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Grand Theft Auto 5


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Yeah 360 version. Ancient. Bought it originally from Haden in 2006/7, got it replaced a couple times since then but last time must've beena round 2008/9.


I havent read the article but I saw a headline this morning that older 360s are struggling with the game so I assume thats whats happening for you then.

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Other than a couple of odd physics things, I've never noticed any technical problems either. I got stuck between a ledge and a truck once, but I managed to jump out after 30 seconds. That's the only time a problem affected the game.

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No issues with me on 360, although it is only 3 years old. Also this weekend my 360 was on from 10am till 11pm straight Saturday, not switched off at all (just paused when taking loo or food breaks) and again all day Sunday from 10am till 11pm again nonestop and no crashes or issues at all.


And these 'long loading times' again I fail to see them? I switch characters *Zoom Zoom Zoom... pinpoint location to new character... Zoom Zoom Zoom* and Boom I'm Franklin.


Probably jinxed myself of course now and will be riddled with shit play tonight.

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No technical issues here whatsoever.


Almost done with the main story but I will continue with it next weekend. I suddenly wanted to play Remember Me and thought it was better to continue having longer play sessions with GTAV when I'm not as tired as on the weekdays. Nothing against GTAV. Too many lol, wtf and "awesome" moments to mention. The game really is about the details. Also the driving. I was one of those who liked the driving in GTAIV but they really nailed it this time. It's the car chases that made the best missions. One of the last missions I finished yesterday was the one with the crazy bitch at the airport. Epic. Actually the ending of that bothered me more than that mission :p

One thing I have to mention, I was escaping the police as Trevor(no mission I think) and decided to take a shortcut over a farm. Before I could react I sent a cow flying miles up in the air and Trevor yells "Ten points!". Had me in stitches.


I did that one today. So far the heists aren't all they're cracked up to be - hopefully the online ones will be better (and repeatable).


As for the death - the guy I chose survived, who did you pick?


Although I ended up with the same amount of money.

Don't remember his name, but he was the cheapest one. He got sandwiched between a wall and a crazy police officer. I don't know if I was supposed to pick up his bag, the police car rolled back on my second attempt(I died and had to redo) and I could run past it and pick up the bag.


I thought it was a good idea to pick the cheap ones because of they increase in skill after the heist is over but their cut stays the same. But now I think it's better to just pick the better ones and increase the likelyhood of better payout from the heist.




What is "THAT" mission?


So far I've just done the mission


Where you give the statue from the train to the Mexican.



And I have no idea if I've encountered it yet.


I loved these missions (so far) because they were actually grand theft auto.


I think it's the torture scene. If not I have no idea what they are talking about


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Don't remember his name, but he was the cheapest one. He got sandwiched between a wall and a crazy police officer. I don't know if I was supposed to pick up his bag, the police car rolled back on my second attempt(I died and had to redo) and I could run past it and pick up the bag.


I thought it was a good idea to pick the cheap ones because of they increase in skill after the heist is over but their cut stays the same. But now I think it's better to just pick the better ones and increase the likelyhood of better payout from the heist.



Well, if you manage to pick the bags up then the payment is the same.


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Let me tell you a short story. I'll put it in spoiler tags, even though it's not really a spoiler (not a mission, nothing story relevant, just some location and vehicle spoilers)


Getting a military jet from Fort Zancudo for each character's hangar.


And of course...you have to do it 'their' way.


That means, with Franklin, I stole an SUV and modded it (armor, bulletproof tires, engine upgrades and military colour - for style). Then I drove to the base, did some reconnaissance (i.e using a sniper rifle to locate a hangar) and figured it would be best to rush through, find the jet and jump in as quickly as possible and fly out of there even faster.


The initial response was as expected: A lot of dudes shooting at me, a lot of trucks coming after me, but my SUV was too strong.

What I didn't expect...4 tanks near the jet. Four tanks that shot the shit out of my car.




New plan: Rush in, try to outrun or outsmart the tanks, maybe with a bit of hiding and then pray to god almighty. Will try that tomorrow :D



Trevor's way of dealing with this is quite obvious: FUCKING RAMPAGE THE SHIT OUT OF FORT ZANCUDO.


With Micheal I'd love to do a stealthy approach, but that isn't possible I guess, because of the 4-star-wanted level you immediately get as soon as you set foot into the base.

I will probably skydive out of a helicopter to land as near as possible to the jet without getting into much gunfire (I hope...). That's as 'stealthy' as it can get.




This is the kind of freedom I love in a game!


