron in the future with their kids and be like "this could be us one day."


This is also why I shouldn't speak to people.




Remember it's a childrens book. This was JK Rowling taking the books back to their roots and having a happy ending, even after all those people died in the Battle of Hogwarts.


And in terms of the movies, people just shouldn't watch them. IMO they're all equally bad.



The full ten minutes best describes my feelings towards the crimes to humanity that are your statements! ;)


But Josh, that'll be saved for my proposal if we get together (not even at the dating stage yet, haha)

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The full ten minutes best describes my feelings towards the crimes to humanity that are your statements! ;)


I can't watch that video at work but how a true Harry Potter fan can enjoy the movies is beyond me. :P

Edited by Charlie
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I can't watch that video at work but how a true Harry Potter fan can enjoy the movies is beyond me. :P


I know there are parts and characters from the books missing in the movies but I love the fact they brought the magical world to our screens and it's amazing to watch! I also loved the movies!

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Because you'd not made a move all night, so she's giving you the chance to ask for her number.


Should've asked for her number. :(


She'll be at the festival from Wednesday 'til Sunday. I don't have time today and tomorrow.


What I will do: Next week I'll ask her if she wants to do something. Has to be via Facebook, which means saying "no" will be easier for her :p

But no matter what her response will be: I will know if I have a chance or not :)

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And in terms of the movies, people just shouldn't watch them. IMO they're all equally bad.


Totally true.


I will fight to the death anyone that says the mythos that JK Rowling built with these books isn't one of the greatest fictional universes ever created, but I don't know WHAT it is with people and those movies.


They are enjoyable to a certain extent, but they are ALL so fucking average. The third is the best as a film, but still...not exactly great.


So so so so so average.

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I wasn't even there.


But you're right :p


Speaking of the girl, we chatted (Facebook -.-) a bit, I asked her if she was interested in going to see a movie, but I'm not sure if she understood that it would be only me and her :D


Her response was (speaking about a particular movie): "I'd like to, but I actually wanted to see that movie with [insert girl name]"


So I said: "Well, we have to find another movie then"


Aaaaaaaand so far no response :D

Edited by drahkon
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Personally I don't dig going on a movie first off...it's too safe/easy/boring. Especially considering you've sort of known her for a few years - it just seems like a friendy sort of thing to do and starts off setting the wrong tone. Why not dinner/a drink? Obvs wait and see what she says, but personally I'd look to find a way to scrap the cinema idea and make it dinner and a drink or something after. Are you actually going to see her at this festival thing?

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Especially considering you've sort of known her for a few years


Well, I've known her, but we only once did something together (and a couple of her friends) and that was 5 years ago.


Since then we didn't really have any contact at all.


Why not dinner/a drink? Obvs wait and see what she says, but personally I'd look to find a way to scrap the cinema idea and make it dinner and a drink or something after.


Yeah, I was thinking about that, too. When she agrees to go to the cinema with me, maybe we can do something like dinner/a drink afterwards or before.


Are you actually going to see her at this festival thing?


Nope. :p

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43 guests actually, we all just really want Animal to have wizard babies, I think.



Baby I love you. Come...come...come in to my arms....wrong place to do it to make babies but hey, they're magical wizard babies, maybe that is the way to make them! ;)


As for the Hollyoaks thing, in the next few episodes, if we see two geeks choosing baby names relating to Harry Potter characters or a bunch of lads trying to pick up girls by telling them they own the largest, most successful Pokemon site in the world then we shall know and we can sue them and be rich!


Hey, we could make our own series with half of the shit we've all said on this site, how amazing would it be!


Totally go for dinners over cinemas when it comes to dates anyway, how do you know whether she's good for you if all you're going to do is focus on a movie? Also, what if you see a really good movie and you want to snog her (or whatever) but you totally want to see the movie? CONFLICTED!



Totally true.


I will fight to the death anyone that says the mythos that JK Rowling built with these books isn't one of the greatest fictional universes ever created, but I don't know WHAT it is with people and those movies.


They are enjoyable to a certain extent, but they are ALL so fucking average. The third is the best as a film, but still...not exactly great.


So so so so so average.



You better BRRRR-ING it!

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Update from me - not posted here in a while.


Some may remember the guy I went on a few dates with, wasn't sure on, then decided to try getting to know each other slowly and me quite liking him...?


Anyway, that pretty much ended a few weeks back.

My decision. Things were ok but it felt like we were both there for the sake of it. Or it felt like that to me. I had to drive to see him (he was about 30 min away) and he didn't drive yet so I was always going over to his to watch a film, or pick him up to go somewhere. That wasn't a problem though, but it became a problem when I found myself not wanting to go and see / meet him. Didn't help it was always the same thing - just sat round his eating take out or watching a film. Like I say I don't mind this as when you're newly 'dating' you'll pretty much want to do anything just to be with the person. Like the thought of being with them for the evening (not in that way, but also in that way!) is really exciting and it's a big deal to you! Well there was none of that for me.


I met with him and told him all this and we parted ways. Still text though, he's a really nice guy and we have a bit in common so there's no point just pretending he doesn't exist anymore! He appreciated my honesty too which I was thankful for. Made me feel less like a dick for saying 'lets take it slow' then deciding I wasn't interested in anything more than friends. But that's the dating game I guess!


So I'm back to being free again. I'd say young and free but at 25... I'm not sure. :D

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I'm sort of with both Animal and ReZ on the topic of Harry Potter; I would fight alongside ReZ anyday, and I love how the movies have allowed us to see that wonderful world brought to life - I grew up with them, for Christ's sake! To me they're part of the Harry Potter legacy. But on the other hand there are plenty of things I can criticise them for, both as a fan and as a moviegoer.

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Better advice: ignore everything Magnus says.


In terms of first date ideas; DoingSomething tends to have some pretty good ideas. They're London-centric, but you could adapt them to your location.

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I once watched a Danish TV show about attractive people dating, and Gustav, the hilariously awful gay guy, went on a date with someone where they went bungee jumping, and the other guy acted like a total girl and was too much of a wuss to do it. Gustav was so turned off that when it was time to take the guy to the airport, he saw how long the line was and was all, "yeah, I'm not waiting around for this" and left his date there.


I've learned all I know about dating from Danish TV shows.

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I've learned all I know about dating from Danish TV shows.


You're single, right? :heh:


And yes, I believe the 5 year period has approached where those of the gay persuasion must find a man before he settles for a bungalow with his female best friend. I already have the female best friend and location of said bungalow sorted, but I hope it doesn't come to that...


On a more serious note though, it's so fuckin annoying the whole dating / trying to find someone thing.


It's weird as well as I am used to being single (only coz I've never had a proper BF) so it would be a little strange for me to actually find someone I wanted to be in a relationship with - and vice versa.

It's an alien concept to me. :wtf: Hopefully that will change soon.

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I feel like dating would just cut into my valuable gaming time. As it is, I only manage to get in about four to five hours of gaming a day. I guess if they'd be willing to sit and watch me play, though...



You're single, right? :heh:

Yeah, and I don't know why! I'm such a lovely shade of orange, just like you're supposed to be. :cry:


Actually, come to think of it, those Danes never seem to be able to find anyone who's good enough for them, so maybe that's not the best source of dating advice after all. Hrm.

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