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Funny Stuff Thread


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I thought the funniest thing about that video was how Kotaku was all, "yeah this is most likely a viral ad" and then they posted it anyway.


... It's funny if you think gaming websites playing right into the hands of publishers is funny, okay?

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Although thinking about it, we already have the bullet trains (the ones that hover), so it can't be far off.


I think the reason it hasn't been done yet is more to do with it being a silly idea rather than it not being possible. I mean a hover car would be a pain in the arse to control.

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Can we actually have an interesting stuff thread?


The amount of stuff I've wanted to post but didn't want to make a thread for it.


Sometimes you can squeeze them into another thread, like with the photography thread today.




I dunno, don't have another thread.


But can this thread by the, "Funny/Awesome Stuff Thread"?

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Can we actually have an interesting stuff thread?


The amount of stuff I've wanted to post but didn't want to make a thread for it.


Sometimes you can squeeze them into another thread, like with the photography thread today.




I dunno, don't have another thread.


But can this thread by the, "Funny/Awesome Stuff Thread"?



I think if you've got something genuinely interesting it should get it's own thread and to hell if doesn't generate much discussion - it won't get locked just because of that. Otherwise we're creeping back to the old times when people just dumped everything into a single burning Leviathan where nothing got really discussed and constricted the rest of the forum. If I was a mod I'd have probably torn out the handful of posts about quantum levitation videos into their own thread already.


Hell, anything above-average funny should probably get it's own thread, so long a people don't blatantly misuse it - I think this one should be renamed the "Mildly-Amusing Thread" or something similar.

Edited by gaggle64
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Aren't we back to those days anyway?


They got rid of the "How WAS YOUR DAY YO!" thread but it was just replaced with a good/bad day thread is all.


Instead of one giant thread we got two slightly less giant threads.


Ha, also, we used to have a giant "Post your purchases thread!", which was closed.


So now we have a giant, "What have you bought?" thread!


This forum hates not having these giant threads clearly.

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The current thing is indeed post any thread you like, and leave it to mods to merge if it's deemed necessary - which is rarely is. If you can post something that merits its own responses then please do post a new thread. It's far better for you to complain about your thread being merged than it is that your post is ignored altogether.

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