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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Update: Nothing has really changed but after going out Saturday night, getting drunk and having a great time I'm just generally feeling a lot better about everything. Still kinda miss being in a relationship, but I definitely don't miss the ex at all!


Sleeping a lot better as well, in fact slept through untill 1:10 PM on Sunday, think I slept through the hangover as well since I felt fine when I got up! :heh:


Gonna be moving in with my brother and his girlfriend in a couple of weeks for the summer, so there's potential for meeting new people. Certainly wouldn't mind a little summer fling to tide me over until September!

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So after some dutch courage, I finally messaged the barista. It died a bit as he seems to have stopped working there and I wanted to wait until a) his exams were over and b) I went PT just in case it all went terribly wrong (can't imagine it will, but just in case).


Anyway, spent ages trying to find a non-creepy way of saying "so I saw your name on the till, found you on Facebook...drink?" We'll see...but I'm happy it's done. Although as we're not friends it will go to his 'Other' inbox that he may never check.


Now where's the wine...


So, my four year relationship has just ended. I still don't really know what to think about that.


(on the plus side, does this mean I can start going out and telling girls I run the world's largest Pokémon website?)


Aww man that sucks :( Sorry to hear.

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So, my four year relationship has just ended. I still don't really know what to think about that.


(on the plus side, does this mean I can start going out and telling girls I run the world's largest Pokémon website?)


I'm sorry to hear that Grunch... :(


I remember when my three year relationship - at the time - ended, I wasn't really sure where to put myself :/ we did end up getting back together after a little while but still, I can understand to a degree how you must be feeling but I just hope that something good comes out of it for you. :)


It might not seem like it now but hopefully things will get better over time. : peace:

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Thanks people.

I'm sorry to hear that Grunch... :(


I remember when my three year relationship - at the time - ended, I wasn't really sure where to put myself :/ we did end up getting back together after a little while but still, I can understand to a degree how you must be feeling but I just hope that something good comes out of it for you. :)


It might not seem like it now but hopefully things will get better over time. : peace:

Well, probably in a while, yes. For now though, I feel pretty rubbish, but oh well.

Is it too soon to ask you out on a date?

I thought you'd already made your intentions quite clear on irc. :heh:

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Would people believe a woman runs the worlds largest pokemon site? ;) #MissionSerebii


Yes! Oh my God, yes! Do it, Raining! I WANT to hear what happens!


So, my four year relationship has just ended. I still don't really know what to think about that.


(on the plus side, does this mean I can start going out and telling girls I run the world's largest Pokémon website?)


I'm sorry that's happened to you, dude. We're here for you, mate!


I love how straight away, you think of #MissionSerebii. I like your style, boy! haha.


Update: Nothing has really changed but after going out Saturday night, getting drunk and having a great time I'm just generally feeling a lot better about everything. Still kinda miss being in a relationship, but I definitely don't miss the ex at all!


Sleeping a lot better as well, in fact slept through untill 1:10 PM on Sunday, think I slept through the hangover as well since I felt fine when I got up! :heh:


Gonna be moving in with my brother and his girlfriend in a couple of weeks for the summer, so there's potential for meeting new people. Certainly wouldn't mind a little summer fling to tide me over until September!


You'll get that. It's good to see you don't miss her but it's nice to be in a relationship. However, think of it like this, at least this time around, you can find someone who's really nice and suits you AND be in a relationship rather than just being in a relationship!


Also, the potential for meeting new people sounds promising! Just remember to go out there and tell them you're filthy rich because you talk to important people about Pokemon and put them on a website.


Can we all just step back and realise we use Serebii's life as a chat-up line AND it works with no proof? Can you actually imagine BEING Serebii and doing this and proving it? He'd be flooding in women (or men for some of you folk)!


So after some dutch courage, I finally messaged the barista. It died a bit as he seems to have stopped working there and I wanted to wait until a) his exams were over and b) I went PT just in case it all went terribly wrong (can't imagine it will, but just in case).


Anyway, spent ages trying to find a non-creepy way of saying "so I saw your name on the till, found you on Facebook...drink?" We'll see...but I'm happy it's done. Although as we're not friends it will go to his 'Other' inbox that he may never check.


Now where's the wine...


It's awesome that you made that move though. Better than sitting back wondering "What if" and not doing anything.

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Would people believe a woman runs the worlds largest pokemon site? ;) #MissionSerebii


I might try that in work, I mean 90% of work are male, in 500 people, its got to work at some point...right?



'So er did you know, I totally run the biggest pokemon website? No? Whelp how about a drink so we can talk about it.'



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I might try that in work, I mean 90% of work are male, in 500 people, its got to work at some point...right?



'So er did you know, I totally run the biggest pokemon website? No? Whelp how about a drink so we can talk about it.'




I'm pretty sure a girl in a game development company doesn't need to lie about pokemon to pull.



Or do much at all, in fact.

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Haha, perhaps I am oblivious then. ::shrug:


Now now, just think about how often you've heard a discussion like this:


-Guy X: Man, I just met this chick, but I'm pretty conflicted about her now. Damn it.

-Guy Y: Ah, what's the problem?

-Guy X: Well, she looks great and I like her personality too, but it's not like she runs the biggest Pokémon site in the world, you know what I mean?

-Guy Y: Oh I see, yeah I hate when that happens. Better just dump her ass right away, it's not worth it.



