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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Oh man... I hope you saw how much harder the other challenges were before you did that. I was able to get 9 KOs using Ike's counter on my first try, and it would've been a waste of two hammers for me to use on both the 2 and 4 KO challenges. I'm already contemplating using hammers on the second panel for the Street Smash challenges since I'm likely to be the only guy in my country with a 3DS--let alone a copy of Smash Bros. on it. And before you say it, yes, I know I can create a StreetPass relay using my PC. But I'm lazy.


Don't worry, I did.


The only other tricky one is 9.0 Classic, and that doesn't allow Golden Hammer Shenanigans.


You know you can do practice matches on Streetsmash, right?

They still count towards the challenges. (Apart from the "Get 5 hits" one obviously) No need to waste a hammer on those.

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"Before people get too hyped about 8-player Smash, it's probably just a rebranding of Brawl's Rotation mode, which to my recollection had a cap of 8 players"


To be honest, that sounds better, as long as it's online.

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GCN Adapter uses 2 USB ports


Wii U has 4 USB ports ;) (more if you add a USB hub).


I doubt it'll support more than one though. You'll probably have 4 GCN controllers max but you can fill up the ranks with any combination of controllers/3DS consoles you like.

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I managed to get my circle pad working.. somewhat... I'm scared to try anything too intensive, but at least I can work on getting the character trophies through classic and all-star on lower difficulties.

I'll probably still have to get it fixed soon, though - I can't go on like this until the New 3DS release. :(


The only other tricky one is 9.0 Classic, and that doesn't allow Golden Hammer Shenanigans.


...welp, guess I'm not clearing all the challenges in this game either.


I should've figured as much, I suppose - the Smash Bros. games are always absolutely awful for completionists like me. ; _ ;

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I've got a pretty great tactic.


What I did... Was take a golden hammer and smash open that damn challenge panel.


Screw Cruel Smash and it's ridiculously overpowered opponents! A guy can only be beaten up by his mum so many times...

Heh. Well, I managed to get 5 KOs using that Kirby trick in the end, so no need for hammer time just yet. :hehe:


The only other tricky one is 9.0 Classic, and that doesn't allow Golden Hammer Shenanigans.
I was so close to beating classic on 9.0 yesterday with R.O.B.

Made it to the penultimate form of the final boss, but mistimed a dodge and got obliterated. :(


...welp, guess I'm not clearing all the challenges in this game either.


I should've figured as much, I suppose - the Smash Bros. games are always absolutely awful for completionists like me. ; _ ;

That's a bit of a defeatist attitude from someone who allegedly completed NSMB2 without losing a single life. :heh:
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So, what's everyone's best score in Cruel Smash?

Mine is...


...1 KO. :laughing:


And that was only possible by trying this:


Are there any other cheap tactics for that mode?


I did it by using Little Mac's counter and the armour on his forward smash. Took a few goes, a lot of the time I got KO'd right off the bat.


I managed to get my circle pad working.. somewhat... I'm scared to try anything too intensive, but at least I can work on getting the character trophies through classic and all-star on lower difficulties.

I'll probably still have to get it fixed soon, though - I can't go on like this until the New 3DS release. :(




...welp, guess I'm not clearing all the challenges in this game either.


I should've figured as much, I suppose - the Smash Bros. games are always absolutely awful for completionists like me. ; _ ;


You can use customised characters in classic mode. Grab some healing equipment and pump some defence and attack in your character and you should be OK. Personally I did it with Ganondorf with no equipment :D

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That's a bit of a defeatist attitude from someone who allegedly completed NSMB2 without losing a single life. :heh:


I think it's more "realist" than defeatist. :heh:

I'm still gonna try, but I've already been obliterated by Master Core on way lower difficulties, so...


...And although I'm great at platformers, I've never been very good at Smash Bros... :(


Those should´ve been the Amiibo boxes.


They really shouldn't - it's very important to be able to see the figurine itself before purchasing it, and not just a picture of the design. Especially for collectors aka me who desperately want to avoid ending up with a shoddy paintjob or defects. Obviously not a problem for in-game trophies, but in real life... yeah.


