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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Way to put him off doing anything about it. :p


Yeh.. :red:


Despite what I did say, I would certainly encourage @Ike to be positive about it and try speaking to the girl in some way if you feel there's a good opportunity :smile:


It's a much easier thing to talk about doing it than actually doing it but it's a worse feeling to know that you may have missed your chance. She may not get that train forever.. :heh:


The only thing I would advise is not to talk about the weather. Everybody, certainly over here in Northern Ireland, sees the weather as some sort of magical silence breaker with friends and strangers and it feels so contrived and pointless.. I find it pretty annoying :blank:


The amount of times I hear different customers where I work come in and have this exact conversation with each other is ridiculous:


"Augh how ye doin..?"

"I'm grand.. what about yoursel..?

"The very best.. that's a miserable day, isn't it..?"

"Aye.. sure it never stops! Are ye still workin away?"

"I am, aye.. nothing else for it!"


Pointless :nono:

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The only thing I would advise is not to talk about the weather.


Oh... That's exactly what I was going to do. I was going to use the nice weather as an excuse :P Weather's a universal thing though, unlike say Pokemon :P

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Oh... That's exactly what I was going to do. I was going to use the nice weather as an excuse :P Weather's a universal thing though, unlike say Pokemon :P


..you'll be OK :heh: It's probably just me who doesn't feel compelled to talk about the weather : peace:

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The weather is a great form of conversation up here. We so rarely get a good day the guys on the shitty radio station we listen to at work have a 'taps aff' section where people are phoning/texting in tell them when they've spotted someone with their tap aff.

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Oh... That's exactly what I was going to do. I was going to use the nice weather as an excuse :P Weather's a universal thing though, unlike say Pokemon :P

Blasphemy. Talking about Pokémon has sort of worked for me. Maybe because my friends continually introduce me as "This is Joe, he owns the world's biggest Pokémon site"

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Blasphemy. Talking about Pokémon has sort of worked for me. Maybe because my friends continually introduce me as "This is Joe, he owns the world's biggest Pokémon site"


In social situations, I've become more outgoing, chatting to strangers and so on and on nights out I am getting further...just no dryspell breaking yet.


I think the key word there is 'sort of'. :heh:

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Blasphemy. Talking about Pokémon has sort of worked for me. Maybe because my friends continually introduce me as "This is Joe, he owns the world's biggest Pokémon site"


If I had any indication she even played games then sure, if she was using a DS or something it would be a lot easier, but otherwise I wouldn't use anything game related the first time I talk to someone. :P

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