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Rage Quit


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You can skip the first 45 seconds. Then it just gets awesome. The guy is in a fucking rage.


Probably only 1 out of 10 people here will think it's funny, but who cares. It's hilarious and maybe this brings joy to someone. :p


Oh yeah: If you don't want to spoil anything don't watch. It shows a level of Super Meat Boy.

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Lawl! That is precisely why I didn't get this game. FUCK a game that is merely 'superhard'. I want to enjoy my games. one-upping my gamerbros with a LOL I DID THAT AND YOU CAN'T SUCKERRRR is... no.


yes it's because I suck at games.


But when it stops being fun, we should really learn to just, y'know, put down the pad and go have a mars bar or something. Chiiilll.

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That was awesome. I got a fair amount of laughs at that, all way to the end. Thankfully I never seem to get like that :heh:


Apart from when someone used to annoy you when raiding.


*cough* Oh wait, that was zero. At least I think his name was zero on here, I can't remember, z something or other.




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Lawl! That is precisely why I didn't get this game. FUCK a game that is merely 'superhard'. I want to enjoy my games. one-upping my gamerbros with a LOL I DID THAT AND YOU CAN'T SUCKERRRR is... no.


yes it's because I suck at games.


But when it stops being fun, we should really learn to just, y'know, put down the pad and go have a mars bar or something. Chiiilll.

Super Meat Boy is actually not that hard if you stick to the main levels. Even if you die over and over you learn and it always feels like you can do it (unlike say, Ikaruga or N+) and so it's not really that frustrating. Plus it has the awesome feature of showing you every attempt you had at the level all at once, when you finally do it.


The guy in this video fucking sucks. It literally took me about 5 tries to get through that room. You want to see a hard level? See the Cotton Candy missions post-credits. Or the I Wanna Be The Guy warp zone:



That literally took me like 3 hours to get past, and you have to do all 3 levels or it won't save your progress.


I find it really hard to quit a game despite rage. I know it drives my g/f mad. Jayseven watched me try for about 2 hours to do a mission on EA's Skate. It's just so damn satisfying when you finally do it. You don't have to play every game solely for the fun, sometimes it's for the challenge, sometimes it's to help you improve your gaming skills.

Edited by Shorty
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Shorty; those two hours took me from funnyville to scarytown and back :P


People have different game thresholds. Effort vs enjoyment attained is, I guess, what the graph would be. I think I'm more of an explorative cinematic gamer, seeking to enjoy the construction some other dudes have made rather than testing my limits of hand-eye coordination and/or skill. I don't think I've ever been 'the best' at any game, and I think I've just come to terms with the fact that I'll never be that good.

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Apart from when someone used to annoy you when raiding.


*cough* Oh wait, that was zero. At least I think his name was zero on here, I can't remember, z something or other.





Nah not me, I welcome it, it atleast lifts the spirit up!


Yeah you got it right, Zero used to be here back in the day. Didn't have him as getting annoyed type, thought he was a calm, collected soul :heh:



Also, that's the first i've ever seen any Super Meat Boy. It's looks awesome. Bring on the challenge *willnodoubtrageifbought*

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Super Meat Boy is amazing. Have had moments where you get so close to calling it quits and then you do it, so satisfying.


I've very nearly completed the main game, there's one End level I'm trying to beat. Done the first half of Dark World missions too but they will probably be stuck in limbo.

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I never thought that particular level in Super Meat Boy was that hard. Couple of tries and I was done and on to the next one.


Never really had a rage fit playing it either. Everytime I died, I'd just become more determined to finish the level as I knew I could do it. I'd get an adrenaline rush and, if it was some of the last levels in the 6th Chapter, I'd sit and play solidly for an hour just to beat the damn level, especially seeing as the boss level for the end game has two parts to it and I don't think they saved afterwards so I wanted to get it finished. So satisfying when you finally overcome a difficult section, which is why I love the game (and Ikaruga).


As Shorty said, the Cotton Candy levels are definitely harder than that.

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Nah not me, I welcome it, it atleast lifts the spirit up!


Yeah you got it right, Zero used to be here back in the day. Didn't have him as getting annoyed type, thought he was a calm, collected soul :heh:



Also, that's the first i've ever seen any Super Meat Boy. It's looks awesome. Bring on the challenge *willnodoubtrageifbought*


Haha, it was funny listening to the pair of you during raids on vent.


I usually enjoy gaming for what it is, usually it's great, I suppose I put myself in annoying situations, such as left 4 dead online (which frankly I blame jayseven for ever letting me play tbh.) it annoys me so bloody much.


Recently it was assassins creed 2, I've not touched assassins for ages so the control system was annoying the hell out of me (y'know the way sometimes you cock it up and he'll move somewhere you don't plan too. Yeah I kept doing that.) I had to go make a cup of tea and step away for a few minutes, whoops.

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Recently it was assassins creed 2, I've not touched assassins for ages so the control system was annoying the hell out of me (y'know the way sometimes you cock it up and he'll move somewhere you don't plan too. Yeah I kept doing that.) I had to go make a cup of tea and step away for a few minutes, whoops.


Got that just over a week ago and I've since completed it (1000G). I found that the further I got into the game the more "mistakes" Ezio, including a few times where he completely jumped off a building without me telling him to (mainly the Points of View located on crosses), and the guards that can block both counters and dodge-counters were really, really annoying.

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Got that just over a week ago and I've since completed it (1000G). I found that the further I got into the game the more "mistakes" Ezio, including a few times where he completely jumped off a building without me telling him to (mainly the Points of View located on crosses), and the guards that can block both counters and dodge-counters were really, really annoying.


Ah, so it's not just me then, of course the massive counter is I suck at these games, but still I found it much easier to move in the first one than this, there's times I'll get him to jump up a wall and instead he'll move the opposite direction, even though the wall is climbable..


argh. It stresses me thinking about it. :laughing:

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Another rage video.


God, the combination of the kid screaming, the music, the other guy saying "hello" at times and the fact that it's so easy to "escape" this "prison" by just re-spawning. Priceless :laughing:


Wait, it's easy for the kid to escape the prison? If so, everyone is an asshole in that video, Jesus.


Anyway, I only rage at games if the controls fail me one way or another. I certainly used to rage at difficult games when I was younger, but I see now that much of it was due to shoddy gameplay/design (like Titus the Fox). And I am certain that Super Mario Kaizo and I Wanna Be The Guy would make me rage greatly, considering that's the main point.


Also, challenge is great. Maybe it should be reserved for bonus levels, but still, I like it immensely.


That Super Meat Boy level looks great. Even I could see that the guy sucked, too :heh:

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Man, this guy is the new Angry Video Game Nerd.

He sucks as a gamer, but it's funny as shit :D


Everytime I hit a checkpoint it's like a fucking gift from god.


Edit: Oh, and I'll get Trials HD tomorrow.

Edited by drahkon
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Lawl! That is precisely why I didn't get this game. FUCK a game that is merely 'superhard'. I want to enjoy my games. one-upping my gamerbros with a LOL I DID THAT AND YOU CAN'T SUCKERRRR is... no.


yes it's because I suck at games.


But when it stops being fun, we should really learn to just, y'know, put down the pad and go have a mars bar or something. Chiiilll.


Totally second these sentiments, I played the demo and whilst I eventually got it and did most of the levels, thought the stress and effort and 'one more tries' put in was maybe just too much for me to buy a game that I'd likely give up on eventually. Seeing the game in action does make me want to play though...I kind of want to play it without buying it, but nobody I know was stupid enough to torture themselves with the purchase(except one guy, but i dont know where he lives).

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