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Video Game Crossovers/Genre changes You'd Like To See


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Firstly this doesn't have to be limited to just Nintendo characters btw.

OK so with Metroids having shown up in Kid Icarus over the years and residents of the Mushroom Kingdom sometimes stumbling on over into the Zelda universe, Nintendo does very occasionally, and subtly reference one franchise in another...




But taking it a stage further, what crossover franchises could work, or would you like to see?... what characters would you like to see make a cameo appearance in another characters game.


And to further the topic, are there any characters you'd like to see change genre's to mix things up further?... Fox has tried his hand at Adventuring... Link has had a mini glimpse into the FPS genre with Crossbow Training... Kirby has tried racing...


Would you like to see a Hyrule RTS, is it about time Captain Falcon stepped out of his racer?... personally I think yes!


Some ideas...



Genre Change - Captain Falcon: Bounty Hunter




Time for Nintendo to explore a little further into the story behind Falcon in an action adventure game.


Like Samus, he is a Bounty Hunter after all, and he's certainly got the moves [he even like to show them to us] to build a game around... his flaming Falcon Punch, Falcon Kick, Speed Run... throw a few gadgets in there like a grappling hook/jet pack/laser gun or something... and he's ready go go and hunt down the likes of Samurai Goroh, Black Shadow and other bounties from the F-Zero universe on foot!


I see the game having a very Star Wars setting/feel to it, with you visiting different planetary worlds [depending on the bounty you're tracking] in the Blue Falcon, visiting Coruscant style cities/dark bars and hangouts, Kamino style waterworlds. We saw glimpses of the world he lives in, in the F-Zero GX's story, but it's never been explored.


I like to think he could basically be Nintendo's answer to Jango/Boba Fett! Finding a middle ground between F-Zero and Star Wars Bounty Hunter.




Crossover - Samus in F-Zero






I think it's about time we got to see this bounty hunter race in the F-Zero universe, complete with a Metroid themed track that takes place on a collapsing space station or something.

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I had that thought for so long as well. Putting Falcon and Samus together in a game could be interesting.


Did Kirby ever appear in a Mario game or vice versa? I think Kerby should save the Mushroom Kingdom at some point.


I know they tried it in Starfox Assault and failed but a Starfox Game with on foot missions could work. They are a group of mercenaries after and some of them look like they could handle a fight. I mean they could give you a mission which always starts with GreatFox at the edge of the specific system. Then you plan your approach on a tactics map, in which order and what you want to take out. For instance you have to destroy a ground installation. You can choose to:

attack power generators to disable their defenses and then bomb the hell out of it with GreatFox.

make a brute force attack with the Arwings and Landmaster, make it to the installation and try to destroy the thing by continously firing or infiltrate it on foot, set up some charges and blow it up.

sneak onto the planet using Arwings and flying under the radar and then sneak into the installation and blow it up.

Of course you should also be able to combine any of the three approaches and be given many more options. This could also add some replay value trying to find the best strategy and I think it would be especially interesting to figure out how to get the "Mission Accomplished" instead of "Mission Complete".


Also a crossover between Zelda and Pokémon would be something. Instead of fighting through the tall grass you could just cut it - convenient :D

And while we're at it, let's put Donkey Kong, Yoshi and all the Starfox characters in Animal Crossing.

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Crossover - Samus in F-Zero


I think it's about time we got to see this bounty hunter race in the F-Zero universe, complete with a Metroid themed track that takes place on a collapsing space station or something.


That's not too far-fetched as both Metroid and F-Zero has a Galactic Federation (and Jody Summer's logo is Metroid-ish).


I could see (Young) Link and Pit working together well - some kind of co-op game where you use their different abilities/combat styles to fight and solve puzzles (like that downloadable Tomb Raider game).

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I know they tried it in Starfox Assault and failed but a Starfox Game with on foot missions could work.
I think Starfox Adventures might have worked much better if they hadn't taken fox's gun away, and made it more of a Jet Force Gemini style third person-adventure-shooter.
That's not too far-fetched as both Metroid and F-Zero has a Galactic Federation (and Jody Summer's logo is Metroid-ish).