Yep. All the time.

Edited by Ville
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Now now, just think about how often you've heard a discussion like this:


-Guy X: Man, I just met this chick, but I'm pretty conflicted about her now. Damn it.

-Guy Y: Ah, what's the problem?

-Guy X: Well, she looks great and I like her personality too, but it's not like she runs the biggest Pokémon site in the world, you know what I mean?

-Guy Y: Oh I see, yeah I hate when that happens. Better just dump her ass right away, it's not worth it.



Yep. All the time.


It's like an every day thing for me. :laughing:

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It's like an every day thing for me. :laughing:


Yeah I bet, we men are such picky creatures. All it takes is one fingernail that isn't properly groomed to the ideal millimeter length, and it's like "nuh-uh, this ain't happening yo gurl!"

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Yeah I bet, we men are such picky creatures. All it takes is one fingernail that isn't properly groomed to the ideal millimeter length, and it's like "nuh-uh, this ain't happening yo gurl!"


I wondered where I was going wrong. All these chipped nails, better get that shit sorted out!

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Update from the above....


I'm now back in London fully and met with said girl above last night. Just went to a pub and ended up chatting at each other for like 6 hours which was pretty amazing. Bouncing off each other. The night ended with a kiss too. :-) I was a little nervous, felt like a teenager all over again. I'm nearly 30 for christ sake hahah.


Going to take it slow, tread carefully and not think too far ahead after being so hurt after my last relationship. But I am in a happy place right now. :-)


New update.


Still seeing this lovely lady. It's going good and we are definitely into each other and I would say we are now at the seeing each other stage. We stay around each others places a lot and have been doing loads of lovely couple type things. I feel good.


It's really really nice and she is making very happy at the minute. Still in no rush for it to go anyway, not over thinking it. Enjoying the now and the moments we are sharing.


I did tell her I run the the worlds largest Pokemon website. Seemed to work. : peace:

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So after some dutch courage, I finally messaged the barista. It died a bit as he seems to have stopped working there and I wanted to wait until a) his exams were over and b) I went PT just in case it all went terribly wrong (can't imagine it will, but just in case).


Anyway, spent ages trying to find a non-creepy way of saying "so I saw your name on the till, found you on Facebook...drink?" We'll see...but I'm happy it's done. Although as we're not friends it will go to his 'Other' inbox that he may never check.


You should invite him over to your place for wine and Adventure Time. Then ask him if he needs a lift anywhere, as you and Aaron are great drivers...




But yes, if it doesn't work out, I make GREAT instant coffee!

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So there's this girl, I've known her for a couple of years now, but we aren't close. We simply know each other.

She's incredibly cute, and I had a crush on her once.


Last night I went out, danced, partied, drank. The usual.


10 minutes before the place closed this girl comes up to me and we begin to talk.


Why does this always happen at the end? There wasn't even enough time for the standard chitchat :D

She even told me that she saw me a couple of times during the night, but didn't want to disturb me since I was dancing. :blank:


The thing is, I want to talk to her again, go out with her or at least meet her again, but the only way to communicate with her is via Facebook. And I hate doing this via Facebook.

I may have messaged her when I came home this morning; saying something like "It's a shame we met so late into the party".

Got a response already, now it's time to keep the conversation going, but I'm not good with that :indeed:

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I'm talking to this girl at the moment and I really like her. She's into a lot of stuff I am and she seems nice and kind and totally isn't into the mind games thing. She asked if I liked her because she'd rather know now (which is something I absolutely love, someone who just cuts to the chase) and the best part? SHE ADORES HARRY POTTER! Like we spent about an hour or two talking about Harry Potter and our favourite things to do with it. She loves the Chamber of Secrets book (so do I) and she MUST watch Deathly Hallows: Part 1 and 2 together or not watch it at all (SO DO I!). Hopefully, she might actually be the one I've been looking for! She seems awesome but I'm going to wait a bit longer before I say for sure she is but she seems my type!


Eventually, I showed her the wand! ;) Oh yes, I got that bad boy out on camera and she loved it!...I'm talking about the collector's wand from The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, you dirty muggles! :p She was jealous though. She got a Gryffindor scarf and cloak. Together, we could be one wizard! haha.

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I thought the ending of Harry Potter was pretty lame, all this crazy stuff going on for years and then it just ends with them going off, marrying each other and having kids? Bullshit.


But yeah, you should send her that scene of Hermione and Ron in the future with their kids and be like "this could be us one day."


This is also why I shouldn't speak to people.

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Got a response already, now it's time to keep the conversation going, but I'm not good with that :indeed:


::shrug: I am sooooo bad with this kind of thing.


Last night we talked about a festival that's coming up next week, and to keep the conversation via Facebook going I asked "So, when's that festival again?".



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10 minutes before the place closed this girl comes up to me and we begin to talk.


Why does this always happen at the end? There wasn't even enough time for the standard chitchat :D


Because you'd not made a move all night, so she's giving you the chance to ask for her number.

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I thought the ending of Harry Potter was pretty lame, all this crazy stuff going on for years and then it just ends with them going off, marrying each other and having kids? Bullshit.


Remember it's a childrens book. This was JK Rowling taking the books back to their roots and having a happy ending, even after all those people died in the Battle of Hogwarts.


And in terms of the movies, people just shouldn't watch them. IMO they're all equally bad.

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