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Okay, I'm a bit more awake, and discussion has died down.


First of all, following on Cube's point that only busy areas are forbidden for smoking, that makes it better than I previously thought.

I still think it's a bit excessive, though. The reason smoking is forbidden in public closed spaces it's because the ventilation is rarely enough to dissipate the smoke, or stop the smell from impregnating the room. Public places have no such problem, and jayseven just gave a great example. If a man is smoking a considerable distance away from you, is it still bothersome? Why should the man see his liberty removed when he had the courtesy of smoking far away from non-smokers?


Second, everyone should just remove the same old argument I hear: "Some wanker smoked near me. What a douche, they should ban smoking" Because you're generalising every single smoker based on a few anecdotal cases you found. In fact, I will counter this with an anecdotal case of mine "I know a few considerate smokers, never smoking inside a building, or even near the door". This argument is as valid as yours.


Third, Oxi_Waste is correct. Second hand smoking from people you pass on the street is barely a risk. Swallowing apple seeds is more dangerous than passing by a smoker on the street.


Fourth, if these smokers you meet on public places are that bothersome, ask them to stop, or move a few meters. Seriously, it works.


Finally, my original point is that banning smoking outside is ridiculous (and banning it at parks and beaches is still a bit too much).

My new point is that non-smokers should be more tolerant of the smokers.

You don't have the moral high ground just because you don't smoke, remember that.

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  Nintendohnut said:
. It would be similar to the drug problem currently - there's a black market in it, but it's not wide-spread and only happens in small areas.


Understatement of the year?

  Pit-Jr said:
Understatement of the year?


I think he's seriously missing an "as" somewhere...


  Ramar said:
One three letter word, tax.


The big question is why not decriminalise and tax the hell out of currently illegal drugs??


Kinda related:


I hate how smokers are allowed smoking 'breaks'. Came up today at work as I said it's unfair that I don't get a 'drink coffee whenever I want and have a biscuit and a bit patter' break.


Utter bollocks.

  tapedeck said:
Kinda related:


I hate how smokers are allowed smoking 'breaks'. Came up today at work as I said it's unfair that I don't get a 'drink coffee whenever I want and have a biscuit and a bit patter' break.


Utter bollocks.

I feel that. One bell end at work proper abuses that. Then thinks he's entitled to a full normal break on top.

I feel that. One bell end at work proper abuses that. Then thinks he's entitled to a full normal break on top.


Yeah its horse shit.


Luckily Schwarzkopf are fucking awesome and they don't allow smoking breaks. :bouncy:

Were this in the main Tesco store they wouldn't have a fucking leg to stand on. But over at the petrol station it's quite manageable.


He goes outside for a smoke at work and he works at a petrol station???

  The fish said:
The big question is why not decriminalise and tax the hell out of currently illegal drugs??


And this is the most blatant evidence that the Government is corrupt, I always insist it to my friends. The Underworld must have a lot of money going into their lobbying.

  Raining_again said:
I just looooove how some non-smokers like to suggest smokers are morons... srsly get off your high horse. Why should any smoker have to justify it to anyone??


The ones that smoke at bus stops/train stations when other people are waiting are morons.

  Raining_again said:
I just looooove how some non-smokers like to suggest smokers are morons... srsly get off your high horse. Why should any smoker have to justify it to anyone??


My Ivory Tower has a special docking station for my high horse. It's so I don't have to muddy my shoes.


The docking station is 4 floors up. It's a really high horse.

  Debug Mode said:
And this is the most blatant evidence that the Government is corrupt, I always insist it to my friends. The Underworld must have a lot of money going into their lobbying.


......or legalising drugs might just be a controversial decision which most people would be against and would therefore cost them votes.

Posted (edited)

Doesn't the government make something crazy like £7-10Billion a year off tobacco tax?


Smokers - Your Country Needs You!

Edited by AndyWylde
  tapedeck said:
Kinda related:


I hate how smokers are allowed smoking 'breaks'. Came up today at work as I said it's unfair that I don't get a 'drink coffee whenever I want and have a biscuit and a bit patter' break.


