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Funny Stuff Thread


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Is something supposed to happen if you stay on that site?

To give you a straight answer, unlike MoogleViper, you get the opportunity to sign up for the newsletter. But you’re implying you’re not enjoying yourself on the site in the meantime?

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To give you a straight answer, unlike MoogleViper, you get the opportunity to sign up for the newsletter. But you’re implying you’re not enjoying yourself on the site in the meantime?


Apart from there being no link to sign up for any newsletter all the site contains is some shitty graphics and "This is Zombocom. Welcome. Welcome to Zombocom", basically the shit they have on their Twitter feed (which for some unknown reason you decided to follow? even Spoderman et al. has more substance). I'm afraid this combined level of boredom doesn't even inspire me to have in the background whilst I play Minesweeper for 5-6 minutes to find out the "really good" bit.



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Was going to post this in the bad stuff thread, but it's not really a major bad thing, probably more funny.



Had my monthly 1-2-1 this morning, and everything was good and fine, but he mentioned he noticed that my productivity has kinda declined a little over the last few days (not weeks, just days...)


Then he proceeded to do an impression of me sitting at my desk which resembled this...




I was a bit taken by surprise, thinking "Shit he's caught me out with my e3 viewing" but at the same time I know my productivity's been pretty shocking work wise since Monday. So just kinda shrugged my shoulders and said I was still in holiday mode from my week off.


Nothing else happened, and he kinda laughed and that was the end of it.


Gotta get my head down for the rest of the week (Still at work typing this...)

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