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Animal Crossing: New Leaf


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Made a shit load of bells catching beatles on the island. Made a little over 130,000. Was able to pay off my camp site and set up my first ordinance.


How do you bring the net on the island? I couldn't get to put it in the basket.

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How do you bring the net on the island? I couldn't get to put it in the basket.


Once you get to the island, talk to the gyroid outside the door and he'll lend you any tools you want so you can catch bugs and go fishing.


Also, is it just me or are tarantulas easier to catch in this game? I've caught two this evening, both by just walking around and finding them sat there. I've even had my net out already and they didn't even attack.

Edited by Kaytee
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Can I ask you guys a question, I've just started this game and picked this map... is it a decent choice or will it likely annoy me how far Re-sell is to the town hall etc? Is this a particularly bad layout, should I reset since I'm only a few minutes into the game?




(Sorry if this is too late, I've only just got in.) There's only one thing that would bother me about that layout - the coast is segmented on the western side. Now maybe this wouldn't bother you, but what if you saw a shark (or something rarer) and wanted to run up the coast, but couldn't do it fast enough? Don't get me wrong, you get these sorts of things with any layout (I'm always seeing things I want to catch on the other side of the river) - it's just the first thing that came to mind.

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A new villager, I seem to be getting all the terrible ones.



One of my villager wanted me to catch an Arowana, a (supposedly) rare fish that I haven't caught before and instead of giving it to the museum I decided to give it to him and what was his reward?






Lucky I caught another 3 after that.


Joining the Coelacanth club. They must have made this guy easier to catch, did it first time.




Got 100% approval rating so I guess it was worth giving my Arowana away.






15 were playing Animal Crossing. Says it all really.


I've never seen so many people online at once outside MK League day.

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The cow was the former mayor, they stopped performing,then Isabelle decided they needed a replacement


@Jimbob what happened to the connection then? wasit mine that dropped?


May have been my end, the wireless in my room is a little naff. I went downstairs and had no issues afterwards.


No worries @Ville, will have more fruits for trade in a few days time.

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Killed my pink lily today, well fucking gutted. Such a nooby thing to do.


Does anyone else find the house to be rather small? I'm slowly picking up bits of the Kiddie set(mostly the reason I love Bob) - but not actually put any in my house yet cos it just seems so bloody tiny! Btw I'm totes after all the kiddie bits if anyone has it(nopedo). Think I've got the bookcase, sofa and dresser so far.


Set up a 'yellow bench' project as mayor too...30k bells?! I feel like I'll never get stuff done in this game at this rate!

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Killed my pink lily today, well fucking gutted. Such a nooby thing to do.


Does anyone else find the house to be rather small? I'm slowly picking up bits of the Kiddie set(mostly the reason I love Bob) - but not actually put any in my house yet cos it just seems so bloody tiny! Btw I'm totes after all the kiddie bits if anyone has it(nopedo). Think I've got the bookcase, sofa and dresser so far.


Set up a 'yellow bench' project as mayor too...30k bells?! I feel like I'll never get stuff done in this game at this rate!


Yeah I set up a second bridge as a project and costs so much. Like now I'm Having To spread my bells thinly .

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I took advantage of the rain yesterday and did a bunch of fishing. I managed to make a nice 180,000K by catching a stupid amount of sharks ( guys playing Monster Hunter can vouch for this as I was fishing and fighting Jhen at the same time. :) ) and I also caught a bunch of Coelacanth. This allowed me to pay for my bridge on the same day that I started construction.


I'm looking forward to visiting the Island later.

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I managed to put plans in place for a camp site late last night and had a bit of money towards paying off my house extension that I decided to put towards the camp site instead.


Paid all of that off now! :D


Does the camp site bring vistors into your town?


I've also set up a forest of trees for different fruits. So far I have apples, oranges and peaches planted (as well as my native cherries dotted about the place). Looking forward to seeing them grow to full size as I've picked a great spot for it!


I really want a fountain, yellow bench and a street lamp!

However what I need more than those are bridges! Desperate to make manouvering around town a little easier!


I did some fishing last night and had some success, but have only come across one shark so far. The rest are just general fish like bass, carps and the odd frog etc.

Does the rain bring more rare fish then I take it?! I've been lucky so far - weathers been glorious for 4 days straight! :heh:

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I need to get an axe soon. I want to start clearing out some trees so I can plant my foreign fruits closer together, at the moment they are a bit spread out. Plus I always like to get rid of all the trees along the bottom of the river so that I can see properly when fishing, just wish I could do that with houses as well!

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I need to get an axe soon. I want to start clearing out some trees so I can plant my foreign fruits closer together, at the moment they are a bit spread out. Plus I always like to get rid of all the trees along the bottom of the river so that I can see properly when fishing, just wish I could do that with houses as well!


Same here. I have yet to see an axe or watering can in my shop yet. :(

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First I caught this:



Then some nobody animal parked his house where I planned on placing my fountain :mad::



Then I was able to pay off my loan:



Then ANOTHER nobody animal parked their (soon to be) house in front of mine:



If I can't boot them out then I'm going to drive them out by beating them over the head with my net!

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If you do what Isabelle suggests, she'll give you a watering can.


She is suggesting I water my plants! :)


I guess you'll have to 'improvise' until you get a watering can then... ::shrug:






Nah, but seriously, I haven't got my watering can yet either, or my axe, would be nice to have them though but guess I'll just have to keep playing. :)

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Its a shame I hate coming in this thread due to spoilers every other post. I'm going to wait til I unlock everything before venturing in. Shame as there's some quality pictures and discussion in here


Out of interest, what would you class as spoilers?

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