Utter bollocks.


Indeed. I'm only entitled to a break at work if I do six or more hours, yet someone doing less than that could go for up to five cigarette breaks. I've since taken the "fuck it" approach and take a break regardless of how long I'm working for.

  Cube said:
The ones that smoke at bus stops/train stations when other people are waiting are morons.


of course im not going to say I agree with that... that just being an asshole. As an ex smoker I never would have done that but I still get the attitude from people who don't understand why I did it. Just because people don't understand why doesn't mean its automatically wrong and we must be cast into the pits of hell for liking to smoke.

  Jonnas said:


Second, everyone should just remove the same old argument I hear: "Some wanker smoked near me. What a douche, they should ban smoking" Because you're generalising every single smoker based on a few anecdotal cases you found. In fact, I will counter this with an anecdotal case of mine "I know a few considerate smokers, never smoking inside a building, or even near the door". This argument is as valid as yours.


I don't think it is because there are always going to be people who aren't considerate about it and smoke near others. Passive smoking can cause harm to others; why should we have to pay the price for other people smoking?


  AndyWylde said:
Doesn't the government make something crazy like £7-10Billion a year off tobacco tax?


Smokers - Your Country Needs You!


There are mixed figures about that but I think it costs the Government more through the NHS to combat smoking related illnesses than it makes them in tax.


  Tellyn said:
Indeed. I'm only entitled to a break at work if I do six or more hours, yet someone doing less than that could go for up to five cigarette breaks. I've since taken the "fuck it" approach and take a break regardless of how long I'm working for.


I thought the law was you're allowed 30 minutes for every 4 hours you work?


I also think its ridiculous that a smoker gets extra breaks then other workers. If they can't work because they need a smoke so much then they aren't fit to work and shouldn't be there.

  Charlie said:
I thought the law was you're allowed 30 minutes for every 4 hours you work?


I also think its ridiculous that a smoker gets extra breaks then other workers. If they can't work because they need a smoke so much then they aren't fit to work and shouldn't be there.


no its definitely 30 every 6 hours.


We're only allowed to go for smoke breaks on official working breaks in my office, but I really think that is at the managers discretion


We used to have people going off for cigarette breaks on top of their actual break but not anymore. It's ridiculous for some people to work 6 hours straight but if someone smokes they get to go out for 10 minutes in that time. I don't think most places would allow it these days anyway.

  ipaul said:
......or legalising drugs might just be a controversial decision which most people would be against and would therefore cost them votes.


This could easily be answered with explaining why it should be legalised


Taxable. (The industry is likely worth billions)

Wipe out a major funding of gangs. (Illegal Immigration, violence)

Reduced expenditure of cannabis dedicated operations by police and customs.

Barely harmful (you actually need a ridiculous amount to OD)


Of course, there are the downsides of:


Social problems caused (the signature laziness may lower worker efficiency)

Ease of growth with the right equipment (not really a disadvantage, but Governments, especially the American Gov, are becoming increasing hostile to those who can sustain themselves without putting any money into the economy)


The cannabis problem is greatly exaggerated. Addiction is only evident in extremely heavy users, no where near as harmful as alcohol in health and a social sense. I just can't seem to conclude in my mind that there is some major corruption going on.


Heck, with that new BBC series about this crap, I may as well make a topic as this some how gets brought up a lot round here in random threads.

Except for those who seek lung cancer. They're allowed extra breaks because they're special*.





actually legally speaking you aren't... managers discretion. Smokers in my place have to do so on their own time.


I must say this relentless pursuit of smokers has become like some kind of mass-hysteric-psychopathic-fixation. Banning smoking bars and clubs and the like, fine, I can get behind that. Now I'm hearing they want to enforce laws that make smokers stand at least 8ft from the door or not smoke even in open-air public shelter and I just don't see why. I'm an asthmatic but my head isn't going to explode if someone within a few feet away lights up. I've been more worried about the state of my lungs waiting to cross a busy road.

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