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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Can the Dog&Duck get separated? I thought Rosalina would be the IC-esque character.


I have no idea. I've purposely avoided looking at any videos of them (Don't want EVERYTHING about the game spoilt for me now!)


But they're not gonna have the same kind of rubber band physics applies to them here, that's the main issue with the 3DS version. It's a big ask to get the 3DS running 4 sets of Ice Climbers with those rubber band physics in 4 player (rendered twice each for S3D mind you! That's 16 Ice Climbers who could appear on screen at the same time! :o )

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But they're not gonna have the same kind of rubber band physics applies to them here, that's the main issue with the 3DS version. It's a big ask to get the 3DS running 4 sets of Ice Climbers with those rubber band physics in 4 player (rendered twice each for S3D mind you! That's 16 Ice Climbers who could appear on screen at the same time! :o )


Yeah, I know. But surely 4 Rosalinas also mean 4 Lumas? I thought that would be equally tricky.


I guess we'll have to wait to see how she and the DH Dog work.

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Yeah, I know. But surely 4 Rosalinas also mean 4 Lumas? I thought that would be equally tricky.


I guess we'll have to wait to see how she and the DH Dog work.


Rosalina & Luma don't really have the same kind of physics as Ice Climbers though. R&L work more like Olimar & Pikmin and don't have their own separate AI.

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The thing with Ice Climbers is that they each have their own AI and their own % bar, so it's more taxing on the CPU. A 4 player Smash game where everyone plays as Ice Climbers is effectively making the CPU run 8 individual characters at once. The one thing I'll miss is watching pro players controller each Ice Climber individually. It's absolutely incredible to think some has the manual dexterity to do that..it's way beyond me!


Also, it looks as though some people have started to get really good at this game...Like, REALLY good.



So, Lucina is totes going to be my main ;)

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Yeah, went from buttons on Melee to the control stick on the Wii, now I feel comfortable using the stick even though it sometimes leads to mistakes.


It's hard trying to change it now.


When I first got my Gamecube+Melee, I used to jump all the time with the stick. Over time I slowly transitioned to buttons though, I think possibly found it a bit more flexible for sideways movement/momentum etc(though Marcamillian plays with a Wiimote alone...and well, so who knows) - I tried to go back to stick jumping a few times but just can't handle it, feels like it really slows me down somehow. I had to turn it off with the nunchuk when I played a bit with that because I ended up accidentally jumping or something when I wanted to do other things!!


I can see why people are up in arms though, especially if they main the Ice Climbers. They've essentially been cut due to the 3DS version. Had the game stayed a console exclusive then they may have remained. It's a hard pill to swallow for those who have no interest in the handheld version of the game.


I find it weird that there are no exclusive characters to each version. It would have made buying both far more appealing to me.


Totes agree, I actually expected it myself. Would have been a smart move to encourage both buys - especially with someone like Ice Climbers who have been so stable across the franchise so it seems they weren't in the original, my bad memory. They were a big deal in Melee though, espesh with that stage of theirs. Def would have been nice to have just one or two to each though.


EDIT: Wait, I thought this was the spoiler thread. Is this thread okay with spoilers or not?


Hmm...how spoilery? I'm trying to avoid too much to do with the actual gameplay, characters, stages, items etc. There's overlap(such as in ice climber discussions) and the things we might already know from daily pictures, but beyond those I've kept away from a lot of news coming out re:characters and stuff.

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Personally, I'm not too fussed about the Ice Climbers, I never understood how to use them well. Every other character I could get on with ok, but dem climbers :nono:. I always wanted to 'get' them as well, coz they were pretty cool in their little coats :laughing:.


What I will miss the most with their omission, is the character select bloke saying their name when you choose them. "Ice Climberrrrrs" :heh:

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I found their smashes to be quite beast when you've got the two of them, plus the fact you can sometimes get an item with nana and double up there. Not neccessarily one of my strongest nor my favourites, but I could win matches with them(assuming I didn't lose nana too much, I always felt quite gimped with just the one of them). I think I found I had a fairly good staying power with them for some reason too, not too KO'able compared to some.


