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Animal Crossing: New Leaf


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I discovered today you can only have 32 best friends, this upsets me slightly as I might start making cuts to make way for others. Such a handy function(in fact without it DahmerStu wouldn't have popped over) but such a shame it's limited.


Really, only 32? That is a shame :( I still have a way to go to meet that quota, but I have genuinely loved meeting all the folk that I have met so far on ACNL, and it is a bummer knowing now that I'll have to limit and choose anymore that I might meet once/if I hit that limit...

But thanks for hosting, Rummy, and for the gift you let me take back with me (it's happily on display ...you're welcome over anytime, buddy)

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Well as some of you may have read in this thread, I've kind of got a story going on in my village. A camper mysteriously disappeared and the next day a grave was found on the beach.


From this point signs have been posted on the notice board to stay safe in the dark, and villagers have been receiving worrying letters saying they could be next.




Well today when looking down at the grave from my town, I noticed a lost item?




Hmm... bizzare. Did I perhaps miss something when investigating the grave in the past? Who's missing item could this be?


I searched and questioned the villagers.


Katt appeared rather anxious and acting up...




The lost item in question wasn't hers, In fact after our conversation she requested a police station be added to the town, she marched off to Isabelle to put the request in.



After going through almost every villager, I finally narrowed it down to 2. Chief & Yuka. Cheif was in his house,

unwilling to talk to me unless I gave him medicine. hmm a scapegoat? Is he really ill? I got medicine for him, and he perked up, but wouldnt admit to owning the item or not.


I left his house and found Yuka... I knew it was her, she knew she was in trouble, i confronted her about the item.




Her story is she was carrying some food to Rosies house, and must of lost the item on the way home... a likely story.


wait till that police station is built missy. we're onto you.







Little do Hyrule know Mayor Murr is actually the culprit, this is just one convinent lost item placement.



100% legit swear too, that this item was down there, I didn't put it there, couldn't believe seeing it there.

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Just waiting for the golden axe to appear, so i can go on a massive tree re-organisation. Will involve chopping them all down and re-starting, so once it appears then i'm sorted. How many more sprouts do i need to buy, i swear i've bought 50 by now.


Unless anyone has a gold axe i can have?

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Animal Crossing looks amazing in HD. The app works really well, love importing my best pics into albums and the way you can tweet about certain villagers is great.


Still as Serebii says quite limited, there's loads of functionality that would improve it but a great start!


I wish that once you input your dream address it would populate the plaza with all your villagers and keep them there permanently.

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Animal Crossing Plaza is awesome! :bouncy:

Such a great idea, not to mention a lovely surprise from today's ND. :smile:


Would have been nice if it connected directly to the 3DS game (for transferring player/town info and images) but yeah, I'm really happy with it anyway.

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Animal Crossing Plaza is awesome! :bouncy:

Such a great idea, not to mention a lovely surprise from today's ND. :smile:


Would have been nice if it connected directly to the 3DS game (for transferring player/town info and images) but yeah, I'm really happy with it anyway.

Yeah, I was hoping it'd directly link rather than SD card transfer, but it gets the job done.


Makes me want to take more photos, but at the moment I'm just really going through the motions in New Leaf. Have most bits done

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Sad that it runs out at the end of 2014 but I assume Nintendo will have a Wii U Animal Crossing game lined up to take it's place in or around 2015.


See, I'm actually kinda hoping that they don't release a Wii U AC game. It just works better on a handheld and I don't feel the need for a console game.


Would rather see them put their resources towards something else... (but no doubt, it's probably already in development anyway)

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See, I'm actually kinda hoping that they don't release a Wii U AC game. It just works better on a handheld and I don't feel the need for a console game.


Would rather see them put their resources towards something else... (but no doubt, it's probably already in development anyway)


Agreed, the handheld format is perfect and better suited, but it's hard to say no to a HD Animal Crossing game.

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Yeah, I'm definitely in the camp of no wii u animal crossing. Save the HD version for the next handheld; Animal Crossing needs a long time between each version to ram in as many new ideas as possible. A slightly updated version on the wii u will have the same effect as the wii version - ZZZZZzzzzzzzzz

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Been getting 1 - 3 Street Pass hits per day recently, most of the time the last game played is Animal Crossing. Someone had a Sleep Clock or something today. ::shrug:


Pretty sure one of them gets the same train station but I can't work out who it is. :laughing:

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Have any of you re-designed your Island for bug harvesting specifically?


been reading about it, people leaving 2 palm trees & 2 trees in the middle of the island, but cutting down their bushes and flowers. Have any of you tried this or have any other methods of tree limitations for bug harvesting?

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Have any of you re-designed your Island for bug harvesting specifically?


been reading about it, people leaving 2 palm trees & 2 trees in the middle of the island, but cutting down their bushes and flowers. Have any of you tried this or have any other methods of tree limitations for bug harvesting?


Yep, did this and works like a charm!


Only harvesting Hercules Beetles, Golden Stag and Rainbow Stag. And maybe a shark or two if they accidentaly swim by.

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Yep, did this and works like a charm!


Only harvesting Hercules Beetles, Golden Stag and Rainbow Stag. And maybe a shark or two if they accidentaly swim by.




did you opt for 2 palm & 2 normal trees then?

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No, actually 4 palms and 2 trees.


Leave the bottom row and middle lane of the island empty so you can see where the good ones are on the sides and can safely walk up and down through the middle without scaring them off. Palms at 4 and 5 o'clock and 7 and 8 o'clock, normal trees are one at the left and one at the right in the middle/one spot to the south.


The palms give the most high value bugs for me, especially my 7 and 5 o'clock ones.

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