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Metroid Fusion

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After finishing Other M, I decided to hunt through my games collection to find this little beauty. I picked it up cheap a while back, alas without its box, but I can live without that for now.


I never finished it before, as I got terribly stuck at the spider boss (Yakuza) and didn't get back into it.


So, I decided to start it again from scratch and now I'm at the end battling the SA-X. I must say that this has been really enjoyable, for me. I probably will get more out of it now after playing Other M than I would have before. After playing this, I have also decided that Other M really is like a home console version of this game, minus the SA-X and Fusion Suit, of course.


The battle against Nightmare was a definite highlight for me. :)


Also, I wasn't sure whether to place this in Retro or Handheld. So I went for Retro.

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HA when this game came out I remember squinting to see it on the old gba without the backlight.


I think I prefer metroid zero mission but it's a different take on the metroid series. A tad bit short and a little too much hand-holding.


The SA-X steals the show though. Love that music when it enters and I love how it gives you the choice to battle it... but you will inevitably lose :)


Great game. I would kill for a wii or 3ds side-scrolling metroid as much as I love the prime series.

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Also, I wasn't sure whether to place this in Retro or Handheld. So I went for Retro.


There's a thread buried in handheld but a fresh start is good.


HA when this game came out I remember squinting to see it on the old gba without the backlight.


Lol! Ditto.


The SA-X steals the show though. Love that music when it enters and I love how it gives you the choice to battle it... but you will inevitably lose :)


The SA-X is great. The parts where you are alone with the sound of it and its footsteps is really freaky - even when you know you are completely safe and out of sight.

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I really like this entry on the Metroid series, even if it did a bunch of things differently. It has a good plot, but decent exploration, too.

Not to mention SA-X and the awesome bosses that usually appear (Nightmare and Ridley X were highlights). I also dig the various references to Metroid II (which is an underrated classic for me)

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Awesome awesome awesome game. It took me a while to get over it's linearity, but I did and now I love it. It's probably my second favourite Metroid game.


I still find those SA-X chase sequences intense as ever.


I also loved the introduction of the X parasites. It really did add a whole new dimension to the Metroid story.


Haven't played it since completing Other M, but I have a feeling I'll enjoy it more than ever when I do.

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Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission are sheer gaming bliss. They are my two favourite Metroid games and are both in my Top 10 Games in general. I've kept my Game Boy Micro just to play those two, as they're so enjoyable on it.


Fusion has even better-balanced gameplay than Zero Mission, with bosses that are tough at first, but easy when you learn the right technique, and doesn't have that bit at the end that unbalances ZM. Two small nitpicks I have are that the colour scheme isn't as nice as Zero Mission (but hey, it's a different game) and the locations and bosses in Zero Mission are just simpler and cooler.


But Fusion is really a 10/10 game for me.

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I really enjoyed the game, but thought it was to linear/easy in some respects/ But for a brand new copy for a fiver, it was totally worth it.


Really want a side scrolling Metroid though. And for it to be on par with Super Metroid. What a game.


Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission are sheer gaming bliss. They are my two favourite Metroid games and are both in my Top 10 Games in general. I've kept my Game Boy Micro just to play those two, as they're so enjoyable on it.


Fusion has even better-balanced gameplay than Zero Mission, with bosses that are tough at first, but easy when you learn the right technique, and doesn't have that bit at the end that unbalances ZM. Two small nitpicks I have are that the colour scheme isn't as nice as Zero Mission (but hey, it's a different game) and the locations and bosses in Zero Mission are just simpler and cooler.


But Fusion is really a 10/10 game for me.


Combined, these summarise my thoughts on the matter completely.

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Brilliant game. My only disappointment was that the Ice beam was practically like the Phazon blaster of MP, in that you only got to use it at the very end, where in Super Metroid it was so awesome.


The trade off with this though is that you get the awesome plasma beam earlier than you would in other games compared to the other beams.


Its a great game. I find it very atmospheric. It is also very satisfying picking up expansions and building up your arsenal.


I'm trying to track down a copy of Zero Mission now.

