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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Even November 2014 always seemed optimistic to me, considering that Brawl had a roughly 3 year dev cycle and that was just the one game, for Wii. This time around they're making two seperate games at the same time (with one of them being a HD game too - even without Sunspace Emissary, I wouldn't be surprised if the manpower requirement was larger than Brawl, just for the Wii U version alone) and people are expecting them to make two games in less time than it took to make Brawl alone (assuming a Nov 2014 release date, that would mean a 2.5 year dev cycle - since development on SSB4 started as soon as KIU released).
Much larger team working on Smash Wii U/3DS though, surely. :hmm:

And I'm willing to bet quite a bit was recycled from Brawl, which must have helped speed up the process too.


I'll be astonished if the game isn't coming out this year. :shakehead

Still reckon it's gonna be a summer title. Anyway, not long to go before we get a rough idea! :)

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If Nintendo did go that route (which I highly doubt), I can see them going the route akin to New Super Luigi U


If you have the "prologue", then you can download the "expansion" for like £20. Alternatively, you can purchase the full retail package.


However, the entire concept of a prologue is so anti-Nintendo.


There's a first time for everything and desperate times call for desperate measures...


The alternative is to either just have a delay and then have nothing for the Wii U for the rest of the year, or to rush the game and release it unfinished...


A discount on the digital version of the full game is a distinct possibility though...

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Much larger team working on Smash Wii U/3DS though, surely. :hmm:

And I'm willing to bet quite a bit was recycled from Brawl, which must have helped speed up the process too.


I'll be astonished if the game isn't coming out this year. :shakehead

Still reckon it's gonna be a summer title. Anyway, not long to go before we get a rough idea! :)


+1 for a Summer release.


I refuse to believe that this has had so many development problems which have pushed it to 2015. Of course, I could be wrong. :D Give me a new trailer and a new character reveal tonight and i'm a happy chappy.

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There's a first time for everything and desperate times call for desperate measures...


The alternative is to either just have a delay and then have nothing for the Wii U for the rest of the year, or to rush the game and release it unfinished...


A discount on the digital version of the full game is a distinct possibility though...

Oh there's stuff on the Wii U that isn't publically known about, coming this year, of that I can promise you.

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I refuse to believe that this has had so many development problems which have pushed it to 2015. Of course, I could be wrong. :D Give me a new trailer and a new character reveal tonight and i'm a happy chappy.


I can see it getting delayed if Nintendo force Sakurai to have a month or so off to help him recover form his worsening arm injury.


Although I think Sakurai just wants to get his masterpiece finished so he can take all the time off he needs.

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Oh there's stuff on the Wii U that isn't publically known about, coming this year, of that I can promise you.


When I say "nothing", I don't literally mean nothing. Surely that was obvious?


And even then, they still have the likes of Bayonetta 2, Yarn Yoshi and X of course... but Smash Bros is their biggest guaranteed hit due to release this year; and a delay for that game would be disastrous for them.


But they're committed to not pushing games out of the door before they deem them to be ready (the ghosts of the GCN era with Wind Waker and Mario Sunshine still haunt them to this day - it's a big reason why they really wanted to do Wind Waker HD rather than any other Zelda; a chance for them to rectify the mistakes they always wanted to rectify) and what other realistic option would they have if a delay became unavoidable?


Pressuring Sakurai to rush Kirby's Air Ride out early on the Gamecube is also the main reason why he left HAL/Nintendo in the first place. The last thing Iwata wants to do is have that happen again (this time for good). He (and Nintendo's other staff) are their biggest asset and Nintendo cannot afford to lose him!


They need Smash this year (at least on Wii U - 3DS can afford to wait if need be) and this is the only way they can do so if they can't get it out in time at the quality they want...

Edited by Dcubed
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I wasn't worried about the release until yesterday, now I just really want confirmation that it's still out this year. I can't help but think this whole direct is very fishy indeed

Seriously, they wouldn't do an entire Direct for a delay. They'd hide it in a press release or in the middle of a normal Direct.

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Honestly couldn't give a toss about the features of the Wii U version. Lay 3DS detail on me plz.


Seriously, they wouldn't do an entire Direct for a delay. They'd hide it in a press release or in the middle of a normal Direct.


No but they would show you a whole bunch of features and footage, announce that it will no longer be coming in 2014 swiftly followed by "please understand"...


You could look at that as a feature reveal. Or you could look at it with some scepticism of PR bullshit and see it for what it would be: a delay announcement.


Can we all please stop skimming over the fact that Nintendo are awful when it comes to keeping to release schedules? The way they handle releases and their "window" has become an industry joke and they do massively delay big titles (usually for the right reasons).


EDIT: Sorry... by "we all" I mean Serebii.

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Can we all please stop skimming over the fact that Nintendo are awful when it comes to keeping to release schedules? The way they handle releases and their "window" has become an industry joke and they do massively delay big titles (usually for the right reasons).


And their games are infinitely better for the delay. I'd rather they polished them to perfection than release half arsed ones just to satisfy certain fans' impatience.

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I've accepted that this is being delayed. It all points to it, well it's what I'm expecting at least. I want it to be perfect so I'll accept it. The thing is what would be their big game for Christmas this year instead? Yarn Yoshi? Please, No!

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I don't know if anybody has mentioned this but I'll post it here:




Super Smash Bros. has been penned for a 2014 release date for a good numbers of months now, but those who thought an official date could be on the cards in today’s Direct will just have to wait a little longer. According to a tweet from Japan’s Super Smash Bros. Twitter account, the Direct will only reveal a “rough release window” for the upcoming brawler. Many are under the impression Nintendo could be saving news of the official release date for E3 later this year. Here’s what the tweet says, translated by Siliconera.


“[Notice] We are currently not at a stage where we can announce a concrete release date; however, in tomorrow’s broadcast, we will be revealing a rough release window.”




Sorry if it's been posted already. We'll still find out if it's 2014 or 2015.

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What the hell's going on here, why have you all suddenly got this idea of the game being delayed in your heads? I'm sure the game's coming out this year, probably some time in Winter along with Bayonetta 2 and Project X because Nintendo are so good at spreading out games :p It's weird for me of all people to be the only one optimistic about a Nintendo game :D

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