I'm really gonna miss them I think, I loved the ice stage in Brawl. They weren't at the forefront of our playing, but they were kind of nice to see when they came up, if that makes any sense.

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Hmm...how spoilery? I'm trying to avoid too much to do with the actual gameplay, characters, stages, items etc. There's overlap(such as in ice climber discussions) and the things we might already know from daily pictures, but beyond those I've kept away from a lot of news coming out re:characters and stuff.


My original post (now in the spoiler thread) mentioned how different Zelda & Ike are from Brawl, namely, what I heard from Japanese 3DS players. Also mentioned an unlockable veteran, who I will refrain from mentioning.

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Think you missed out on the codes.


I've been playing the demo just now as random, but I had to check after my 3rd match as it kept selecting Pikachu for some reason. Then it gave me Megaman :(


So far, I like Pikachu and Link, I've not played enough of Mario or Villager to make my mind up on either one, but Mega man... nope. Although half way through my match playing as him he suddenly seemed to get worthwhile attacks... seemed a bit strange. So maybe there is hope for him. Still, I will be hoping not to get him in the full game!

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Anyone got an EU code left? Its almost friday but im super impatient, i have been spending the entire week browsing smash brothers footage and looking for codes with no luck.




Got another if anyone wants it


Thanks for all the help with the final smash, have now done it a few times. Got to say, I love the villager. His attacks feel so powerful, he has been animated so well and is just pure comedy.

Final smash is Tom Nooks new home? I was crying with laughter watching Mario get done over by those raccoons! They're not content with putting people in debt for life it seems!

I can't wait to try out each and every character!

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Got another if anyone wants it


Thanks for all the help with the final smash, have now done it a few times. Got to say, I love the villager. His attacks feel so powerful, he has been animated so well and is just pure comedy.

Final smash is Tom Nooks new home? I was crying with laughter watching Mario get done over by those raccoons! They're not content with putting people in debt for life it seems!

I can't wait to try out each and every character!


I just popped on and happened to catch this. Thanks a billion Eightbit!


Just in case anyone who remembers me from the Brawl days is still about, I'll be about on release day. Missing the N-Europe brawls with @Captain_Falcon @Sprout @Pookiablo @Chococobokocococbo @Zero and all the rest! Hope to see you all there!


Edit: This feels so right! Mario's meteor punch, Pika-physics, Villagers pockets, it's all just so good! Can't wait to get my hands on the Pik Man. Add my 3DS code guys, this is gonna get spicy.



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I just popped on and happened to catch this. Thanks a billion Eightbit!


Just in case anyone who remembers me from the Brawl days is still about, I'll be about on release day. Missing the N-Europe brawls with @Captain Falcon @Sprout @Pookiablo @chocoboko @Zero and all the rest! Hope to see you all there!


Some of those members haven't been online in years.

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Got another if anyone wants it


Thanks for all the help with the final smash, have now done it a few times. Got to say, I love the villager. His attacks feel so powerful, he has been animated so well and is just pure comedy.

Final smash is Tom Nooks new home? I was crying with laughter watching Mario get done over by those raccoons! They're not content with putting people in debt for life it seems!

I can't wait to try out each and every character!


Yeah i really want it if it's eu, i'll be forever in ur debt

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Been playing this morning and I really don't think the circle pad is anywhere near precise enough. It's a shame because the game is technically very impressive.


Still a day one buy, but I doubt I'll even touch it when the Wii U one hits.

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Been playing this morning and I really don't think the circle pad is anywhere near precise enough. It's a shame because the game is technically very impressive.


Still a day one buy, but I doubt I'll even touch it when the Wii U one hits.


I'll be trading the 3DS version in as soon as the Wii U version is out...

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