(Besides, I don't think they look as good as the amiibo packaging anyways. :heh:)

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Can be fixed with a window, like normal Japanese figure packaging.. But I prefer to see the artwork on the boxes. I just hate those silly plastic packaging in general. They´re annoying to open, and annoying to store if you want to keep the boxes (but you have to destroy the packaging, so that´s not an option in this case).

Edited by Sméagol
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I finally did it:




Took me four tries with a customized 'bruiser' Ganondorf. What it came down to was learning the attack patterns and then striking during the Master Core's idle animations. Didn't get much of a reward besides the coins, though. And with a GSP that high you'd think you'd be able to pick up chicks with it or something.


Sigh... oh well. Now I can get back to work. :hehe:


EDIT: How I felt after beating it


Edited by arab_freak
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What a bad way to announce the date. They should have held a Direct for that.


Kinda feel the same.


It's coming out before Christmas and people are complaining at how they announced it?


Only on N-Europe. :laughing:


Seriously though? Like, I actually half don't give a crap about the date(tho nice to have...I just feel indifferent, its just a date atm) but the directs are great hype and PR and...they just don't even bother with one for the EU smash date? Like...it does actually feel a little raw for me, even though I don't heavily follow directs(usually due to time) but I always check up on them fairly instantaneously/around the time for whatever's come out to be in the excitement of it all.


How did other regions territories get the date announced eh?


I know how the move is performed, I just can't do it most of the time, haha. But that's fine by me. I don't want to be the best at games, I just want to have a good time with whoever I play with. That's why I don't invest any time in trying to get better, looking up combos or advanced techniques and whatnot. I still have no clue what you folks are talking about when someone mentions fire hopping in Mario Kart 8 for example. And in Brawl, @\-Dem0\- and many others would do this move with Snake where he did a dash attack and then an up smash that made him slide across the stage, which to me is like some form of witchcraft. But I'm not going to go search on the internet and look up what these things are and how to perform them myself if it means that it will give me an advantage over the people I play with. It's sort of a, "I want everybody to win," mentality.


Call it part of my gentleman's code.


I and my Brothers have been very much the same, but after recently hanging with some folks on the scene who are apparently fairly decent at the game(and my first tourney/event coming up in just about 4 weeks!) I'm finding myself heavily tempted to cross than line. I don't even know how to actually wavedash or L cancel(like even the technical how to do, not can't, just don't know) but it's proving quite a tough sort of decision to make. I'm meeting great people though, some fresh kid is giving people a run for their money too, which is pretty amusing/awesome.


£18 for a fucking adaptor?!?!


Adapter is £18 standalone? For...what?! Even £7 in a bundle(£5's the price for me really) is a bit high. I might be an utter cunt and pass it on to my Bros though. Come play Smash 4(such a shit name)...but donate me a pounds bro!



Lag talk of here is worrying me a little - but then I never really had major issues with Brawl so I might take a punt on 3DS version soon - even if I settle for a bit of random locals etc.


A lot of people have started rolling and grabbing in 'For Glory'. Some just wait for your to approach, dodge then grab. Rinse & repeat. Cheap tactics man.


That's Smash, Bro. Not played 3DS version, but the competitive game will come to take advantage of everything there is to take advantage of - just like how wavedashing and all that jazz all came about. Your choice? Adapt against it.

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Pic of the day. Unfortunately, I've been too busy working on developing the Wii U version that I haven't had a chance to play Home-Run Contest with my Global Smash Power turned on. So fighters, with the game now released worldwide, how are you faring with your home-run distance and Global Smash Power? I wonder if Ganondorf gives you some advantage.


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Damn, getting KOs on Cruel Smash and clearing Classic on 9.0 will take time. I find that the Sword-part of Master Core is the hardest because its attacks are hard to dodge. Is that just me then?


Right now I'm going for clearing Classic with all characters but did finish a run with 7.5 (8.0 until Master Core who then beat me to a pulp).


