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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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I really hope they choose a more obscure character to add to Smash, and preferably not from any of the franchises that are already heavily represented.

Would love to see quirky characters, like Tingle, Chibi-Robo, Goemon, Jimmy T, Ulala and the one I ended up voting for: :awesome:


Gotta get that Karate Joe amiibo! ;)

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I voted for Banjo-Kazooie because Banjo-Kazooie. I know it won't happen but come on, Banjo-Kazooie!


Admirable vote, but wasted, unfortunately...


I'm still struggling to decide on a character. I think I might go with Dillon because new Nintendo series representation is a good thing. (Sorry Wart...)


But then I remembered Golden Sun, and the fact that Isaac got dropped as an Assist Trophy.




Big Boss is a far more interesting character than Snake ever was.


Maybe so, but you can't deny what Konami has done lately is pretty horrid.

Which is why I would want old-school Hayter voiced Snake. Principles, y'know?


(Worth pointing out that I personally don't like MGS, stealth games are not my thing, but Snake in Smash was great fun!)

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Admirable vote, but wasted, unfortunately...


I'm still struggling to decide on a character. I think I might go with Dillon because new Nintendo series representation is a good thing. (Sorry Wart...)


But then I remembered Golden Sun, and the fact that Isaac got dropped as an Assist Trophy.






Maybe so, but you can't deny what Konami has done lately is pretty horrid.

Which is why I would want old-school Hayter voiced Snake. Principles, y'know?


(Worth pointing out that I personally don't like MGS, stealth games are not my thing, but Snake in Smash was great fun!)







You're not invited, so f*** off!




The moveset is basically self explanatory, the characters are popular and it would drive sales. Especially if they somehow also got to release BK and VC, and it's already on XBLA...

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The moveset is basically self explanatory, the characters are popular and it would drive sales. Especially if they somehow also got to release BK and VC, and it's already on XBLA...


Do not get me wrong, I would love Banjo to get in. (Provided that he's the N64 style Banjo, that Blocky Banjo looks uber-ugly)


But it's so incredibly unlikely. Microsoft might want some money for it, which would kill any chances stone dead.


So many issues that I can't think of right now would no doubt arise.

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While I like the characters, why should Nintendo give them free advertising when they'll never otherwise appear on a Nintendo console and at the same time show them how to put Banjo and Kazooie in a good game in the modern era? It would be worse than Snake's inclusion in Brawl. And when Brawl appears on future Nintendo consoles as a VC game, there will be licensing issues, forget about it, I want him cut from the game. His inclusion irks me to this day and was one of the biggest slaps in the face ever. And Nintendo know it. Why else do you think he isn't in the game this time round?

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While I like the characters, why should Nintendo give them free advertising when they'll never otherwise appear on a Nintendo console and at the same time show them how to put Banjo and Kazooie in a good game in the modern era?


Because my inner 8-year old self weally weally wants it to happen. He wants it to happen so bad, he's willing to clean his entire room to make it happen. (Oh yeah, that much)


Sure, there's all sorts of bad history now. But the N64 was my first home console. Those characters were my CHILDHOOD!

And no matter how bleak a certain game might have been. It can't even make a dent in the home that humbly badass Bear and that Snarky yet lovable Bird have in my memories.


And no amount of "Free advertising" or any sort of business face slapping is going to change that.


Of course, I'm not even expecting it in the least, but I would unashamedly dance in the street if it did happen.

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Everyone and their dog wants to make the Smash Bros. roster. Next up looking for your vote:


Shantae in SMASH BROS?!? VOTE NOW!


Is anyone else losing their mind over this? Nintendo president Mr. Iwata has opened up voting to add your favorite character into SMASH BROS! As the original indie darling, we can’t think of anyone more suited to the task than our own hair-whipping heroine Shantae! She’s got the legacy, having Nintendo exclusive game launches dating back to Game Boy Color -- but her costume swaps and move sets are a perfect fit as well! More girl power, more magic, more music, more moves! VOTE NOW!


North America Smash Ballot - https://cp.nintendo.co.jp/us/

EU-UK Smash Ballot - https://cp.nintendo.co.jp/en-uk/

Japan Smash Ballot - https://cp.nintendo.co.jp/jp/




After you vote (you voted, right?) check out these awesome costume variations from our art team! We want Shantae in SMASH BROS., but it’s up to YOU! We already know what happens when you combine your collective might! Make some noise and VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!


North America Smash Ballot - https://cp.nintendo.co.jp/us/

EU-UK Smash Ballot - https://cp.nintendo.co.jp/en-uk/

Japan Smash Ballot - https://cp.nintendo.co.jp/jp/



Edited by Wii
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I dislike that people are flooding the ballot with third party characters and campaigning for them. There's a huge wealth of Nintendo characters that are viable before we should dredge up third parties.


Third party characters should be something special. Sonic, Mega Man and Pac-man fit the style and fit because they are iconic gaming characters. Rayman, Shantae and Banjo are not, Goku certainly isn't.

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Shantae is an excellent character though from an excellent game series, one that has risen in popularity over the last few years too. ;)


I'm half-tempted to vote you know... :heh:


But I do also understand that there are also plenty of unrepresented Nintendo characters who would be equally deserving of that spot if not more so, but in some cases it would be a close call. :indeed:

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Why can't people just vote for whoever they want. I like the campaigns, it's perpetual advertising for Nintendo and smash. Bros.


To be honest, I don't think the one that literally has the most votes will win, I think it's part marketing, but also to gauge the public popularity, but they have to fit, they have to be particularly interesting exciting for the series.


Kne thing that bothers me is smash is about introducing characters to people. If they did this before melee who woud have voted for ness and Lucas? Now people are desperate for them. I hope they don't just rely on the ballot.

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I dislike that people are flooding the ballot with third party characters and campaigning for them. There's a huge wealth of Nintendo characters that are viable before we should dredge up third parties.


Third party characters should be something special. Sonic, Mega Man and Pac-man fit the style and fit because they are iconic gaming characters. Rayman, Shantae and Banjo are not, Goku certainly isn't.


Rayman isn't? I disagree completely and actually think Rayman fits the style pretty well. Wouldn't completely be against Banjo either.


As for Nintendo's representation, more characters from the Metroid series need to be there. What about some characters from Sin and Punishment?

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Rayman isn't? I disagree completely and actually think Rayman fits the style pretty well. Wouldn't completely be against Banjo either.


As for Nintendo's representation, more characters from the Metroid series need to be there. What about some characters from Sin and Punishment?


Yes, Metroid does need more reps, but apart from "he who is far too big and awkward", there are very little along the lines of memorable characters.

I never played Hunters, but every single character that isn't Samus looks kinda forgettable.


I want this to be an opportunity for a Ninty series that doesn't have a rep in Smash. Something that started this generation. Something that boasts some fantastic character designs.


*Winky face* You know what I mean.


(You all know who I'm thinking of, don't try and be clever about it)

Edited by Glen-i
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I want this to be an opportunity for a Ninty series that doesn't have a rep in Smash. Something that started this generation. Something that boasts some fantastic character designs.


*Winky face* You know what I mean.


(You all know who I'm thinking of, don't try and be clever about it)


Wonder Red?





Henry Fleming?

Box boy?

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Wonder Red?





Henry Fleming?

Box boy?


Got it in 2!


The more I think about, the more great a fit Dillon seems for Smash.


And before someone tries the "But he's basically Sonic" argument, he does a lot more than roll places quickly. Anyone who has played the games would know that.

(Plus, I always thought that the partners he got in the sequel would have made great Assist Trophies, but oh well...)

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