I could see (Young) Link and Pit working together well - some kind of co-op game where you use their different abilities/combat styles to fight and solve puzzles (like that downloadable Tomb Raider game).

OK then Metroid/F-Zero crossover has to happen somehow!

And as for Samus being a racer in F-Zero, maybe if Retro has any involvement in making the next game, we'll get lucky!


Pit and Link... Definately! :D

There world would connect well, full of godesses, the heavens and mythology... you could even see Pit working right now in Skyward Sword, what with it's setting and visual style!... And they both have a bow and arrow of course!

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I honestly don't think I'd like to see any cross-overs to be honest. I just don't see any of the franchises fitting in with the others.
Not even cameo appearances/Easter Eggs, like Samus as a racer in F-Zero, or seeing Pit fly past in the distance in Skyward Sword?


This thread is about trying different genres aswell.


Anyone like to see a Zelda racer?

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As an easter egg, Samus being in F-Zero would be cool I do admit... but I wouldn't try and write her into any story if it were me, I'd just have her in there for the sake of it being an easter egg.


I think I'd like to see new IP's set within different franchises worlds. I can't remember who it was that posted some suggestions years ago but they made the suggestions of an MMORPG set in the land of Hyrule whereupon you'd choose a race (Hylian, Goron, Zora etc) and that would determine how you played the game etc.


Another suggestion was in the Metroid universe, where you'd be a member of the Galactic Federation Forces set on SR-388... I think they said an FPS which intrigued me at the time.

In this they were saying how you could be playing and all of a sudden you'd see a huge fight going on between Samus and a boss character in the background and you may have to assist somehow.

I liked that idea.

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Alright, Retro Link, you've taken an aspect of something I've been thinking about for quite some time.


Star Fox Series

F-Zero Series

Metroid Series


What do they have in common?

I see them as the 3 main space series of NINTENDO, and all main characters are arguably the fighting/shooting/gadget/flying type.


So, what I REALLY like to see is 1 game in which their universes collide (literally, for space is a big place:laughing:) and they'll all experience one another's genre.



- They're all drawn to a certain planet (Star Fox crew in the Great Fox, Captain Falcon in his Falcon Flyer, and Samus in her Starship) "Flying"

- They will have to venture themselves through desolated areas á la Metroid "Adventure/Fighting"

- They'll each have to take part in a race to earn space credits, or earn new parts for their adventure. "Racing"


You'll be able to play as different characters (Samus, Captain Falcon, Fox, etc...) through different storylines which intertwine with the storylines of the others; Though it will all take place in one particual solar system.


The bottom line is that I at least want these franchises to experience eachother's genre, whilst coming across eachother in the process quite often.

When the story builds up to the end, they'll all have to work together to take down the one who had sinister plans with their arrival at this solar system: Andross fused with Black Shadow fused with Ridley:p




What's more realistic though, is indeed Captain Falcon teaming up with Samus Aran, for they are, of course, both bounty hunters.


Well James McCloud appears in both F-Zero X and F-Zero GX as a playable pilot.




So, his son is a furry or did James mate with a furry or did he mate with an actual female Fox, or......:bouncy:




Speaking of more cross-overs .....










And I've always longed to see an RPG with loads of NINTENDO characters with Waluigi as the main protagonist :)




In Pikmin 3, Olimar will venture into the home of Donkey Kong to hunt for treasure and bananas ....


I could go on and on....

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Fantastic Fused King! :D


and Paper Mario and Kirby's Epic Yarn is brilliant!


Well James McCloud appears in both F-Zero X and F-Zero GX as a playable pilot.



^ haha oh yeah, I'd forgotten about that! :D


I think a number of Nintendo's franchises link up really well... you just have to establish the right scenario.


Zelda/Pit - Link could visit a sky temple and there be a statue of Pit in there... he never has to meet Pit for example, but throughout the temple he could fight enemies from the Kid Iracus franchise, and meet the Goddess of Light for example...




The Nintendo universe did used to be a lot closer I feel... Mario and Donkey Kong started off together for example... I'd like to see them in a game again, outside of the puzzle spin-offs.


Donkey Kong as the enemy of the next 3D Mario for example, kidnapping Peach (even if under one of Kameks spells), and having the final Boss Level inspired by Donkey Kong Arcade.