Also, I didn't know about Master Core before I met it. I was litterally shocked and unable to beat it because of that!

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Seriously though? Like, I actually half don't give a crap about the date(tho nice to have...I just feel indifferent, its just a date atm) but the directs are great hype and PR and...they just don't even bother with one for the EU smash date? Like...it does actually feel a little raw for me, even though I don't heavily follow directs(usually due to time) but I always check up on them fairly instantaneously/around the time for whatever's come out to be in the excitement of it all.


How did other regions territories get the date announced eh?



Well I think it's pretty much a given that there is going to be a Direct at some point before it releases.


The fact it hasn't been given a release date during a Direct is not something I am particularly bothered about as I was more interested in 'when' than 'how'.

But each to their own.


Just find it funny how good news on here always has to be met with some form of dissatisfaction from someone! The N-Europe way. :laughing:

Doesn't mean to say people shouldn't think that, everyone has different expectations at the end of the day. : peace:

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On the subject of the directs I would really like one for this game and a general one - feels like in Europe we have not had a real one in ages. For Smash I want the following things confirmed:

1) What are the other non online modes in the Wii U game(*)

2) What are the control options. I will be mighty annoyed if I have to buy the GCN adaptor because there is no WiiMopte compatible control mechanism.


Given that Nintendo have recently agreed with Future to cancel the official magazine because they now use directs to get the message across, it would be nice if they gave us more directs!

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Is there anyway to upload the Smash 3DS snapshots to Miiverse?. I'm only asking, as i got a few images i think are worth sharing at least.


I'm certainly getting into my stride with this, i'm in the role of doing a few rounds of 2 minute Smash, then doing All Star or another mode for a while. It's certainly making train journeys pass much more quickly, to the point i've nearly missed my stop.

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I'm worried that the reason for the lack of Direct is that there is simply not enough to show. With the 3DS version out, we know a lot about the game so they can't fill out more than at most 10 minutes with Smash Bros. and then Captain Toad is the only game coming out in the near future from Nintendo.

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Well I think it's pretty much a given that there is going to be a Direct at some point before it releases.


The fact it hasn't been given a release date during a Direct is not something I am particularly bothered about as I was more interested in 'when' than 'how'.

But each to their own.


Just find it funny how good news on here always has to be met with some form of dissatisfaction from someone! The N-Europe way. :laughing:

Doesn't mean to say people shouldn't think that, everyone has different expectations at the end of the day. : peace:


Guess I can see where you're coming from too. I think for me I cared more about WiiU version, and with the 3DS version plus WiiU delays the interest has sort of dwindled a bit more for me, would have liked a bit more WiiU focus and fanfare. I could imagine with a WiiU direct I'd have preordered straight away, however atm being 5th dec I might wait til the xmas times are over.


Having said that though...I'm getting steadily more and more tempted by the 3DS version with plans to send my 3DS off by Monday - can anyone recommend the best place/price for the 3DS version?

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Guess I can see where you're coming from too. I think for me I cared more about WiiU version, and with the 3DS version plus WiiU delays the interest has sort of dwindled a bit more for me, would have liked a bit more WiiU focus and fanfare. I could imagine with a WiiU direct I'd have preordered straight away, however atm being 5th dec I might wait til the xmas times are over.


Having said that though...I'm getting steadily more and more tempted by the 3DS version with plans to send my 3DS off by Monday - can anyone recommend the best place/price for the 3DS version?


The current cheapest price is £29.95 at The Game Collection. Nintendo might do a Direct for the Wii U version later, I dunno. I will say the 3DS version is good if you're only interested in playing against other people but single player wise it feels a bit lacking.

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Set up new account with code "WELCOME" for £40.49.


(I'd still rather spend £6 more at ShopTo)


I was a teeny bit annoyed to read that just after I had placed my order. I got an email today, informing me that my order had been accidentally cancelled.

And then they gave me a code for the discount : peace: So the adapter is costing me about £3.


And Cube.. why would you rather buy from shopto? in the hope of earlier delivery?

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