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Don't you already have an iPad?


No I had one a while but sold to pay for a new computer that I needed. I always had the intention to buy one again when / if I could afford one, but knew they'd be bringing out a new one in the new year.


16gb should do me for what i want it for. I don't intend to store music or movies on there. I have my main computer for that. If I want to watch a movie on my iPad I'll just put it from my computer onto it and away I go.


But I do agree that the iPad should start in a bigger size now as you say. Or just give people the option of a memory card. As if though haha.

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I went for the 64GB 4G one. I use pretty much all of the space so couldn't have gone lower. Don't always have 3G active but when I need it it's nice to have it ready to go. Really looking forward to some games taking advantage of the screen.

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Anyone noticed the battery life of their 4S vastly improve after the last update? Mine seems to last ages in comparison to how used to be.


There's significant improvement when not using the 3G, I listened to some music for over an hour and still had 100%. Before that would have knocked me down to 90-95%.

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Try this out. Creates a local Wifi network that you can connect to with your iPad. Store all your movies, photos, documents etc on there and you can just stream them to your iPad with no lag at all (based on my tests). Simple to use, battery life is good and goes up to at least 32GB. Then the only thing taking up space on your iPad is apps, for which 64GB is plenty I should think. Unless you play a lot of games, but then just delete the ones you don't play much!

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Got mine delivered today. Amazed at the screen. It really is impressive.

Forgot how much I actually missed having an iPad to play with and just browse on. I also love the difference the screen has made to the HD movies. Colours are amaze. Very pleased. :)

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I got the chance to play on one of these a week ago. The new screen is pretty impressive. Very sharp and hi-res, though personally I'd like it if the resolution of the screen matched the resolution of movies without black bars. The video recording is very nice, although I'm not sure who would actually film anything using their iPad. I didn't get to try the new games etc. to see the improved processing power.


For me, if I had an iPad 2 there wouldn't quite be enough to encourage me to upgrade unless I got a very good price for the used old model. It is a brilliant bit of tech, but not a massive step up from last years model in terms of what it actually does, and what the consumer will actually use it for. Devs may like the improved power, but for the average iPad user, it doesn't really offer anything extra that they NEED to upgrade for.

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Yeah I agree with that.


The screen really has to be seen to be appreciated I think but outside of that, it's not much different to the previous model.

The screen itself is a huuuuge upgrade. I have immediately noticed the difference as it was the one thing that disappointed me with the previous iPad.


But like you say from an iPad 2 to this it's not a massive upgrade.


I am gonna put it through its paces a little bit more tomorrow - test the battery life and see what 1080p iTunes movies look like on it and then will report back. Watching movies is the biggest reason I got the iPad to be honest so looking forward to seeing how they playback.

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I'm not MEGA impressed with the screen. I'm sure I will but it hasn't blown me away, did side by side comparison with the iPad 1 on real racing 2, websites, ibooks etc And it didn't blow it out of the water. The reviews that say it's like the jump to HD from SD simply don't know what they're talking about. It's just slightly more impressive, the colours are more impressive than the resolution. Again, more time I'll probably change my mind slightly, but initial impressions... Don't regret the device as a whole though, iPads are amazing; not really much more to say.



Can you not just buy a 32GB SD card, or even higher?


Are you joking? Never sure...

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Now with retina display the 16gb one makes no sense anymore... most apps will increase in size, 16gb will mean little to no storage. It should've been 32/64/128...


I don't think that's necessarily true since a lot of apps are vector based.

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I'm not MEGA impressed with the screen. I'm sure I will but it hasn't blown me away, did side by side comparison with the iPad 1 on real racing 2, websites, ibooks etc And it didn't blow it out of the water.


Would content not need to be specifically programmed to take advantage of the bump in resolution, whether it be an e-book or game?

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Would content not need to be specifically programmed to take advantage of the bump in resolution, whether it be an e-book or game?


In the main yeah, quite a bit has already!


After a bit more of a play, the screen is impressing me a lot more. It is exceptional quality

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My old MacBook Pro is getting too old for my liking (it's the primo 2008 model) and I'm thinking of ditching the disc drive for my next MacBook, i.e. I'm thinking of getting an Air. But I really want it with a 15" screen so I'm waiting for Apple to show off the new models in the hope for a 15" model, but do any of you have any idea when Apple will show off this year's models of their Macbooks? Isn't it usually around October?

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