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At about 1 this morning, I decided that I wanted to play this game right to the end, as I knew I was almost there.


The fight against the SA-X seemed hard at first until I could work out the pattern. Although, I then died when it came to fighting the Nucleus, as I was down to low health at that point.


Managed to do it, activate the self-destruct sequence and then go to fight the Omega Metroid. I died the first time, and was expecting to start off back at the start of that battle. However, was a bit disappointed to find I had to do the whole thing again.


That's one thing that I think Other M did well compared to this. Imagine dying right at the end of Other M when you fight MB and the Desbrachians after you defeat the Metroid Queen, and having to do the WHOLE thing again, rather than just starting off at the point in which you died.


It's a minor point. Overall the game is excellent. Loved the majority of it. I want moar Metroid now.


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Dude, I wasn't expecting any spoilers for Other M :rolleyes:.


I love Fusion. It was the first Metroid I owned, and my second experience with it. Metoid always looked like cool games to me, that's why I borrowed Metroid 2 from a friend, which was my first Metroid experience. But as my first own Metroid game, Fusion will always be special to me ;). Since Metroid 2 was the only other Metroid I had played at that point, I really didn't care about the linearity, and I still don't. The atmosphere was great, the exploration was great, the bosses were great.. The game was great.

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  • 6 months later...
I'm really so glad this game is included in the 3DS ambassador program, finally I'll get the chance to play it!


Hey, welcome to the forum. :hehe:


Have you played any Metroid games before? Fusion is a story driven affair, in the same vain as Other M, and for that I think Fusion is the best Metroid. Its got its chilling moments, its got stuff to discover off the beaten track and its got, most importantly, a sense of purpose thats lacking in other titles in the series. Hope you enjoy it when the ambassador stuff becomes available.

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Hey, welcome to the forum. :hehe:


Have you played any Metroid games before? Fusion is a story driven affair, in the same vain as Other M, and for that I think Fusion is the best Metroid. Its got its chilling moments, its got stuff to discover off the beaten track and its got, most importantly, a sense of purpose thats lacking in other titles in the series. Hope you enjoy it when the ambassador stuff becomes available.


Thank you! :3


I played the metroid prime serie, super metroid and other m,

I really do believe the story will be what sets fusion appart from the other games! I also love the redesign of samus (the fusion suit?), it's totally epic and badass :p

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Yay for the Metroid love, people.


I'm playing through Super Metroid, at the moment.


I can't believe its a SNES game...how is it possible? The level/world design is superb, very intricate. It's amazing to think that this is nearly two decades old.


Yeh.. I only played through it for the first time a year or two ago and it's probably my favourite Metroid game :hehe: Absolutely outstanding :yay: It would probably have blown my mind as a child :eek:


As far as Metroid Fusion goes, I liked it.. but not as much as the other GBA outing, Metroid: Zero Mission. I'll be more than happy to play it again on 3DS, though :heh:

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Yay for the Metroid love, people.


I'm playing through Super Metroid, at the moment.


I can't believe its a SNES game...how is it possible? The level/world design is superb, very intricate. It's amazing to think that this is nearly two decades old.


Well, it's not like people couldn't make deep, detailed games back then! We had Tales of Phantasia, Final Fantasy III. Chrono Trigger appeared one year later, Super Mario 64 came along just another year after that. Links Awakening came out one year prior. I think the mid nineties was the real rise of deep, detailed game worlds with huge amounts of time invested into just backdrops and locations.

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  • 3 months later...
Dude, I wasn't expecting any spoilers for Other M :rolleyes:.


I love Fusion. It was the first Metroid I owned, and my second experience with it. Metoid always looked like cool games to me, that's why I borrowed Metroid 2 from a friend, which was my first Metroid experience. But as my first own Metroid game, Fusion will always be special to me ;). Since Metroid 2 was the only other Metroid I had played at that point, I really didn't care about the linearity, and I still don't. The atmosphere was great, the exploration was great, the bosses were great.. The game was great.