Or Donkey Kong could show up in a 2D Wario Land... with Wario out to steal DK's prized Magic Golden Banana.




Like Fused King said... F-Zero/Metroid/Star Fox... even Kirby (flying on his star) have the space connection.


Basically Smash Bros. Brawl's story is one massive tease! :p

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So, his son is a furry or did James mate with a furry or did he mate with an actual female Fox, or......:bouncy:




This is not the same James McCloud :heh: This James McCloud is the leader of a group called "Galaxy Dog"


It should be noted that there's also a Mr.EAD, who is a big fat reference to Mario





And the villain Zoda turns him into Robotnik in his ending, just to show how evil he is.






Also, I strongly disagree on a Kid Icarus/Zelda crossover. Mainly because Zelda has a fantastic/medieval setting (touching industrial themes at times), while Kid Icarus has an ancient and mythological setting, vaguely based in real-life mythological figures.


I don't think there's chemistry there.

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If the Subspace Emissary taught me anything: it's that crossovers can work, no matter the franchise and game style differences.

The crossover just has to be done in the right way.



Ever since the April Fools of a Nintendo-themed Kingdom Hearts I've thought that a pan-Nintendo RPG type thing could be a brilliant game, and could have a lot more freedom and scope than Smash Bros.

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Also, I strongly disagree on a Kid Icarus/Zelda crossover. Mainly because Zelda has a fantastic/medieval setting (touching industrial themes at times), while Kid Icarus has an ancient and mythological setting, vaguely based in real-life mythological figures.


I don't think there's chemistry there.

Really? I can't say I agree.

Zelda's entire foundation is built on the 3 spiritual goddesses, a sacred realm, and the triforce... the power of the gods!


If anything maybe it's been Nintendo trying to please people asking for this more realistic Zelda game that has perhaps taken the story away from this setting.

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Really? I can't say I agree.

Zelda's entire foundation is built on the 3 spiritual goddesses, a sacred realm, and the triforce... the power of the gods!


If anything maybe it's been Nintendo trying to please people asking for this more realistic Zelda game that has perhaps taken the story away from this setting.


But it's a completely different mythology. This is why you don't mix, say... Greek Gods with Norse Gods or Biblical figures. Everything just clashes badly.


But this is just my opinion, of course.

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But it's a completely different mythology. This is why you don't mix, say... Greek Gods with Norse Gods or Biblical figures. Everything just clashes badly.


But this is just my opinion, of course.


I disagree, and place Terry Pratchett in defence mode!



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I actually do think some form of crossover between Kid Icarus and Zelda could work, in terms of setting, story elements and even gameplay.


There's a huge amount of mythology to Zelda, as there is to Kid Icarus even though it's Greek Mythology and not in Zelda but it's still do able as a dungeon/temple in Zelda with a Kid Icarus theme isn't exactly pushing it very far, especially if it is a Sky Dungeon/Temple because one could have taken place far in the past whereas Zelda would be much further into the future. You could eve work in a time travel element to Zelda which could bring you to Pit's universe.


It could be very interesting and while Uprising looks great, I did hope we'd get to see a Kid Icarus which is more along the lines of Zelda (and perhaps we will as I presume Nintendo will use the 3DS game as a tester to see whether people want anymore). But yeah, I think it'd work.

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I want a KOTOR/Mass Effect style Star Fox game.
Yeah there's definately potential for a very cinematic story driven game with one of Nintendo's space based frachises. Star Fox is cool, because it already has a squad dynamic, and they could bring in much more about the Lylat system/other systems, different ships/crafts/landmaster.


In a huge cinematic scene I'd love to see the Great Fox pull up into planetary orbit and have the Star Fox crew perform a Star Trek style space jump/dive down to the planet below! :D

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and residents of the Mushroom Kingdom sometimes stumbling on over into the Zelda universe,


I read somewhere fairly recently (was it an Iwata Asks?) that Bow-Wows started out as being designed for Zelda but within Nintendo, the Mario designers stole them and put them into Mario first. There was something about fire columns appearing in Mario and Zelda too but I can't remember if they said what way round that occurred.


Interesting trivia...? :geek:


Crossovers you say?




Yeah, I think he said crossovers, not cross dressers.

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