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Is the world actually ending? Japan hit by quake and tsunami


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Better than acting like uncaring tossers


Humour is the best medicine, it's better than acting like up tight dicks about it, wallowing in fear and pity as if it's some general toddler being voted off the X-factor. Let the people have their fun, or have you never joked about anything at an inconsiderate time?


The after shocks are pretty much pouring in a lot stronger than a lot of people predicted. A 6.6 was recorded in central-ish Japan, they say it's west of the Honshu island (the big island with Tokyo.

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Humour is the best medicine, it's better than acting like up tight dicks about it, wallowing in fear and pity as if it's some general toddler being voted off the X-factor. Let the people have their fun, or have you never joked about anything at an inconsiderate time?


The after shocks are pretty much pouring in a lot stronger than a lot of people predicted. A 6.6 was recorded in central-ish Japan, they say it's west of the Honshu island (the big island with Tokyo.


My comment was mostly directed to Diego, who I do consider to be an uncaring tosser

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My comment was mostly directed to Diego, who I do consider to be an uncaring tosser


Figured I'd just share my thoughts. Don't get me wrong, definitely respect worthy that you let him know what you think about his jokes.


I'd just rather people ignore the stuff they don't like so a thread like this that can educate another forum member about a situation they might not know about swirl into some drivelling hate fest. But to be fair, that's slightly contradictory on my part by continuing this

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This was one of the first things to cross my mind too :heh:


Has Nintendo HQ been affected/hit/flooded?


Unless it has moved, I believe the HQ is based in Kyoto which only received a slight jolt. I have a group of friends out there that said it was only a slight thud with no visible damage as far as they could tell, so Nintendo HQ should be fine haha.

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I'm a bit tired of hearing "The world is ending!" every time a natural disaster strikes. They happen all the time.


Anyway, that is an impressive Tsunami. I know the Japanese are ready for earthquakes, but an 8.9 earthquake is an exceptional event. I do hope there isn't much more damage.

Also, the Japanese are organized, and know how to act in the occurrence of an exceptional earthquake. This means the damage won't be as grave as it would've been, say, in the Caribbean, or Brazil, or India. The worst has been avoided.

Edited by Jonnas
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I think the risk is still there but it's not like any of them are going to go into total meltdown. It seems like general translation inaccuracies have made it sound a lot worse than the real situation. Also because of the potential of situations like this the threat level is raised very early to be as safe as possible.


I have a lot of colleagues/friends in Japan and thankfully it looks like all of them are ok. I know the guys in our Tokyo office had to spend the night at work due to transport failures. Crazy times.

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Is the nuclear threat over now or is it still a potential threat?


A second has failed and a leak of radiation has been confirmed


This is pretty much what is scaring me most. Rescue efforts and all the people trapped in area's such as Sendai that got hit hardest is a frightening aspect of the whole ordeal of yesterday (and the 120+ aftershocks), but if this thing blows it's going to make a bad situation even worse.


The current levels of radiation leaked from the cores is apparently minute, some may take this as good news but if only a little is leaking out, the pressure will still be building inside. I'd rather a medium amount leak and out pace the pressure so there's only a small radiation risk rather than a full on explosion of it.


Going to sleep soon, dreading about the possible news I could wake up to.

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I hope Miyamoto is ok


This was one of the first things to cross my mind too :heh:


Has Nintendo HQ been affected/hit/flooded?


Same... :/ is that bad? I don't think it is given that this is a Nintendo fan-site, so such things are going to be in the forefront of our minds.


But this is a terrible disaster on almost a Magnitude 10 scale, I really hope Japan doesn't end up getting K-O'd by this not to mention other countries too. :(

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So...what would happen if this nuclear situation worsens?


It's hard to find actual facts about this in the chaos of news, but it sounds like the worst-case is radiation leaks into the nearby area. A total meltdown should be pretty internal.


Due to the type of reactor and the way the plants are built, it won't be anything like Chernobyl.

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