I had exactly the same experience, having previously only played Metroid 2 from a friend and never really getting into it. Metroid Fusion got me excited about the Metroid series and was the reason I went on to purchase and enjoy the other games in the series.

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That was an unexpected notification ;). Anyway, glad you’re enjoying this fantastic franchise, and welcome to the forum!


(Although to be what we Dutch call an “antfucker†(i.e. nitpicker), it wasn’t quite the same experience, as I did enjoy Metroid 2. Never managed to beat the final boss though. One day.. Grr.)

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  • 1 month later...

metroid fusion is legendary in my books, storylines gets you sucked in, can play it over and over again without a second thought, and for a gba game theres alot to explore, im my personal opinion this game is the best gba game ive ever played, seen me through some rough times.

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I have just had the pleasure of completing Metroid Fusion once again, this time on 3DS. More than ever, I am convinced it is amongst the very best games Nintendo has ever produced.


Why is it so good? Mainly the way it looks, plays and feels. Whilst I am not as keen on the aesthetic of this as I am Zero Mission, that is a very, very minor quibble and mainly based on the fact Samus is not in her normal Varia Suit, thus the game has a less orange colour palette than usual. The sprites themselves are big and chunky, whilst the graphics engine is used for some very effective in-game storytelling.


Plugging in some headphones, Metroid Fusion is even more an aural treat than it is visual. From the ripple of a plasma beam to the whoosh of a diffusion missile, the game never fails to excite the ears.


But it is the stellar gameplay that holds it all together. Running round the space station is an absolute joy, as Samus jumps, blasts and boosts through walls, finding hidden rooms. Every jump and laser blast feels just right. Bosses are particularly impressive, at first seeming difficult, but uniquely satisfying once you work out the right techique.


It is the game's structure that may divide fans the most: previously-open doors are often locked, as Samus is given orders to go elsewhere, thus you can find yourself not being able to explore as much as you might like. At the other extreme, there are some baffling moments where you're not really given enough clues as to where to find your target. Overall though, Metroid Fusion does a fantastic job of keeping you on course and keeping the pacing up. The exciting story is probably Metroid's best, and I appreciated it even more now I've played Other M.


Graphics: 9/10

Sound: 10/10

Gameplay: 9.5/10

Overall: 9.5/10


To me, it is truly one of the Top 3 Nintendo games. I hope they may one day surpass it.

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Today I finally join those who have finished this game.


After having completed the Prime Trilogy, Super Metroid, and Metroid: Other M over the years, I'd say that I'm now fairly up to speed regarding this franchise if I do say so myself.


I'll start off by saying that this is probably the only portable game that had me jump out of my seat in fright. I believe it happened during a water snake kind of boss and its accompanied TUNES!


Awesome ending, yet, at times, tiring gameplay.

I liked the story, however Samus's inner monologue, and the dialogue between her and the Computer, painted a different Samus than the one I got to know in Other M.

She felt more bad-ass, which might be due to the death of Adam resulting in her feeling alone in the universe. . . . . . . with awesome weaponry.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of her sweet ass and boobies in the future. Preferably with Captain Falcon and the Star Fox crew in my copyrighted idea of a triple cross-over.


I'm left with 2 question:

1. So Samus her suit is her exoskeleton which fused to her body? (Yes, I could probably watch the intro again, in fact I think I will in a minute:laughing:)


Was his persona used for the computer the entire time?



This series also needs more reinvention, and if one guy can do it, it's me with my triple cross-over idea:laughing:


Well, onto my second playthrough of The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap.

't has been too long, especially considering that it's in my top 3 of favourite Zeldas eva!


Thank you NINTENDO!

Edited by Fused King
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In answer to both your questions, @Fused King - Yes, unless I misunderstood the story.


Nice to hear your opinions on this game. Personally, I think it's near-perfect and just want more of the same, basically. To me, there is just no substitute for 2D Metroid.


Mighty Switch Force shows sprite games can use the stereoscopic effect just as well as (if not better than) polygon games, so I hope there's one on 3DS, with all the lasers, missiles, bosses, jumping and exploration we've come to expect. :)

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