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Book Reading Music.

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I've recently started to read books again as in today I've decided to get back into the swing of things and read some decent literature. My 10 year old self would be ashamed in me the last few years at my lack of book reading.


Anyway I listen to music when I read, stick on my headphones and transport myself to another world as it helps me concentrate and focus entirely on the book. :D Do other people do the same? or do they enjoy a quiet read.


I'm currently reading American Psycho and I try to choose albums that might fit with the mood of the book but I'm not very good at gauging what would suit that feel or what music makes for good book reading music.


Essentially I'm after some recommendations. :grin:


Today I listened to:


Wavves - Wavves.





Neon Indian - Psychic Chasms.




and My Bloody Valentine - Loveless.





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I absolutely can't listen and read at the same time. The only time it helps is when I'm rote-learning, it seems.


I'm currently reading American Psycho and I try to choose albums that might fit with the mood of the book but I'm not very good at gauging what would suit that feel or what music makes for good book reading music.


That's a really neat idea though :) Might try it.

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re: American Psycho


Just listen to the music he talks about in the book. Huey Lewis, Diana Ross, Phil Collins et al.




For me, I can't do words no more. Ambient or instrumental stuff like Explosions in the Sky or more chilled out Mogwai is always good.

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I couldn't possibly read while music is on. I have to be in silence to read, I even get distracted if reading in the living room and the TV is on.



on the other hand, when at work, I have to have my iPod with me while coding and such. It's due to how tedious the work is, music helps make the process a little more bearable,


but yeah reading and any noise / music is a no no for me.

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I don't need to read in silence (I can stand background noise such as traffic an other people etc.) but I couldn't read with music on. I don't see why you would want to. You can't concentrate on two things at the same time, so one would just stop you focusing on the other. How can you enjoy music and be engrossed in a book as well?


I've tried writing essays whilst listening to music, and I just can't do it (tbh I could leave out "whilst listening to music" and this sentence would still be valid). I can get some stuff down but it's at a much slower pace and worse quality.

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Well for me it kind of comes down to the fact that I pretty much have music on constantly. I listen to way more than a lot of people I know so the lack of it is, for me, more distracting than anything caused by the music itself.


But then surely the music is just background noise and you're not fully appreciating it.

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Well for me it kind of comes down to the fact that I pretty much have music on constantly. I listen to way more than a lot of people I know so the lack of it is, for me, more distracting than anything caused by the music itself.


Same here, I feel like I need to have something going on in the background.

I just find it uncomfortable not listening to something while doing most anything.

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Awesome Coolness. My Dad looks at me like i've infected him with HIV when I suggest listening to music while reading. There's nothing better, especially when on plane than doing a bit of reading with some music to accompany it. I find it helps visualise things better.


For me, it's always easy listening stuff whilst reading. Occasionally singer/songwriters like Nerina Pallot, but I normally go for some Country/Rock like Rascall Flatts or Lady Antebellum.

Edited by Jon
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Coolness, you win at life for putting Loveless in your first post. Brilliant album. :love:


Mundi's recommendation of Godspeed is a great one. I would recommend maybe some Explosions in the Sky, or some Mogwai. Orrrrr...one of my favourite bands at the moment, Au Revoir Simone. Particularly the Still Night Still Light album. They're very easy listening pieces of music that seem to fill the room with something. What that something is, I don't quite know, but it's nice.

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Ambiance is the only way forward, if you have to listen to music while reading. Currently I'm reading a book set in Bombay and I suppose I'd listen to Arabesque music if I had to - but too often the music is too jarring with the context of the book. Music is often, to me, a time-wasting tool. On a train or for a long walk - books are far too enjoyable in themselves to be distracted away from.


However, occasionally you get bloody lucky and get a great song matching a great part of a book, and that moment will stick with you forever!

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Thanks Guys! :grin:


I have taken note of the music you have recommended. :D


Personally I find it easier with music and usually listen to familiar albums so that you don't have to concentrate fully or albums that lend themselves well as background noise.


I also do this with revision because I've tried doing it without music and I end up miles away/doodling. :)

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I also do this with revision because I've tried doing it without music and I end up miles away/doodling. :)


Haha I was like this. Could never revise without music. It's just too quiet. =P

I found that a good tune helped me along greatly, made revising a lot more manageable heh.


As for music, not sure I can recommend much. Things like Air, Zero7, Sigur Ros etc work nice, atmospheric music. My mind is drawing a blank at the moment though, can't think of anything. =P

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I've heard that will eventually impair recall though. :hmm:. Our school has pretty much drilled into us to read/study in silence. While doing an exam you would naturally not have any music thus it's, supposedly, harder to remember information.


No idea on the facts, though. I prefer silence. (sorry for derailing the thread)


I'm reading The Millenium series. Got through the first two, should start the third. Salander is a godess :)

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