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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Awesome stuff. icon14.gif

I hope we get a playable WarioWare character too (other than Wario, obviously. :heh:) I'm thinking Jimmy. T, or 9-Volt. :cool:


9-Volt could have his moves inspired by a lot of NES/SNES classics.


Jimmy. T could also be quite unique with sick dance moves, but I had a little bit of hope that Ashley might make the cut since Female characters seem to be all the rage.


Mind you, probably every single character of the Wario Ware series could have a pretty unique moveset.

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This mornings picture looks like Mario's trying to sneak by the lunatic asylum.


Donkey Kong's shrugging his shoulders and saying "I don't know why I'm here, I must be bananas"!


King Dedede is saying "I must have been cracked when I was younger"!


Finally, Bowser has multiple split personalities "I'm a turtle, I'm a bull, I'm the Holiday Armadillo"!

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i want Demise to be in Smashbros, and they have to give him new moves not the moveset from ganondorf lol.

He is so much cooler and more powerful than ganondorf





I find Demise too bland to be a respectable Smash character.


Like... Who are you? Where d'you come from? Whats your story, bro? Just a random 'demon' that wanted it all.


Ghirahim now, and an assist in the form of Zant - now we`re twalking.

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