I've not had that issue at all


I take a vehicle through the main gate (unarmored, whatever i get my hands on) as either one of the 3 main chaps and i simply drive down the right hand road, turn left and dart straight into a hanger and borrow a jet that way. Thus avoiding the tanks because as soon as you enter a hanger i've seen, they can't see you and it gives you more than enough time to fire it up and fly off. It's only failed once in the 10 times i've attempted it, and that was due to a tank catching me off-guard near the entrance.



I think I'll redownload GTA 4 tonight for the PC. Been a while since I played it and I'd like to go through the story again. Gonna be weird going back to that driving though.


I loaned out GTA IV to a friend, i'm in no rush for it back.

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I've completed the game, but plan on starting it again tonight to play through it a bit more conservatively with money. Anyway's a question regarding one mission. I'll spoiler it just in-case but it is quite early in the game, so imagine most people have done it...



The jewelry store heist. When I did this my gunman was killed on his bike before entering the tunnel. Is this scripted? Or can he actually survive.


The reason I ask is that, When I plan on starting this game again, I also plan on finding Packie from GTA4 earlier this time round, and using him on all heists. If it's scripted that the gunman dies, I don't want to use Packie for this as I'd like him to survive and to be an integral part of the team for future heists in the game.




If anyone knows about the spoiler I've posted, would be helpful.

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I'm about 50% through the story now, keep getting distracted with random stuff. :D

Have also played the "controversial" mission...


...It didn't bother me, but I can definitely see how some people would've found that unpleasant.


Best part of that mission was Trevor saying "I think he's getting a stiffy" during the electric shock torture. :laughing:

Trevor is such a great character, I love how he's basically a harsh version of H. M. Murdock: :heh:




I'm all GTA'd out. No more until the online comes out next week.
I get the feeling GTA Online is going to be unplayable for at least a week after launch, looking forward to checking it out though.

I'm interested to see what character creation will be like. Hoping the tools will be as intricate as those in Saints Row III, but get the feeling they won't be.

Edited by RedShell
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I've completed the game, but plan on starting it again tonight to play through it a bit more conservatively with money. Anyway's a question regarding one mission. I'll spoiler it just in-case but it is quite early in the game, so imagine most people have done it...



The jewelry store heist. When I did this my gunman was killed on his bike before entering the tunnel. Is this scripted? Or can he actually survive.


The reason I ask is that, When I plan on starting this game again, I also plan on finding Packie from GTA4 earlier this time round, and using him on all heists. If it's scripted that the gunman dies, I don't want to use Packie for this as I'd like him to survive and to be an integral part of the team for future heists in the game.




If anyone knows about the spoiler I've posted, would be helpful.


That happened to me too, but I hired the weakest one I think. Actually that happened in every heist. I hire the weakest one so they take less cut, and they end up dead or captured.

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I love the random encounters you find from just exploring the city.
I got a great one the other day while playing as Trevor...


...Some woman started shouting, saying her friend was really hurt and for me to help her. So I started following her (around a corner), then her friend suddenly came out with a gun pointed at me, demanding my money!

:heh: Needless to say they both got a nasty surprise from Trevor. :laughing:


So yeah, random encounters are definitely cool, but sometimes they're kind of annoying too, because I always want to check 'em out, even when I'm already in the middle of doing something else. :hehe:

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I got a great one the other day while playing as Trevor...


...Some woman started shouting, saying her friend was really hurt and for me to help her. So I started following her (around a corner), then her friend suddenly came out with a gun pointed at me, demanding my money!

:heh: Needless to say they both got a nasty surprise from Trevor. :laughing:


So yeah, random encounters are definitely cool, but sometimes they're kind of annoying too, because I always want to check 'em out, even when I'm already in the middle of doing something else. :hehe:


haha I was going to mention that exact moment, it happened to me too. I killed the gunmen but left the girl because my mind just thought they had put her up to it, plus the cops showed up almost instantly so I had to run.


I also like that in this game you can say stuff to pedestrians . Most of the time when I walk past someone as Trevor, they will look at him and say something negative about his appearance. If you press right on the d-pad though, he'll reply with something back. A lot of the time it ends up with the person wanting to fight you lol


I don't get it... it's the same game as always, why is this tired formula still getting perfect 10s when it has consistently failed to improve upon any of it's shortcomings for years? I'm not sure I understand... Oo


I felt that way about IV and that it didn't deserve all of those 10's and 9's it got 5 years ago. But I feel like V has genuine improvements with the way it does the missions and the exploration. I've not had this much fun in a GTA game since Vice City or San andreas.

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