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PlayStation Vita Console Discussion


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I'm probably behind and this will have been mentioned


but Vita 2.0, the LCD screen is shit by all first hand impressions, but it also seems the new Vita is WIDER! noticably so.......the original is on the cusp of being 3DSXL CPP big, so what were sony thinking


oh and they are saying the LCD is onpar/better than OLED now....

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Size has never been an issue with the Vita.


Yeah it has. I never take mine out with me because it doesn't fit into my coat pocket!


The protruding sticks are a problem as well. For a handheld console, it isn't really well designed for portability. I just play mine at home, while my 3DS travels everywhere with me (yes this does also impact on my choice of multiplatform 3DS/Vita purchases as well).

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Current handheld consoles really aren't for going in pockets...they're too big. The same issue exists for the 3DS XL. Most people travelling have a bag though so it's not an issue.


I agree with Daft - Kindle is the ultimate portable book reading device, eliminating the need to carry thousands of books. Still doesn't fit in your pocket.

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No current handheld is pocket sized, my 3dsXl is horrible in pockets so is my Vita! but the way i see it any console revision that isn't increasing something like screen size should get smaller, and to advertise it as thinner but then make it wider is misleading as the overall volume of the product hasn't decreased.......but then everyone these days do this, Apple did it with the iphone 5 saying it was thinner whilst also advertising it as having a bigger screen....


its an annoying trend


still i feel the original vita is the best due to that screen



as a side note the screen blotches when black...really add to the creepyness of corpse party especially when played in the dark

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Okay so my 32 gig card turned up today and wondered what the best way of transferring over the data from my old one is. I've chekced content manager and it says can do it over plus, which I have, is this really enough? Put my new card in and the download from plus and all is good, or is better to do it via pc or ps3?!

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Just got Stealth Bastard on Vita, tragically retitled Stealth Inc. Forgot how much fun that game is. I'm really excited about this whole Sony + Indies situation going on recently. I would love to turn my Vita into my secondary indie gaming machine, it's pretty much the perfect place for lower budget, auteur heavy games.

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Fuck that, back up your Vita to your PS3 and then transfer it back to your Vita. Everything will be exactly where you left it, no redownloading needed.


Really wish is saw This before I embarked on the torturous journey of downloading everything :) Though ps3 is dead (new one will arrive Wednesday as it's the gta pack) so would have had to have done it via PC...


Oh well. I'll tell you whats annoying though, that there may be a work around. I hate that EVERYTHING is on the download list. Can't you filter so it's just vita stuff, things you can only download on that device? Also, how annoying is it, that it says download next to everything even though you've downloaded it? Gets confusing when you've downloaded a lot. Which I have. Doubly so with all the cars from motostorm rc.... Wish it was a touch simpler... Even deleting items from your download list from your main account would be useful as I have som ugh shit I'd like to erase permanently.

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Has anyone got Gravity Rush yet? I got it simply because my Vita is new and it was on PS Plus and ended up playing it yesterday because I was really bored. It's like, I had no work, no friends to see and the rest of the house was out of bounds (or y'know, I didn't wanna go there because there's OTHER PEOPLE fitting in a new kitchen). Erm but yeah, I had NO OTHER OPTION than to play this game.


And I was so impressed. I love the anti-gravity stuff (though it can get a bit of getting used to) and once I'd sorted the camera out (it's far too sensitive to start with) I was in love with it. It's the first Vita game I've played that has felt special, as oppose to being rushed out for the sake of trying to save the handheld which is just how every title on 3DS felt until Kid Icarus (from Nintendo themselves at least).


I really love the art-style and the world it's set in and the music is amazing. I'm up to Chapter 9 ATM. I would probably have gotten further but I wasted a lot of time just messing around with gravity in the hub (ish?) world and collecting those purple orb things.


Some things are still a bit frustrating, I can't tell if it's me or if it really is just implemented badly but I can't slide very well at all. And I did come into a boss that seemed utterly impossible on the last mission I did, much like that bastard Chameleon from NiGHTS, but I realised I was just doing something wrong. So, crisis averted.


I would play more but I have a terrible attention span when it comes to games lately and can only manage an hour and a bit even if I enjoy it. I blame the internet and having too many games to complete in one go! So I'll get back to it tomorrow.


I'll just wait here now for Magnus to tell me how terrible it is :p

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No. Way. For some reason I just assumed this would be another Eternal Sonata situation, so I'm glad you like it :p


And oh man, I just looked at a few videos. I loved Elite Beat agents so I might give Technika a try. Though I haven't done much in Sound Shapes yet so I might have to wait a bit longer!

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And oh man, I just looked at a few videos. I loved Elite Beat agents so I might give Technika a try. Though I haven't done much in Sound Shapes yet so I might have to wait a bit longer!



You know you want it.


Anyway, it seems a bit unfair to assume that I'd dislike a good game just because I didn't like a bad one. :p

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